Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Anonymous David Yurman.

Something tells me that a particular comment on my previous post,
from a Mr. Anonymous, comes from somebody who just might live
in the same household has me.
Hmm. I wonder who it could be?
Er, Hubs!

Mr. Anonymous so kindly pointed out that I should not forget
about the darling Christmas present I was gifted with this year-
and of course, I kindly informed him that I could never forget
a little David Yurman
Or the generosity of my darling Husband.
So Hubs, this post is for you.

You can go ahead and buy any TV you want,
as long as it comes with a little David for moi.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Marriage Means...

Handing over your Christmas money so that your husband can pool together your Christmas earnings to buy a brand new, state of the art, super skinny, yet still very manly 40" LCD TV.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Our Little Christmas History, in Photos!

2 o o 5

2 o o 6

2 o o 7

2 o o 8

stay tuned for

2 o o 9!

the best is yet to come...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Has Anyone Seen My Sheepie?



No, it's not the iPhone quality of the last two pictures that makes Sullivan look a little bit "off." It's his new haircut. I think he's really mad at me. And I think he looks absolutely ridiculous. He looks like a doodle. Not that there's anything wrong with a doodle, but, c'mon! He's a sheepdog! I don't even recognize my own dog!

As I am sure you can see, Sullivan went for a bath and haircut yesterday. He was looking a little more homeless than usual and Hubs and I tried to stretch out the time between grooming visits from the usual three weeks to a little bit closer to five weeks.

What a mistake. Hubs and I brush Sheepie all the time. Every other day, at least! But his shag was getting a bit unruly. He had a few, I say a FEW, mats on his chest and some on his front paws, but nothing to write home about. Worst case scenario, I figured the groomer would just cut out a few golf ball sized hunks of hair from those areas and call it a day.

She had other ideas in mind. She shaved my Sheepie! Poor Sullivan. I really do think he's pissed. He didn't want to snuggle at all last night and kept hiding his head underneath the blankets on the couch. He's totally ashamed of his new 'do! Can you blame him?

I know I promised you CUTE pictures of Sheepie during my blog hiatus- and I promise to follow through- it's just that he's looking a bit goofier as of late!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Re-Post: Longwood Gardens? More Like Borewood Gardens.

[Have I ever felt more loved? Thank you all for your sweet comments. I promised you that I wouldn't leave you hanging! And of course, I will be posting random Sheepie pictures so that you all may have your weekly Sheepie-fix! Here's a re-post, well... re-posted exactly one year to the day that it was originally written! Crazy, eh?}

For those of you who are unawares of the immense tourist attraction that is Longwood Gardens, please momentarily divert your attention here.

You know how there are just some things in your life that you feel the need to see before eventually leaving this great Earth? Obviously, Longwood Gardens isn't up there with Mt. Kilimanjaro, the Statue of Liberty or the Great Wall of China, but due to the publicity this place has gotten, I thought it was important to see it before we move further away from it. Not to mention the lack of Christmas spirit I've been feeling lately, what without decorations up or a CHRISTMAS TREE (thanks to the Big Move), I thought it might kick start in me a little Christmas cheer.

Having "been there and done that" I wouldn't recommend this experience to anybody, unless that is, you are a huge fan of frigid temperatures, long lines and ignorant tourists. And by ignorant tourists, I mean the kind of people who travel in large groups and insist on stopping in the middle of a walkway to a) take a picture (that isn't going to come out anyway because it's so damn dark outside) b) wipe the nose/tie the shoe of the snotty, whining little three-year-old who isn't in his/her stroller like he/she should be and without mittens, an extra blanket or even a hat, clearly isn't dressed for the sub-freezing temperatures or c) "ooh" and "ahh" at one of the 597 decorated Evergreens that looks just like the last three that you stopped and stood in front of.

Let's just say that the fun started miles before we even entered the Gardens. Yes, I said miles. A two-and-a-half mile backup that Hubs and I sat in for over an hour, rolling along at a pace close to that of a snail. At first, we at attempted to make it an enjoyable experience by singing Christmas carols, but that enjoyment soon ended as I watched countless cars utilizing the once empty left lane only to speed ahead to the front of the line and cut in as if the ginormous line of cars in waiting was a figment of their imagination.

And the Gardens themselves? We probably could've driven through the multi-million dollar residences of Gladwyne and checked out the front lawns of a few houses and saved ourselves the frostbite and frustration. There wasn't even a Santa. How could you have a light display and NOT have a Santa? I paid $32.00 to see this sh*t, Longwood Gardens, and I didn't even see a Santa!

Let's recap for a moment, shall we?
- 7 minutes to purchase two adult Garden tickets online.
- 45 minutes to reach the two and a half mile back up
- 70 minutes of rolling along making faces and yelling obscenities at the idiots/cheaters in the left lane
- 25 minutes to walk around the Gardens and see all that it had to offer.

By the time Hubs and I made it back to the car, it was still warm and toasty inside.

Thank you, Longwood Gardens, for an experience I won't too soon forget (or rather, forget soon enough!)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

MerryChristmasHappyNewYear, Don't Worry, I'll Be Back!

As we all know, the Christmas season brings with it a teensy bit of chaos. As much as I love and believe it or not, thrive on a little bit chaos in my life, I recently realized that I need to take a step back and truly enjoy the days leading up to one of my most favorite holidays of the entire year. I did say a little bit of chaos in my life, so nobody get any ideas!

During the next few weeks, I'm looking forward to carefully wrapping each and every one of the presents that I thoughtfully spent the last year hand picking for each of my family and friends. I actually keep a running list throughout the year and as soon as somebody mentions something they've seen and loved or coveted, it immediately goes on that list for birthdays and holidays. And not only do I carefully hand pick the presents, but the wrapping paper as well! Of course, everybody's wrapping paper is different.. and needless to say, it requires matching accoutrements in the form of ribbons, tissue, tags and bows!

I can't wait to spend the small bit of free time that I find myself with, each night after work, baking lots and lots of yummy Christmas cookies. Don't worry, I'll be sure to keep the baking soda far away from the confectioner's sugar!

I'm looking forward to preparing myself each week to take part in my Church's Sunday morning Advent Mass. The cathedral where we attend Mass each week is just breathtakingly beautiful in the wintertime and I love seeing it decorated with endless yards of garland and mounds of pointsettias! Not to mentin, I just love hearing the organ piping Christmas music throughout the marble halls!

Blogging has become such an important part of my life this past year (Can you believe I will have been blogging for ONE WHOLE YEAR December 13th?) and I have a few scheduled holiday re-posts that you will see in the coming days. I'll also be hosting a post-holiday happy-blogiversary-to-me giveaway in 2010!

Please don't forget about me, I promise to keep reading all of your blogs that I possibly couldn't get through my day without reading! I promise I will be back after the New Year!

Wishing each and every one of you a blessed holiday season and the happiest of New Year's!


Ashley Paige

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Hubs, the Baker?

Hubs is an exceptional cook. Not only is he creative in the kitchen, but he loves to cook. So much, in fact, that he does it all. The dinners, the breakfasts, the thrown-together-lunches. I could stand in front of the fridge and stare zombie-like into a vast array of random food items, and Hubs glances over, grabs a few things and immediately puts together the best lunch we've had in ages. He's amazing.

I love to bake. I have an insatiable sweet tooth and it clearly spills over into my love of baking sweet things. Cakes, pies, cookies and especially cupcakes. I like to pretend I'm Martha Stewart or my other favorite flour goddess, Paula Deen and buy expensive recipe books and cake molds and cupcake carriers.

I do not cook. Hubs does not bake. We were made for each other.

That is, until Hubs had this insatiable craving for his mother's homemade Chocolate Snowflake cookies. Granted, these cookies are to die for. They are gooey and sweet and when they are enjoyed straight out of the oven, the warmth just melts your insides. They. Are. Amazing.

And a bit labor intensive. See, you have to make the dough ahead of time and let it sit before you begin to mold your cookie balls.

And so began Hubs' cookie-baking journey. He followed the recipe to a "T." All the while, I laid my little lazy self on the couch and practically drowned myself in drool as I watched Carrie Underwood's Holiday Special. Seriously? Those legs? I would give my right arm to have her legs. Okay, and maybe her hair too. But, I digress.

There's Hubs slaving away in the kitchen. Mixing bowls a' clanging. Flour and sugar all over Sheepie's nose.

And finally? The first cookie. Hubs runs it into the family room, still a bit steaming, so proud of his handiwork. "Here! Try it! You get to have the first one!"

I bite into it. It smells so delicious and chocolate-y. It's so warm and gooey. But it's a little... burning?

Me: Hubs, why does this cookie taste a little burning?

Hubs: [taking a bite] Weird. I don't know! I swear I followed the recipe!

Me: It's a little bitter-like.

Hubs: Um, honey. That container you had.. in the cabinet? That's confectioner's sugar right?

Me: [attempting to stifle the laughter] Aw, honey. That's baking soda!

Hubs: Oh, great. Because I just rolled half a dozen cookies in baking soda. Baking is for WOMEN!

Please note, however, after removing the baking soda culprit from the cabinet, the following two dozen cookies that Hubs made? Were perfection.

Now You Can Have a Wishes Ornament, Too!

So many of you inquired as to where you could find a "Wishes" ornament for yourself, for your friends, for family, etc. Well, wonder no more! It truly does make the perfect gift and it's so stinking adorable, too! Head on over to Red Envelope right this second and scoop one up!

Happy Shopping!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wishes Do Come True...

Hubs and I are spending this snowy Saturday putting up our Christmas tree
and spreading the Christmas spirit throughout the house!

I thought I'd take a break from freezing my little tooshie off,
while outside helping Hubs string up the Christmas lights
and share with you one of my Christmas favorites.

One of our most favorite Christmas ornaments,
given to us by one of my dearest most bestest friends ever, Erin.
Each year, Hubs and I write our wishes down on tiny slips of paper
and enclose them in our wish ornament. We open them, the following Christmas
and see whether or not our wishes came true!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Engagement Hype... Our Proposal Story

With all of the recent "Will You Marry Me" that's been going on around these parts lately, thoughts of my own engagement story have been flooding my memory! It's been over three years since he asked those fateful words and I got to thinking. Maybe it's time I share our story.

So here it is..

How Mike and Ashley Became MichaelandAshleyPaige

Our Love Story begins in 2003, on the campus of Villanova University. I was an innocent sophomore nursing major and my future husband a big, bad junior in one of the University's coolest fraternities.

Let's just say that the fraternity to which my future husband belonged was infamous for their parties held at the "Tiki Hut" (the name given to the apartment where Mike lived his Junior year, complete with a Tiki Bar, grass skirts and 24/7Jimmy Buffet playing on the stereo) and being the social butterfly that I was, my girlfriends and I loved going to the boys' apartment to pregame before a regular night out on the town.

I hate to say that we met over a game of beer pong- but such was the beginning of a whirlwind romance. I immediately fell in love with his sparkling blue eyes and curly blonde hair tucked beneath a backwards O's. And so began our college romance.

We were so enamored with each other, we didn't mind the freezing cold walks to and from each other's dorm room at night. Of course, my darling future husband did most of the walking! He let me stick post-it notes to various muscles and bones of his body when my anatomy class required that I become familiar with each and every one of them. He asked me to be his girlfriend on January 23rd, 2003 because he "couldn't wait all the way until Valentine's Day." He made me laugh. A lot. All the time. Just like my Dad.

We dated throughout our remaining years at Villanova. Falling even deeper and more madly in love. When it came time to break out into the Real World, he chose a job nearby so that he would be around as I finished up my last year at Villanova.

He's been a part of every single important college memory I can recall.
And every single important memory since then.

Fast forward to July 1st, 2006. A little over one year after I graduated college.

Avid fans of fine wine and dining, Mike and I were always going out to nice dinners- so a Saturday night dinner date at La Scala in Baltimore was anything but out of the ordinary. I was so excited to be down in the Inner Harbor- Afterall, I hadn't been down since my first trip there over two years ago. I couldn't wait to see my favorite lighthouse, the Seven Knolls lighthouse that stands at the end of Pier 7.

As it turned out, dinner was delicious (a certain recommendation for anyone who loves Italian!) Think: Incredibly romantic. Dimly lit with no more than 15 tables. Great wine, melt-in-your-mouth lobster and of course, good company. Before we knew it, it was 7:15 and Mike and I were due to meet our friends at one of the local bars. Knowing how much I wanted to see the lighthouse, Mike promised we could quickly stop on by it on our short walk across the pier.

As we neared the lighthouse I noticed a little sign along a gated chain that read, "Lighthouse closed for Renovations. Will Re-Open Soon!" As I began to pout, Mike suggested that we walk to the edge of the water to take pictures. Clueless, I followed.

As I bent over to take my camera out of my bag I fail to notice Mike getting down on one knee..and...pulling out... a ring box.. "Look up towards the lighthouse..."

And as I did, I saw a huge sign reading,

Shaking and with tears of absolute happiness, I pulled him up from his knees and said, "YES!" to the most amazing man I had ever met.. my future husband. And if you didn't think it could get any better.. As soon as I screamed YES! I heard cheering and clapping.. Not only were the passing ships privy to our special moment, but so were 20 of our closest family and friends! Having them there made the whole event all the more special..

What's an engagement without a celebration? Probably one of the most memorable nights of my life concluded with food and drinks at a local Pub with everyone who was there to witness the special occasion. The following night, I was surprised, again, with a hotel room in DC and the best lawnseats seats for the Capitol's 4th of July Fireworks show.


July 1st, 2006

It's been three years since he proposed and I love him more than I did the first night I met him, more than that night he proposed, more than that crisp October Saturday when I said, "I Do!" and even more today than I thought I could ever love him!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

One Kitty Out of the Bag...

Congratulations Pam and B!

Over the weekend,
my sweet, adorable brother-in-law proposed to one of my besties! I know what you're thinking... Brother-in-law and a Bestie? You're right! It definitely doesn't get much better than that! I have my wonderful brother-in-law to thank for bringing this fabulous lady and fellow North Jersey Girl into my life and now I cannot wait for her to be my sister-in-law!

I knew the proposal was in the works for approximately 72 hours (and thankfully no longer than that) because I practically had to fuse my lips together so that I wouldn't spill the beans!

They are so in love and I couldn't be happier for them!

Luckily, not only was the proposal captured on video, but the bride-to-be's sister also managed to capture the entire event on film as it unfolded!

Head on over to Amanda's Photog Blog
to read a little bit of the lovebirds history
and check out photos of the bride and groom - to be!

Let the planning commence!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oh, The Pressure!


So many secrets to keep!!
How is one little girl
expected to keep so many
BIG secrets?
Will divulge soon...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Marital Musings on Gchat and Why Pet Insurance is a Good Idea.

Here's an email I received from Hubs this morning, after what we thought was going to be a routine annual vet visit for Sullivan. Note, our one year old Olde English Sheepdog had an elevated kidney lab value.

To: Wifey
From: Hubs
Subject: Sullivan Needs a Job

Ok, so his belly (and most of the way up his sides) is shaved bare and he's passed out snoring on the carpet, completely unaware that this simple trip to the vet cost us the following:

310 - Ultrasound
95 - Cbc and SuperChem panel
69 - Urine protein/Creatinine ratio
110 - Leptospirosis culture
109 - Urinalysis
40 - Blood culture (Anaerobic)
61 - Amoxicillin (Side effects are Nausea and Vomiting... Awesome!)
52 - Annual routine exam fee
22 - Rabies shot
47 - Pre-op bloodwork
24 - DhP Booster shot
26 - Heartworm Antigen test

Grand Total: 917 dollars.

There was no, "I Love You" or "Don't worry he's fine, I promise I won't put him down and not tell you." Hubs simply left it at that.

We followed up shortly after with the following gChat conversation:

Mike: Well, I think we'll wait to see what these test results show and then maybe get him some insurance for the future. Seriously, his medical bills this year cost more than my yearly medical insurance!

Me: But he's really cute.

[Enter miniature Hubs meltdown]

Mike: I don't know what to do! How are we ever going to afford a house with all of our expenses? What if we had a 3k mortgage payment due this Friday?

Me: Honey, if everyone else can manage? I think you and I will be fine. I'll stop spending so much time at JCREW. Maybe we need a townhouse and have to stop looking at such big single family homes. You know, THIS IS NOT CRAZY! This is what happens when you own a big dog. Big dogs = big money.

Mike: I am just venting. This isn't about Sullivan.

Me: Poor Sheepie :(

Mike: He cost me my flatscreen, your Yurman and our vacation to Greece. And all he can do is lay here and show off his shaved peenie.

[For those of you that don't know, we refer to Sullivan's boyhood as a "peenie.]

Me: Um, you said peenie on Gchat. I almost spit soda out of my nose.

Mike: Oh, and we're eating Ramen noodles and Saltines for the next 4 months.

Me: Can I atleast get some peanut butter to go with my saltines?

As far as we know, Sullivan might have a kidney infection. Although he's showing no symptoms and he's still the goofiest, most loveable Sheepie in the entire universe, we're going to treat his likely infection with an antibiotic and wait for some of his cultures to come back. And I may or may not need to find myself a second job...

Please keep him in your puppy prayers!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's Not Even Thanksgiving Yet...

and I'm already thinking about Christmas.

We have plans this weekend to break into No Man's Land
aka our attic
to bust out our Christmas decorations.

I. can't. wait.

I did promise, however, to not even talk about
putting our tree up until after Thanksgiving.
Becuase I'm pretty sure it would the proof my husband needed
to convince himself I'm crazy.

Don't worry, that tree will be up Saturday, November 28th!

Since my darling husband
and loving family read this blog,
I thought I might make this year's present shopping
experience a breeze. You know, by putting out there
just exactly what I would like for Christmas. This way,
there's no brain-wracking, no worrying, no long nights
spent tossing and turning, trying to figure out what would be
the perfect gift.

Keep in mind, I'm only half serious and both
my family and husband know this about me.

You know me, always thinking about others!

First up, the Canon 50mm f1.8 lens.
Word on the street is that this is a fab lens
to showcase the 15.1 megapixel goodness that is my camera.
I cannot wait to shoot with this lens!

Wipe the drool from my face, I adore this ring.
David Yurman's Prasiolite Albion Petite
Split Shank ring. There's also an 11mm beauty, but
I fear this might be too big for my dainty little hands.
I've been lusting over this ring ever since
Hubs devirginized me to the wonder that is
David Yurman for my birthday last year.
Size 6.
Muchas Gracias.

What's not to love about these boots?
I think I need them.
JCREW Chalet Shearling.
Size 10, please.

And last but not least,
I haven't bought a watch for myself since my
parents gave me my Swiss Army watch when I
was first accepted into Nursing School.
Afterall, every nurse needs a watch with a second hand!
It was a very sentimental gift (my favorite kind!) and I wear it all the time.
I just think maybe it's time I add another one to my lone collection!
The Burberry Round Watch
It can be found at Neiman's, Nordie's, Macy's
and of course, the Burberry store.
You know, just incase you were wondering.
Not to mention it would coordinate ever SO nicely with
my fab wellies.

So there you have it.
Ashley Paige's Christmas List.
What about Hubs, you ask?
You should see Hub's list.
Xbox 360... the new Zune.. the Nook..
His list goes on.. and on.. and on..
He says,
"Now you know how I feel!"

Silly Hubs.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

On Things I Love So Much... But Shouldn't.

Particularly as a meal (ie: dinner).
Queso for breakfast is a punishable offense,
let alone completely undesirable and unthinkable.
I do have some self-restraint and good nutritional sense, people!

Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Marital Musings. On Christmas Cards.

AP: Hey Hubs, what's my budget for this year's photo Christmas cards?

(Ahem, let's take a minute. I'd like to point out how awesome it is that I'm actually concerned about our budget. Bud-get. See? It really is in my vocabulary!)

Hubs: How many do we need? Like 50?

AP: FIFTY? You practically have fifty people on your side of the family! I was going to get between 100 and 120!

Hubs: You don't even have 100 friends. Who are you kidding?

AP: I bet I do! [Start rattling off names of friends and family...)

Hubs: Alright, alright. You can order 100 but for every one that you don't send, I'm going to make you eat it.

AP: Deal. [hesitates] Can Sullivan help?

Hubs: Of course. [hesitates] Wait, he'll really eat them!

AP: Duh, that's why I asked!

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's That Time Again.. Family Christmas Photo Time!

Hubs and I spent this past
Fall weekend in Hometown, New Jersey
attempting to pose long enough for this year's
M family Christmas picture.
Needless to say, it's not easy
when you're working with
105lbs. of sheepdog!

Lot's and lot's of love and thanks goes out to my
extremely talented father/photographer
who captured some amazing pictures of us!

Here's a windy family photo
that snuck up on us inbetween photo ops.

Stay tuned- Once we've chosen the winning Christmas card photo (we only have approximately 170 to choose from), I'll be sure to share it with you!

And because I know you can't get enough of the adorable Sheepie, here he is again, snuggling with me on the kitchen floor!

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

On Vehicle Warning Lights.

I'm already running 10 minutes late. I hate being late.
No, really. I hate it.
With every fiber of my being, I loathe being late.
I am chronically early. All the time. For everything.

But I digress.

I'm already fifteen minutes late. I start my car to get the defroster and fabulous seat heaters running, close the driver's side door, and run to open the gates at the bottom of our driveway. I get back in the car and am greeted by a day-glo orange warning light glaring back at me.

That's not really what I said.

It looks like an exclamation point embraced in a parenthetical bear hug.
Perhaps, an exclamation point wearing a modified inner tube.

WTF, Lexus? Are you serious with yourself?
It might as well have been a monkey holding a plunger.

It can't be my oil. I know I'm due, but it doesn't look... oil-like.
It can't be my wiper fluid, we just refilled that!
And doesn't that warning light usually look like ocean waves?

I should have been out the door fifteen minutes ago.
Oh. My. God. I'm going to have a breakdown.

Tearing through my owner's manual, I realized my tire pressure is low.
My tire pressure. Fan-freaking-tastic.

Thank you, inner-tube-wearing exclamation point!
Happy freakin' Wednesday.

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Husband Is On a Funny Roll..

Let's start by setting the scene:

We're on our way home from Maryland this weekend,
minutes from home, to be exact, when Hubs realizes he needs
to put gas in my car (after driving all over God's creation all weekend)
and if we'd like to eat something
for dinner other than wine and leftover Halloween candy,
stop at the grocery store for a box of macaroni.
Meanwhile, Sullivan is in the backseat and it's
taken us nearly three hours to get home.
And we've already stopped at PetSmart for
overpriced "poop bags."


[in the grocery store parking lot]

Hubs: I'm just running in for a box of macaroni
AP: [as the door shuts] and coke!
Hubs: [huffing and puffing, storms away]

Literally 5 minutes later...

AP: Well, that wasn't bad now was it?

Hubs: [as serious as ever] Obviously, because I wasn't dollywagging.

AP: [on the verge of hysterics] dollywagging?
AP: I'm sorry, don't you mean lollygagging?

Hubs: [desperately trying to keep a straight face] Just go with it.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Remember That Time the Cricket Spider Made Me Cry?

like. a. little. freakin'. baby.

The one about "Horace?"

Here's an update.
I haven't been able to teach him how to do my laundry.
In fact, I think he hates me for throwing
countless whatever-is-within-reach items at him.
How do I know this?

I walked downstairs to the basement last night
to throw some scrubs into the wash for work next week.
What do I see waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs?

Not one, not two, not three
but FOUR Horaces.
With tiny pitchforks and torches in their hands
as if to say,
"Hey Lady, you wanna mess with us?"

What did I do?
I started crying.
And carrying on like a small child.
And screaming for my husband.
Who probably thought I was having a heart attack
what with all the screaming and carrying on nonsense.

Hubs, er, Prince Charming,
er, my Knight in Shining Armor
quickly came to my rescue and
squashed those tiny (GIANT) buggers with this
month's JCREW catalog. (le sigh).

Only after he could catch his breath-
what with all the laughing he was doing.
At my expense, of course.

I hate my basement.
And doing laundry.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Marital Musings.

AP: [whining] It's been months since we've gone away together!

Hubs: We just went on a vacation August. And one in July. And one in March.

AP: [still whining] I know, but we went so many places this year- I caught the travel bug!

Hubs: You're the one who can't get any time off!

AP: I have cabin fever.

Hubs: Eat some lemons.

AP: [thoroughly and utterly confused] Lemons? Why?

Hubs: Oh, sorry. That's for scurvy.

Cabin fever and scurvy are not the same thing, my darling husband.
Scurvy is for pirates and sailors. Arrrrrgh!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our Cotton Anniversary.

October 27, 2007.
If you are wondering,
yes, I did make my husband drive all over town this weekend
so that I could snap a few photos of our anniversary's corresponding number dates.
And yes, I did make my husband drive repeatedly
past that Radar Speed Sign until the perfect 27 popped up.
All while I stood on the side of the road,
albeit creepily,
taking pictures of the black SUV that kept driving
up and down the street.

If that doesn't define true love,
I don't know what does.

Traditionally, a second wedding anniversary
is often marked by gifts of cotton.

Diamonds aren't gifted until your sixtieth anniversary.
To which my husband replied,
"I love being traditional."

Last year, we celebrated our paper anniversary
with a couple of plane tickets and a Marriott penthouse suite in Marco Island, Florida.

This year? Hubs bought me the comfiest pair of North Face fleece sweatpants
and the most adorable vintage Phillies hat I've ever seen.
(Um, Hello World Series. AGAIN!).
I couldn't possibly live in the Philadelphia area for over eight years and
not own any Phillies paraphenalia!
He also bought me a few cotton items that,
although make for perfect marriage-material,
they aren't exactly blogpost material,
if you catch my drift...

I can't yet tell you what I bought Hubs, being that it hasn't exactly arrived yet-
but know that it's custom made and absolutely adorable.

When Hubs found out that 3 years of marital bliss
is often marked by gifts of leather,
I kid you not, the biggest boy-like grin spread across his face
and I swear I saw him do a couple of covert fist pumps.
Ahh, husbands.

Happy Anniversary, Hubs.
You are everything I could've ever dreamed of
in a partner, a lover, a husband and a best friend.
And it only keeps getting better.
I love you much and lot's and bunches.
Forever and Always.

Monday, October 26, 2009

What We Did When Our Basement Flooded.

What, were you expecting to see galoshes?
Angry faces and buckets?
Sum pumps and dehumidifiers?
Well, sorry to disappoint!

I'm sure I've mentioned once or twice,
that our basement floods at the slightest hint of precipitation
heavier than say, a drizzle.
So why not make the best of a crummy situation?

Cue champagne and my MIL's amazing
yet super secret chocolate chip cookie recipie.

What basement flood?
It was a Saturday night well spent, indeed.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

can you believe
that our wedding photographer

never took any staged shots
of our wedding rings?

i know, me either.
i was (and still am)
quite perturbed.
and it's been almost two years
since our wedding day.

but don't worry.
i plan on
remedying that

and YES! I did take those pictures all by my amateur self!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Halloween House. See? I Wasn't Kidding!

Yesterday, I posted about how much my Dad and I love Halloween (and candy). In that post, I also mentioned that we always had the best decorated house on the block. Okay, "best" doesn't even describe it. Take a look for yourself...

What's even spookier? My Dad would remove the plate glass from our front door and dress as the Grim Reaper, sitting on a chair behind the door, turning his head to follow the movements of the trick-or-treaters. Okay, now tell me that wouldn't make you pee your pants? No? Well, how about when he would reach through the door, where the glass should have been, to hand you your candy? That is, if you even made it up to the front door...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Caved. And Have the Candy Coma to Prove It.

image via

I love Halloween.
My Dad loves it even more.
I'm proud to say we've always had
the best Halloween decorations on the block.
Some may think them over the top,
what with the fog machines,
strobe lights and scary music
piped through the open windows,
but nonetheless, our house always looked
I love candy.
I've been a candy-holic since being introduced to the stuff in grade school.
You know, I grew up in a house where
I wasn't allowed candy, sugary cereal, bubblegum, etc.
But enter grade school?
And kid's birthday parties? And funfetti cupcakes?
I was hooked.
This is our first Halloween in a real house,
which means real trick-or-treaters,
which means we obviously needed to stock up on lot's of candy.
Because you know, I'll be damned if we were going to be
that house
that gives out something
like toothbrushes or bags of pretzels.

Hubs and I must've come home with 10lbs. of candy.
And a really great tub to dump it all in.
Which is where the candy has been sitting,
in bags, since we brought it home over three weeks ago.
And I've been so good.
That is, until last night...
I caved.
The temptation was just too great.
And that mini Twix
And that York Peppermint Patty
And that mini Snickers
And that second mini Snickers
was just too damn good.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Attention National Geographic:

image via

I'm pretty sure there's a species of bug hanging out in my basement yet to be discovered by entomologists. It is impervious to Febreeze, Clorox bleach and Downy wrinkle release. I swear it's the size of a large toddler. Every time I go to throw a bath towel over it, it quickly jumps away. Quite quick on it's legs, all eight of them. And let me tell you, this thing can get some serious air!

Please take note, I've taken to naming it Horace.
And I would like for it to vacate the premises immediately.
Unless that is, I can teach it to do my laundry.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Not Your Usual ILYMTC Post.

Even I know we can't always be sunshine and gumdrops around here.
And I struggled big time while writing this post and sharing it with the web world.
But, it's a part of my life!
And that's why I blog.
To remember. To share.

May 26th, 2008

I remember walking up to my husband as he stood in the kitchen making dinner that night, hands shaking with that feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I had just gotten home from work, still wearing my scrubs.
I was
Unsure. Anxious.
Excited. Nervous.
Although my husband and I were unbelievably shocked and most definitely unprepared for that little pink plus sign that quickly appeared before our eyes, we embraced our discovery with both our arms and hearts wide open.
Although we weren't trying, as a matter of fact, we purposefully not trying (Go us!) we began to embrace the new life we created and as that new life grew, so did our excitement. Each day I awoke and thanked God for this new life and before bed, I prayed each night that He would keep this new life safe and healthy, if that's what was meant for us.
I remember saying those words out loud, over and over again.

We bought baby books. We talked the name game. We pictured our baby inheriting my husband's curly hair, his freckles, my long legs and dark eyes, my allergies and our shared history of having to wear glasses since grade school. (Ha!)

Hubs patiently put up with my mood swings, my aversion to chicken and my ravenous appetite. He listened to me whine all day, every day about feeling nauseous. And absolutely exhausted.
We shared our news with family and friends.

We went on a previously planned vacation to Martha's Vineyard and each time I took at those pictures, I think, "I was pregnant then." Four weeks later, we vacation again in Ocean City, Maryland and I miscarried just shy of my 14th week, in August of 2008.

Just when I thought the worst was over
and I was in the clear; steadily trekking our way into the 2nd trimester.

I remember my husband running every single red light on our way to the nearest emergency room. I remember the admitting nurse, as she placed my IV, saying to me, "Is this your first pregnancy? What a bummer."
Never. In. My Life.
Admitting ER Nurse, if you're reading this, your cold bedside manner put many nurses to shame that day. I was embarassed for you.

Hubs and I look back now and we laugh.

My husband held my hand the entire time. He brushed my hair off my face and kissed my tears. He made phone calls I didn't have the words to make.
He held my IV bag during countless trips to the bathroom.
He did so much more.

And I knew then, God had other plans for us.

I can't say that my miscarriage shed new light on my faith, or that I wasn't angry with God or myself at times, because I was. I struggled. Some days, I still do. But, it did reaffirm that sometimes cliche and antiquated saying, "everything happens for a reason."

Someone told me, "Maybe God wanted us to have the perfect baby."
And that seemed like the best consolation at the time.
I knew we weren't ready.
People will say, "Oh, you're never ready!"
But we were still getting to know each other as
husband and wife. We still had places to see and things to do
before begining our family.

What I went through, phsyically and emotionally, strengthened my relationship with my husband in ways I never thought were possible. We grew together in both grief over what we lost and happiness as we made new plans for our future together.
My love for him grew tenfold
as I watched him push aside his grief to console mine.

We brought Sullivan home two months later.
And we couldn't be happier.
We make EXCELLENT dog parents.
Deep in my heart,
I know this is exactly where we are supposed to be right now.

I'm scared for the future.
I'm afraid that it might happen again.
But I know I have to have faith and trust in the simple fact
that there is someone else out there with a plan for me.

And if and when we see
that little pink plus sign again?
We'll be ready.
Afterall, those maternity Citizen jeans that I
spent a ridiculous amount of money on are
tucked away in a box in the attic.
With our books.
And our journals.
And our very first ultrasound.
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