Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Grown-Up Coupon Love Book...

Raise your hand if you've ever given your significant other a homemade coupon book as a gift for an anniversary, birthday, Valentine's Day or random Tuesday. 

Did you raise your hand? I certainly did. I can count on one hand (okay, maybe two) the number of times my husband was on the receiving end of a homemade coupon book. Homemade dinners, PG-rated massages, a you-pick movie night, just to name a few, were some of the ideas that often graced the pages of those books. 

Datevitation is a company that literally reinvented the homemade coupon book. What's more? It's pretty freaking awesome and I'm filling you in on it just in time for everyone's favorite love holiday, Valentine's Day.

With its customizable options, you can create a Datevitation coupon book for any occasion including holidays, birthdays, just-because-days and more! Not to mention that with available gender neutral illustrations, you can create one for just about any couple! Male-male, male-female, etc. Books start with five coupons with the option to build as you go. 

With a database chock full of more than 200 date ideas, you can choose anything from a romantic dinner date to bowling to more... adults-only activities. 

A Datevitation custom love coupon book starts at $20 but with code "Carrots" you can gift that special someone in your life a book for $10! What a deal! 

I stuffed my husband's Christmas stocking with the super adorable date book pictured above and I would be lying if I said he wasn't just a little bit excited about it. I made sure to include dates that we would both enjoy and activities that were specific to us as a couple. This means that most of our dates include a great food and wine. 

I did manage to sneak in a bookstore date for some coffee and quiet conversation and even a cozy little at-home date night once the kidlets are in bed. We'll have to wait and see which one he redeems first! 

Want to win the chance to create your own custom love coupon book? Datevitation is awarding one lucky Loyal a promo code for a free Datevitation gift book with 5 custom pages! Be sure to use the Rafflecopter widget below and read through the fine print before entering. Contest is open to US residents only. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Awww cute! I like the 'love texts' one. :)

  2. I love the paintball illustration one. My husband loves paintball, but I just don't think I'd add this to the coupon book lol.

  3. This is the cutest love coupon book I have ever seen. :)

  4. I think the "out of the doghouse" one would be so funny to give!

  5. I love the technology free one...I like how apparently you break into dance when you put away your phone!

  6. I like the spectator sports ones. We love going to watch games of all types :)

  7. I love the recreate our first date illustration so cute!

  8. This would be great. I made a home made version of this last year for my husband for Valentine's day but this is way better! :)

  9. The Win Argument one is perfect. Love that one!

  10. I love the "First Kiss" one! Something so simple and easy to do but so romantic.

  11. i think the drawings for paintball and yoga are the funniest. i think my first date coupon would have to be for going to see a hockey game- the mr is dying to go!

  12. Awww, I love the "indoor picnic" one :) SUCH A CUTE IDEA!!!

  13. This is such an adorable idea! I think I know what I'm doing for Valentine's day now! :)


  14. This is so cute! At first I only saw the "adrenaline" category and I felt super lame! Then I found the 'romantic stroll' coupon and felt much more at home, ha! I might be a boring mom now. :o

  15. Mexican dinner - dining out - cute with mariachi guys in the back - makes me want chips & salsa

  16. I did not raise my hand! Believe it or not, I've never made one of these!

  17. I've never given one of these books but I've thought about it. I think the "out of the doghouse" one is too funny.

  18. Indoor picnic is adorable! I definitely need to save this site for a gift for my fiance - l thank you for sharing!

  19. The indoor picnic is adorable! I definitely need to save this site for my fiance- thank you for sharing!

  20. Cleaning duty...yes, please! Ha! Also, I had to, just had to satisfy my curiousity of the more mature section...maybe too much tmi...but these are great! Especially with the crazy life we already lead and having added another baby recently...Hmmmm...maybe I just figured out the whole book! ;)
    rose (dot) jennylee (at) yahoo (dot) com


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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