Sunday, January 13, 2013

Creative Birth Day Announcement :: Hey, That's Pin-tastic!

I'm a printable-creating virgin. There, I said it. 

But with easy-to-navigate online photo editing programs like PicMonkey, creating this creative birth day announcement was super easy. I simply uploaded a blank white background (a blank MS paint document that I had saved to my computer) and began to strategically place my text where I wanted it. Playing with size, font and color and referring to this pin (what a shame there's a misspelling!) I was able to create something that I loved and cannot wait to hang in the nursery. 

Not too shabby for my first attempt, no? It needed to half-rhyme. Needed to. 

Amateur? Yes. Took forever? Yes. Perhaps I shall leave the printable-creating to the professionals. ie: Pinterest and Etsy. 
                                                                          Source: Uploaded by user via Emily on Pinterest

i love you more than carrots

Welcome to Week 15 of Hey, That's Pin-tastic, the weekly link up where you pick one pin that you've recently pinned, create, bake, make or decorate it and return here to share the pin wins (and fails) that you've recently tested and tried! 

Be sure to grab the Hey, That's Pin-tastic button from the side of ILYMTC and add it to your post this way your readers will be able to check out all of the other pin-tastic pins! As always, each post that includes the button or a link back to ILYMTC will be pinned to the "official" Hey, That's Pin-tastic pin board (with over 3,100 followers). So? Stop pinning and start doing! Happy Monday!


  1. This is too cute, AP! Definitely pinning :)

  2. That is gorgeous. I will definitely be doing a version of that for my two kiddos. Loving the link-up.

  3. Love the ....inches long beautiful and strong!

  4. Love this! I never thought to make a printable using picmonkey. Did you pay for the royal effects? I have been debating upgrading.

  5. I love the way this turned out! I have a love-affair with buntings and banners!

    PS--this totally did NOT make me want to vom ;)

  6. I've linked a great post and added your party button!

  7. I love your printable! It makes me want to make one. Thanks for hosting, I love your party. :)

  8. This is so cute! I think you did a great job!!

  9. I LOVE it!! I love those sorta things and I hope to make one some day..yours is perfect.

  10. Aw, this makes me all teary eyed and crap. I want to make one now.

  11. LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE! Want to do this for the girls' room asap so they have individual items that describe their actual BIRTHdays! Awesome job mama!!

  12. love it! It made me smile :) (as opposed to making me vomit) ;)

  13. Great job on those printables, even if it took forever it was worth it! Thanks for having us!

  14. This is SO precious.... sure you aren't a photographer, blogger AND graphic designer?! ;) ;)

    xo! Loved the cute pics of your boys today!

  15. Cute! I've done something similar with picmonkey before. Looks great! :)

  16. Loved yours! And yes, what a shame there's a typo in the Pinterest version. I've fooled around with one for Rhys but didn't quite know how to capture the 3-weeks-early-almost-had-him-at-work-or-in-the-car in just a few short phrases. Maybe you can help me with mine?!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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