Wednesday, October 30, 2013
7 Pregnancy Must-Haves
I'm A Dirty Little.. Vacuum-Lover.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like... Halloween?
So, what happens when you get a room full of overachievers together? You get quite possibly the most creative and painstakingly-talented pumpkin carvers in all of Maryland. Just check out the concentration happening! Not quite sure who was watching the kids at this moment.
And the finished product! I take full credit for that sad, sorry "M" over there in the corner. Next time I'll remember to bring my "A" game to the Carving Party!
All in all, it was another successful October and it reminded me just how much I love playing hostess, even if at the very last minute. So, who's ready for Christmas-themed cocktail party? Maybe a Cookie Exchange? No, too early?
I know, I know. Respect the Turkey. Sigh.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Baby M3 :: Fourteen Weeks!
Total Weight Gain: Well, thanks to the adorable stomach flu that took our household by storm during week 13, I'm holding steady at a 4ls. weight gain since the beginning. I head back to the doctor tomorrow for any updates.
Symptoms: Nausea is starting to wain although the exhaustion is always present. I can't necessarily blame that all on being pregnant though, as I can blame it more so on having to chase after the Trouble Brothers all day.
Maternity Clothes: In 'em for the long haul. Chances are I'll be wearing them clear through the month of May at this point. Continuing to shop at the GAP, Old Navy and ASOS and trying to stock up on staple pieces like solid long sleeve T's and sweaters that I can pair with some of the things I already own. That said, my leather leggings and tribal print leggings from ASOS continue to be my favorite "splurge-worthy" pieces.
Gender: We're still not 100% certain! Hoping to get a sneak peek at my appointment tomorrow although very unlikely. Right now, we're looking at knowing for certain on November 6th!
Movement: Just the occasional flutter and roll. Nothing consistent yet!
Sleep: Last week, I started using my new maternity support body pillow from the Bump Nest {clickable link} and it's ah-mazing. If you're ever on the fence about buying one, let me be the one to tell you they are worth every single little shiny penny. I don't know why I always wait so long to use them each time because the comfort and extra sleep is worth it's weight in gold. The Bump Nest is made from one of the softest knit materials I have ever felt! The minute I get into position at night, it's lights out AP. Well, until Maclane wakes up screaming.
Cravings: Give me all the pizzas.
Thinking Names: Well, we're making progress. Over the weekend my husband thought of a boy name that he liked. It's too bad it's one of the more popular children's names of the century. "Babe, I really like Jack. You know, but short for something. Like Jackson." That's so cute, Husband! Too bad there are already two Jack's in our family and three in Carter's class! But I appreciate the effort. I've added Tate to my list, as I've begin scanning all credits on every single TV show and movie we watch and that was the latest name to catch my eye. Like I've mentioned before, my list also includes Crosby, Whitaker, Miles, Avery and Grady. If M3 is a girl, her name will be Eliza Jane.
Funny Moments: Walking into the grocery store for two things, milk and eggs, and walking out of the grocery store with Maclane's weight in Halloween candy. I'm going to need an intervention.
Not So Funny Moments: People asking me if I'm certain that I'm not further along than I am and nearly burning down our kitchen after I let the tabletop griddle catch fire. That was great.
Nesting: I've already purchased a few things that I knew I wanted to have for this baby that I never had for the first two. Things like a video monitor. Also on that list is a Mamaroo and a new double stroller. I know, I'm kind of crazy for investing in these things for the last baby but I can't help it. You learn a lot from two pregnancies and two babies! I'm currently researching OrbitBaby and Britax strollers, for those of you who've emailed and asked.
Best Moments this week: Saying goodbye to the first trimester! My girlfriend and I were trying to figure out how many "Sober Saturdays" we had ahead of us before we get to meet our babies and it's somewhere in the twenties. Like twenty-five-ish. When you put it that way? Yeah, that doesn't seem like much time at all.
Looking Forward To: Christmas. I know we're supposed to respect the turkey and everything and usually I extra love being pregnant around all of the major feasting holidays but this year, I couldn't care less about Thanksgiving. I'm ready for Christmas. I'm ready to decorate and start doing all the fun Christmas-y things with Carter and Maclane. My husband also told me this morning that, after rearranging our furniture in the family room this weekend, that we now have room for a second tree! A SECOND TREE! I've wanted a second tree ever since we moved into this house and I could not be more selfishly excited about this.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Six Years. Two Point Five Babies. So Much Love.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Ghosts, Ghouls and.. Matching Brotherly Halloween Jams?
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
That Perfect Three And A Half Minute Morning Moment.
Mornings around here are often a blur. As much as I would love to linger in bed just a little bit longer after the first sounds of stirring, within minutes those quiet, sleepy stirs quickly turn into rambunctious screams and shouts and before I know it my feet have hit the cold floor running.
If I'm really lucky, the smell of freshly brewing coffee is enough to keep me moving in the morning, despite feeling more than half asleep and desperately wanting to crawl back beneath the warm covers. That sweet aromatic nectar of the gods is just the motivation I need to get me through the notorious battles of What To Wear and What's For Breakfast that I know are waiting to greet me once I leave the safe confines of the bedroom.
I didn't love coffee until I became a mom and that's saying a lot considering I was a nurse in my former life, one who worked all hours of the day, morning, evening and night. Despite my late love for coffee, I don't just drink any old blend of bean that comes my way. I prefer a strong bold blend, one that's made from 100% Arabica beans, like the coffee beans of Georgia Coffee {clickable link}. What's even better is that Georgia Coffee {clickable link} is available in three distinct roasts, Light, Dark and Decaf, making there a blend for everyone to fall in love with.
Before I can even think about reaching for my favorite mug in the cabinet, I've already put out two small familial fires and managed to narrowly escape an unexpected mid-morning ER visit by the skin of my teeth. For what it's worth, all socks should have those little non-slip grippies on them. Always.
Want to hear more about my Perfect Three And A Half Minute Morning Moment and the recipe for my favorite Overnite Oats recipe? Click the picture below!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Pre-School Plague.
Except I'm not.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
"Baby M3" :: 12 Weeks
One of the best things I ever did with each of my pregnancies is blog my way through them from start to finish. Even though I'm hardly a month into my thirties, my mind is a sieve and it's so great to be able to hop online, run a quick archive search and, for the most part, be able to relive the adventure.
I say "for the most part" because what they say about second babies is true. I documented so much more of pregnancy with Carter than I did with Maclane and I'm determined not to fall even further behind when it comes to "M3." So, here we are again. Documenting what will likely be my third and final pregnancy. The first of many bump updates or "bumpdates." I know, kind of cringe-worthy. I apologize!
How Far Along: 12 weeks as of Monday, October 13th. Due April 28th but with a delivery date of April 21st.
Total Weight Gain: Up 4lbs. since finding out on August 12th. I gained 50lbs, with Carter and 40lbs. with Maclane. How awesome would be to only gain 30lbs. this time around? Ha. Wishful thinking.
Symptoms: Still nauseous all day, every day. Knowing that this tends to ease up around week 15/16 makes it more tolerable. Chasing after two kids all day also leaves little to no room to feel anything. Other than exhausted. I am absolutely exhausted. During the early weeks there were a few days when I had to call my husband at work around 5pm and ask that he leave and come home NOW because I couldn't possibly keep my eyes open for another minute, let alone two more hours.
Maternity Clothes: I actually made it a bit further this pregnancy in regular pants than I did with my previous pregnancy but by 9/10 weeks, come 5pm it was time to lose the regular pants. Literally. There was many an evening when my husband walked through the door and I wasn't wearing any pants. Favorite places to find maternity clothes? The GAP, Old Navy and Asos (which, I just started buying from a couple of weeks ago and I am OBSESSED). So obsessed, in fact, that I bought leather maternity leggings and they're awesome.
Gender: Around 10 weeks, I headed back to the doctor for an extra ultrasound to confirm my due date. The reason being at my 8 week ultrasound, the baby was measuring a whole week behind. At 10 weeks, however, and after a major growth spurt, the baby was measuring 5 days ahead. It was during this ultrasound that we got a fantastic peek at M3's gender. It was absolutely unexpected and I love that my doctor was patient enough to spend some extra time with us peeking around in there. The husband was with me and it was at this ultrasound (as is usually the case) that I think things finally "clicked" for him. As soon as we walked out to the car, his first words were, "Oh man. Three kids. You're going to need a bigger car." I went for my NT scan earlier this week and I was hoping the tech or doctor would let me sneak another peek but no such luck. Lame.
Movement: Pretty certain I've started feeling rolls and pokes. I've noticed them mostly when lying in bed at night. This is around the time that I started feeling Maclane, too. Funny how you notice movement much earlier when you know what to expect!
Sleep: Not so fantastic. Not only are we still sharing a bed with Maclane for the latter half of the night but I'm getting up 1-2 times to pee and it's driving me absolutely insane. I do not miss this part of pregnancy whatsoever. I am also dreading Operation: Get The 16 Month Old Out Of Our Bed.
Cravings: This pregnancy is so much like my last. Even though I'm not craving gummy, fruit candy or ice pops (yet), I've had some pretty intense cravings for spicy, spicy foods. The hotter the better! Pastas, burritos, sushi, you name it. In the weeks before I found out I was pregnant, every single day I would ferociously crave a giant spoonful of peanut butter. Weirdest ever. Other weird cravings this time? Matzoh ball soup.
Thinking Names: Oh Lord. If you've been following me through either pregnancy, you know how much of an ordeal it can be when it comes to naming our babies. I love my husband more than life itself but naming our kids makes me want to punch him in the face. For real. Throw in some hormones and I swear it's like I don't even know who I'm talking to. If M3 is a girl, her name will be Eliza Jane. Easy peasy. If M3 is a boy, we're absolutely screwed, especially considering that we'e used up all four of our boy names on Carter Michael and Maclane Allen. Neither of us are married to any particular name (which says a lot on my behalf). My husband's list? Empty, as usual. My list includes Crosby, Whitaker, Miles, Avery and Grady. Of course my husband detests each of those names but he also wasn't a fan of Maclane for roughly 32 weeks and we see how that turned out. I'm waiting for him to realize how awesome I am at naming our kids and to just give up already.
Funny Moments: How I shared the news with my husband that we were expecting (post to come soon, with a video!) and being struck by intense cravings that I MUST HAVE IMMEDIATELY or I'll cry. Crazy, I know.
Not So Funny Moments: People asking me if I'm certain that I'm not further along than I am. Or if there's only one baby in there. Hey, morons. It's my third pregnancy. My body remembers more clearly what it's like to be pregnant as opposed to not growing a human. I've also had weak abs my entire life. I know my dates and there's only one in there. I promise. But thank you for being so concerned.
Nesting: We're putting the finishing touches on the built-in's in the playroom, a project that we started on Labor Day and has lovingly taken way too long to complete. I've already purchased a few things that I knew I wanted to have for this baby that I never had for the first two. Things like a video monitor. Also on that list is a Mamaroo and a new double stroller. I know, I'm kind of crazy for investing in these things for the last baby but I can't help it. You learn a lot from two pregnancies and two babies!
Best Moments this week: One week closer to finishing up the first trimester, completing my NT scan, brainstorming names (even though my husband hates them) and already thinking nursery plans. Having already decorated one preppy nursery and one loud, colorful nursery, I'm planning on keeping things serene and neutral for this one. The big brothers will also likely be moved into a shared room and I cannot wait to plan their new space! Apologies in advance to my husband who already has a very long list of "Honey Do's."
Looking Forward To: Confirming whether or not there's another teenie peenie in there or if we'll be buying pink for the first time in three years! I went ahead and scheduled a gender scan for November 6th. Impatient, say what? Also, we have family pictures this month, for the first time in, well, ever! Let's all pray to the gods of Good Behavior that the boys cooperate for at least five decent shots, okay?
Monday, October 14, 2013
A Family That Plays Together, Stays Fit Together.
- Probiotic Pearls active cultures are a unique probiotic supplement that survive stomach acid to deliver good bacteria to your intestines allowing you to get on with your day unencumbered by things like gas and bloating. Unlike the probiotics in yogurt, Probiotic Pearls can be conveniently taken on the go because their patented triple layer coating protects the live probiotics inside from heat and moisture- no refrigeration necessary.
Leave a comment answering this: What are some ways in which you create healthy digestive habits with your busy schedule?
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This sweepstakes runs from 10/14/2013-11/15/2013
Not Your Typical Four Eyes And A Day In Our Life.
I'm not going to lie. Being a stay at home mom can get a little monotonous after a while. Imagine doing the same exact thing day in and day out every single day for days on end. I'm not just talking about doing the same things but also eating, singing playing the same things over and over and over again, day in and day out. Sounds like some kind of awful, doesn't it? But it's true. If your stay-at-home days look anything like mine then please, raise your fifth-time reheated mug of already cold coffee high in solidarity.
Not quite sure what I'm talking about? Here, take a glance at just a snippet of our days here in the M household:
It's 7am and I'm startled awake by two toddler dictators demanding breakfast. Since one of them is still well within the confines of his crib, I can only hear the incessant, "Mama? Mama? DOWN? MAMA?" as opposed to his brother's requests which are accompanied by frequent pokes to my eyes, nose and ears. Half awake, I wrangle their bodies into underwear, diapers and day clothes. Somehow I manage to choose the wrong striped shirt, a wild affront to my three year old. Small fire extinguished, we head downstairs to start our day.
By 8am, waffles are toasted, bananas sliced and I'm granted five whole minutes to sit down and enjoy my coffee which I completely forgot to brew. I start the coffeemaker and just as the warm aroma of Life begins to fill my kitchen, breakfast has literally done to the dog and I'm being summoned to release the heathens from their confines at the table.
Many thanks to the 9am morning cartoon lineup and an entire box of baby wipes which has been lovingly thrown throughout the family room, the toddler dictators are pacified long enough for me to sit down and sip my coffee. Mmm, the taste of sanity.
By 10am, we're on our way out the door for the first of two play dates we have scheduled today. Unfortunately I haven't had time to shower which means I'm extra thankful for my brand new Lookmatic eyeglasses which not only draw attention away from the bags underneath my eyes, but also add an air of "Look, I'm really trying" to today's play date ensemble. Even though these particular frames are a bit outside of my comfort zone, I love that they're a bit hipster-trendy and make for a great accessory to any outfit from yoga pants and sweatshirts to leggings, cardigans and scarves.
I'm always secretly intrigued by how other moms spend their days. Want to know how we typically spend ours? Maybe you want to know more about my awesome new eyeglasses and how you can score a 20% off coupon on your next Lookmatic order. Or maybe you just want to enter an awesome giveaway for the chance to win over $700 in eyewear and an iPad mini.
If you wan to do any of those things I listed above, head on over to my review blog {clickable link} to check it out!
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