Monday, January 7, 2013

Easy Bib Organization :: Hey, That's Pintastic!

With a few larger than life projects underway, this week I'm sharing a super easy organization pin that has truly been a life-changer! All you will need to accomplish this pin is the inside of a cabinet door, a Command hook and, if you're anything like me, those pesky baby bibs which, once you've realized you didn't have a proper place to store them, were shoved into a random kitchen drawer between your Pyrex dishes and Tupperware lids. 

Simply affix the Command hook to the inside door of your cabinet, hang your bibs and voila! Easy hanging baby bib storage. What's better is that you can hang them on the inside of your dedicated "Kid Cabinet" without shoving them in there mucking up obsessively organized sippy-bottle-pacifier-bowl-and-cup cabinet. Or something like that.

i love you more than carrots

Happy New Year, Pin-tastic...ers! Welcome to Week 15 of Hey, That's Pin-tastic, the weekly link up where you pick one pin that you've recently pinned, create, bake, make or decorate it and return here to share the pin wins (and fails) that you've recently tested and tried! 

Be sure to grab the Hey, That's Pin-tastic button from the side of ILYMTC and add it to your post this way your readers will be able to check out all of the other pin-tastic pins! As always, each post that includes the button or a link back to ILYMTC will be pinned to the "official" Hey, That's Pin-tastic pin board (with over 3,100 followers). So? Stop pinning and start doing! I can't wait to see what you've all been up to these last couple of weeks! Happy Monday!


  1. I love this idea! I had a great Pinterest project for today and completely forgot to get the pics off my camera. WIll have to link up tonight!!

  2. LOVE! My collection is already squishing in a drawer and I didn't really like them in there...Thanks for sharing!! I also love that a whole cupboard has bottles and sippy cups/toddler dishes! It's funny to think how quickly babies take over?! I can't wait!

  3. I love this..I have this same exact concept except I hook it to the back of the kitchen chair that his seat is affixed to!

  4. I did the same thing as saradivito! It makes it so easy to grab one when we need one. I might have to do this in the cabinet too to store all the other bibs!

  5. I love this idea and it is so simple! sippy cup/bottle cabinet totally doesn't look like that. I need to go organize.

  6. We do this too! Command Hooks FTW! We have our "baby" stuff in a lower cabinet, so we tell Rhys to grab a bib for himself on the way to the table. And I agree with Leslie @ Violet Imperfection - our sippy cups look a hot mess compared to yours!

  7. I totally stole this bib storage idea when you put it on Instagram a while ago! I love it :)

  8. That's exactly how I store our bibs! I wish I would have discovered that idea when my older two were babies!

  9. You are definitely the most organized mama with the sippies and bibs and anything little guy related there chica! If only you could see my cabinets for those things (ugh-lol).

  10. Hi There! This is my first time visiting and linking up! I'll add your blog button to my site!

    Beth @ The First Year Blog


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