Tuesday, November 17, 2009

On Things I Love So Much... But Shouldn't.

Particularly as a meal (ie: dinner).
Queso for breakfast is a punishable offense,
let alone completely undesirable and unthinkable.
I do have some self-restraint and good nutritional sense, people!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I love queso!
    When I was home for the holidays once-
    My brother and I spent a good 3 hours trying to get someone to get it for us (we were being lazy and didn't want to leave the house). My husband called saying he was on his way home from where ever and we begged until he agreed to stop and get us some. Ahhh..it was a beautiful thing.

  2. Oh goodness I love it too!!!!!!

  3. Hahaha...I love queso, and just looking at that picture makes me want to head to the grocery for a little late night snack!

    p.s. You're TAGGED!

  4. yes, I love this queso... this past weekend I bought Tostitos bean & cheese dip.... tastes like queso filled with love. I promise!

  5. lol as a meal. perfect! add some salsa and i'm good to go for about a week..

  6. I just read your profile and you literally sound like my long-lost BFF. I always tell my husband "I love you more than chocolate" (which is saying a lot. And it seems like we have a lot in common! Love reading your blog!

  7. Um yum... can you add me as a cheeseaholic, hahaha xxxooo

  8. Queso is my WEAKNESS! It is the sole reason I always WANT and never actually allow myself to go to Tex-Mex places, unlike you I have NO restraint!

    O and because of the adorableness of your sheep dog I now want one. The husband doesn't think FL is the right environment though!

  9. what's not to love about it? Seriously!!! I hate that I love it too but it goes so well with ANY occasion. Huh Hum...like tonight's girls night that is at my house. Of course the queso will be there too! :)

  10. you are not going to even believe this... but as I sit here reading this post I AM EATING THAT STUFF (FOR DINNER!!!!)... haha!!

    love it!!

  11. Have you ever tried Leigh Oliver White Cheese Queso? It is soooo good!!

  12. I think your queso love is perfectly acceptable. I enjoy eating Velveeta cheese logs. Life would be so sad without our guilty pleasures. ;)

  13. Saw this shirt and thought of your blog!



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