Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I've Prayed For This :: 31 Days of Motherhood

Sometimes I need to be reminded that this life is exactly what I've prayed for. 

He might work much too late some days, walking through the door just in time to catch me making out with a bottle of wine, waving the white flag of motherhood, but he's the loving, passionate, dedicated man I fell in love with nearly ten years ago, the man I am proud to call my husband. 

I may curse like a sailor and huff as I'm mopping the kitchen floors or wiping down sticky tabletops for the hundredth time this week, but they are the kitchen floors and the sticky tabletops in a beautiful home that we both have worked so hard to call our own. 

Although there are {many} days when together they bring me to my knees, cheeks wet with tears of frustration, throat burning from raised voices, eyes tired from not nearly enough sleep, I prayed for the two little blessings that I call my sons. 

Despite his size, The Toddler can make any room in our house look like an episode of Hoarders in five minutes flat. He can throw a tantrum known to wake the dead and has become quite efficient at feeding any and all meals to the dog. But in an instant, he can turn it all around with a simple hug and his sweet, sometimes too-sensitive nature. 

Sometimes I need to be reminded that I will miss these days. 

Not long off my house will quiet. The quiet that comes with pre-teen boys staying out past curfew. The quiet that comes with college boys spending Spring Break somewhere warm. The quiet that comes with an empty house. 

I know there will be a day that I will yearn for those messy floors. Those sticky tabletops. Those sleepless nights. The extra tiny body in our bed, lying peacefully, radiating so much warmth for something so small, between my husband and I. 

Sometimes I need to be reminded that this life is exactly what I prayed for. 

I was inspired to write this post after reading this entry in The Nester's 31 Days link up.


  1. Beautiful post worth reading again on those days when I new the same reminder. Thanks!

  2. Very sweet Ashley! Sometimes the daily grind can get us down but that sweet little boy comes around the corner with the tightest hug, a quick kiss. And it makes everything okay again. You are blessed and so am I - thanks for the reminder! xoxo

  3. I needed this today, after a terrible sleep deprived night with my newborn, knowing that I would be up at the crack of dawn with my toddler too. Thank you for writing this

  4. Beautifully written. Such a great reminder to all of us Mommas.

  5. I dread those quiet days and LONG to keep the poopy diapers and crying/tired baby. Wonderful post mama!!

  6. What a beautiful post, AP. High five.

  7. Oh my I have goosebumps! I feel ya and I absolutely loved this post! Thanks for reminding me that I need to cherish these moments more even through all the huffs and puffs, cursing, and lots of wine drinking ;)

  8. Amazing post! Sometimes we all need this little reminder!

  9. A perfect post and a good reminder for all of us mamas!

  10. I think this is where momnesia also kicks in. I used to wonder what crazy person wanted lots and lots of kids. Now I'm terrified of the end of baby stage. It's so precious. So hard. So wonderful.

  11. Hubs and I say this to each other a few times a week. We try not to take anything for granted because we know these moments with our babies are all too fleeting.

    Great post.

  12. Ah! I gotta think about this more....I can't believe that some day Peanut won't be running around, screeching and hugging me. It's like a reality I'm not ready to face.

  13. It's all about living in the moment. The good. The bad. The everything. Someday we'll look back and we'll never remember what hurt. We'll only remember what felt good.

  14. Ohmygah, totally crying over here. I love reading stuff like this. Totally need reminders like this all the time. Particularly today, after Ben did not sleep but 2 hours last night, and still hasn't taken a nap today. And continues trying to rip the curtains and curtain rods out of the walls, pushing the kitchen chairs all over the house and oy... So this is crazy timely. Thanks for keepin it real :)

  15. Love love love this! It's so very true and a great reminder. As usual, great post!

  16. thinking of those lonely spring breaks gives me the chills.

    what about when they (my son too) decide to spend Christmas with their new girlfriend's family.

    ok I'm going to go cry now and hold my baby...

  17. I'm doing this too! Well, kinda. I can't seem to figure out where or how to link up each day, but I'm joining the Nester too.
    Thanks for sharing. It's good to hear other moms speak the same stuff that runs through my head! :)

  18. Beautiful post AP. I was just thinking about this last night as I rocked my son to sleep.

  19. AMEN!!!! I think I need to post this on my fridge and read it everytime I'm having "one of those days" where I'm about to lose it after the millionth wipe of crumbs off the floor.

  20. AMEN! I might start reading this post daily :)

  21. Wow...this totally made me cry. I dont want the growing up to happen. We need to find a magical potion to keep them sweet and little :)

    Great post AP.

  22. beautiful post girl. and a reminder i need more than i want to admit..

  23. Oh my goodness I'm crying. AP this is amazingly well written--I love when you speak from the heart! Thank you for sharing what I hope every mother tries to remember during the tough days :)

  24. as always, this was beautifully said! thanks for such a great reminder to cherish my babies.

  25. Beautiful post AP, I am right there with you!!

  26. I think we might be in the same place right now momma. I seem to be much happier when I remember this.

  27. Absolutely love this! I pray for these things one day & I'm sure ill have to remind myself I prayed for them if I ever get them :)


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