Monday, July 2, 2012

Newborn Necessities :: My New Baby Must-Haves

There are always things you swear you'll do differently the second time around when it comes to raising your kids. Along the same vein, there are always things I would buy differently. Meaning, there are things I'd buy again and again, some things I'll never buy again and some things I knew I wanted to try, this second time around. 

Today, I wanted to share with you this little list of Baby Accouterments that are absolute must-haves in the M household. Keep in mind this list focuses on those brutal first few weeks of newborn-dom. We're talking the nitty-gritty, do-or-die must-haves. 

1. Aden and Anais Swaddle Blankets
Do not, I repeat, do not, ever register for any receiving blanket other than these babies. I don't know how I survived the newborn months with Carter without them and I'm so thankful for my Mom-friend who gifted me a set of these at my sprinkle. In fact, I love these swaddle blankets so much that I even went out and bought two more sets of four and despite the price tag, they are worth every single cent. 

What's so great about these blankets? First off, they are huge and perfect for swaddling. Second, they are super soft and made of muslin which means not only are they breathable and lightweight, but perfect for my summer baby! And lastly, they have some of the sweetest patterns around! Next up on my must-have list? The Diwali Pattern!

When I'm not using this blankets to swaddle Mac, they've served as excellent photography props, car seat covers and nursing drapes! These are an absolutely must-have and also the perfect gift for a baby shower! 

2. K'Tan Baby Carrier

With my first-born, I fell victim to Doing No Research And Buying What I Thought Was The Most Popular Baby Carrier. This meant that I registered for both the Moby Wrap and the Baby Bjorn. Eventually, both of these carriers saw some use, however neither were very much good those first few weeks. 

Personally, I loathe the Moby and truly felt like I needed a third and fourth arm to tie that sucker tight enough. Despite watching YouTube video after YouTube video, I always felt like that sucker loosened no more than 10 minutes into my Babywearing Adventure. 

After hearing a few new moms rave about their K'tan carriers, I couldn't pass up the price tag and knew that I wanted something more "sling-like" that didn't require tying. This carrier is awesome. Maclane is two weeks old and already I've worn him for hours in it. 

As for the Bjorn? Meh. If you have the money, I would recommend the Ergo carrier as it's the same idea but without putting all of the baby's weight and pressure on your shoulders and upper back. 

3. Snuggabunny Bouncer Seat
I just adore this seat and when this blogging Mama raved about hers, I knew I wanted to add it to our Baby Accouterments repertoire.  With Carter, we had a different bouncy seat which he half-loved but it wasn't nearly as cushioned and cozy at the Snuggabunny

Maclane loves this seat and within seconds of putting him down (something I must do often with the Crazy Toddler Wildebeest running a mok) and flipping on the soothing nature sounds and vibrating function, he's out like a light. 

4. Boppy Bare Naked Pillow and Slip Cover

This item should probably be number one on this list- although it does run a very close second to those A+A swaddle blankets that I mentioned above. I use this Boppy pillow for everything from feeding Maclane to tummy time to even letting him nap on it (Shhh, don't tell Boppy). This pillow has so many wonderful uses and it's perfect for just that little bit of extra "height" that you need when nursing that deliciously squishy newborn bundle. 

5. Nuk Warm or Cool Relief Pack

The truth hurts. So does engorgement. And unfortunately, I suffer from quite possibly the worst engorgement with both of my babies. Even having had two C-sections, my milk came in the morning of day 3 post-op and came in with a vengeance. I can laugh now but for a week I looked like a boob job gone terribly, terribly wrong. 

Swollen up my collarbone and so incredibly painful, I would often take multiple hot showers a day just to get some relief. That is, until my incredibly awesome Mom-friend told me about these pads. 

When warmed, these Nuk Warm Relief pads provided the best relief from the pain and inflammation of engorgement. They've also been a lifesaver when I've ended up with a blocked duct or two. 

6. GumDrop Newborn Pacifier
I can't really remember exactly when we introduced Carter to the pacifier. I do know that it was within the first 2-3 weeks. We chose to use Soothies with him and haven't looked back since. This time around, I wanted to go with a different pacifier so that I'd easily be able to distinguish between C's and Mac's "nunnies." 

Being that my near-24 month old still takes a pacifier at naps and nighttime, I'm a little hesitant to get the new kid hooked on the sucky thing. That being said, sometimes this Mama's own "nunnies" need a break and I've started giving Maclane a GumDrop pacifier for a few minutes every day. 

I love how the top of the pacifier is altered so as to not cover the baby's nose! 

7. Pack n' Play with Newborn Napper Station
I adore this Pack n' Play and it has gotten more than it's weight in gold worth of uses in this household. I will say that our model came with a changing changing table station that sat astride the newborn napping station. The changing station? Sucks. It's a tiny bit unstable and tends to dip to the left whenever you place the baby in it. Thankfully that can be resolved by stashing a few pillows underneath it. 

However the newborn napping station? Priceless. Since we have a bassinet that sits bedside in the master bedroom, the Pack n' Play resides on our first floor and serves not only as a changing station but also a place where I can safely place Mac out of the reach of Grubby Hands McGee the Toddler. 

8. Bath Sling
We purchased this sling to snugly fit inside our plastic infant bath tub. It helps Maclane feel a bit more secure during his bath and also provides a softer place for him to lay until he's large enough and chunky enough to have a little "padding" between him and the hard plastic tub. 

9. Other random must-haves for both Mom and Baby those first few weeks:
:: Lanolin and Simplisse
:: Breast Pump - Medela Pump In Style (my personal favorite!)
:: Baby Shampoo - Burt's Bees and Mustela 
:: Burp Cloths - Aden and Anais
:: Newborn Mittens (and a metal nail file to file nails- often times emory boards can be too grating!) 
:: Bottles - Although we haven't introduced bottles yet, we used Dr. Brown's bottles with Carter and plan to use BornFree with Maclane- As much as I loved Doc Brown's, I couldn't see myself fiddling with all of those extra parts!  
:: Bottle Drying Rack - The First Year's Spin and Store

Remember, these are newborn necessities. In fact, aside from the bottles, these are items that I use almost every single day. 

I'll be back with a whole other list in about a month or so, sharing with you all the other crap that babies and mommies need as baby transitions from newborn to infant. Start saving now. 

I was not compensated for this post and I will not receive any compensation for the purchase of any of the above items. I'm simply sharing some of my favorite baby things with the entire world wide web. All product images via Amazon.


  1. I never knew about the Nuk heating pads, I need those for when I get a clogged duct, what a great idea.

  2. I think I'm getting a ktan for #2. Monroe liked the mob y, but I was less likely to use it if I thought he might need feeding or changing soon-which meant I hardly ever used it since newborns always need feeding and changing. Having something easier and faster to put on will be nice.

    Another perk to an ergo-or another type of soft structured carrier-in addition to less pressure on your back, it's also less pressure on the baby's spine since they sit on their bottom instead of weight resting on spine/crotch. I have a boba and love it and it was 40% off on their website the day after thanksgiving!

  3. Will be bookmarking this for later reference :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. I only used our moby maybe 3 times, it was just a pain in the ass and the kid would be screaming while I was trying to figure it out. I liked the Baby Bjorn better but he now weighs 20 pounds and I can only carry him in it for so long before my back is killing me. I need to look into something else.

    I LOVE our pack n play which sits in the living room. I remember my husband not wanting to put it together before the baby was born because he insisted "we wouldn't need it for a while" he's been in that thing everyday since we brought him home. ha!

  5. We used Born Free for KP and when we do have baby dew #2 we will use them again, can't say enough good things about them. KP NEVER spit up, not once. and yeah baby dew #2 will definitely be getting A+A swaddlers, I mean how did I never hear of these with KP?!

  6. Good to know. I might have to get those receiving blankets. We have that same pack n play & I love it. I ordered the k'tan carrier too. Now I just have to wait till November for my baby girl to come

  7. I LOVE those Aden & Anais swaddling blankets! I will absolutely use them again for the next baby!

    I have a sleepy wrap, and I really liked it, but I love the idea of a sling that requires no tying for the next baby. I also loved the Ergo until L got too heavy for the front carry.

    It's funny because I just had a baby 13 months ago, yet there's still things on here I didn't try and I am bookmarking this post for the next baby in a few years. :)

  8. Accouterments is one of my favorite words so happy to see it used here :)

    Also, we have that pack n' play and I love it. So sad when it was packed away :(

    Lastly, I would like a nap in an adult size Snuggabunny.

  9. We have the snugabunny swing (ahh-mazing!) and I wish wish wish we had gotten the matching bouncer. Next time!

  10. Those NUK cool packs were a LIFE SAVER after I had Kinsley. I think I permanently wore them for the longest time ha!

    Reading this brings back horrible, painful memories.

    I must see picture of cute babay! :)

  11. I got those swaddle blankets as a gift when Tommy was born and we still use them when he needs a light blanket - he sweats a lot but is always saying he is cold and wants a blanket, so I use them. Perfect to send in to daycare, and a good size for the toddler to use as well, so hold on to them for future years!

  12. I can't believe you didn't have A&A swaddles for C! Jamie didn't even like swaddling and we had them! Now their his go to blankie!

    Glad to hear you like the K'tan. I didn't mind the Moby, but something easier that worked just as well would have been nice!

  13. pinning this to my maybe some day baby #2 board!

  14. I bought those gumdrop binkies and Easton never took them :( But we have almost everything else on your list, too. I would add a Boppy to that list....I can't feed the baby without it now. Ha ha

  15. I wish I would have known about the K Tan! My son (Baby #2) is 3 months now and probably too old for it so we just use the Bjourn. He loves to be held and still does so it makes it hard yo take care of my 2 year old girl too.

    Congrats on Baby M! He is adorable!!

  16. Okay, question. How do you know what size for the k'tan?!? And I was totally considering not setting up the pack n play at ALL this time around--thinking it's TOO much to have out--but now that you mention the whole 'out of reach of grubby toddler' thing--crap. It might make sense. Because the swing is still low. So is the snuggly seat we have. So. Er. yea.

  17. I just went and spent a million dollars on amazon, fyi. More AA blankets, those pacifiers (b/c I just realized I had none), and of course, more diapers, for the newborn AND toddler. a billion dollars later.... ;)

  18. So glad you shared this :) I just added a few of your items to my own registry for our baby girl. Posts lie this are so helpful to those of us who have no idea what we're getting into!

  19. I have wanted to try those blankets but they aren't sold anywhere in Canada, that I know of. Boo. Have to sucker my aunt into going across the border, I guess. Also, the k'tan .. been thinking about it. Hmm.. what I really want is a Becco or that other kind that I can't remember the name of because my baby made me stupid. (Truth: I actually just asked twitter what the name of the baby carrier that I want is. HA)

  20. Thanks for all of these great suggestions! I am currently 18 weeks prego with my first, and have very little clue about what to buy and register for...I've received so many different opinions from everyone. We're finding out (hopefully!) the gender tomorrow AM - yay!! - and then we'll be registering soon. You better believe I saved every single thing that you suggested!!! :)

  21. I am soooooooo thankful for this post!! I just registered for everything you wrote. My only "grr" is that I cant right click your links to open in a new tab, but I won't complain I'm so thankful for all this new mommy info!!!! Funny how my interest almost immediately changed from newlywed blogs to mommy blogs :)

  22. I just got a Boba carrier and am IN LOVE. I have a wrap similar to the Moby and love it too, but my 6 month 20lb-er was wanting more room to wiggle. The Bjorn carriers (and ones like it) are horrible for baby's hip and spine development, but Ergo, Boba, and Beco are good. I know that they're expensive, but they're worth it.

  23. Thanks for the list! I'm happy to see I have a lot of the things on here, but you jogged a few other ideas...and with 5 weeks to go, that's plenty of time for some last minute Amazon nesting orders!

  24. this is the perfect list!!!!!!! I am a mom of two and a nanny. I absolutely love my k'tan, my youngest is almost 2 and we still use it, hip carry is secure and a back/arm saver. the Nuk hot/cold pads a must used all the time, and do not know what I would do with out my boppy. I suggest trying the Tommie Tippy bottles, most like breast feeding and no extra parts just nipple ring and bottle, down side only sold at toys r us.

  25. This is a great list, ESP since I'm a FTM and there is SO much to choose from. I can't wait to see your next list. Adding all these items to my registry :)

  26. Wow, I am pregnant with my fourth and I have never heard of the nuk warm and cool. Thanks for the list! I was just thinking of posting a list of my favorites.


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