Monday, October 26, 2009

What We Did When Our Basement Flooded.

What, were you expecting to see galoshes?
Angry faces and buckets?
Sum pumps and dehumidifiers?
Well, sorry to disappoint!

I'm sure I've mentioned once or twice,
that our basement floods at the slightest hint of precipitation
heavier than say, a drizzle.
So why not make the best of a crummy situation?

Cue champagne and my MIL's amazing
yet super secret chocolate chip cookie recipie.

What basement flood?
It was a Saturday night well spent, indeed.


  1. Wayyy better than boots and sad faces. I might wish for floods more often if that's how I got to spend my night ;)

  2. Sounds great Champane, Pizza nights are my favorite! Have you read my blog today on perspective? Looks like we are on the same track.. ha ha!

  3. love your attitude!! that is definitely the way to do it!

  4. ooo sounds fun (and delicious)! I did a little bit of baking myself this weekend!

  5. love it. way to turn lemons into... champagne! :)

  6. When it rains make cookies and drink champagne.. i love it!! xxxoo

  7. Our floods a bit from time to time, we just keep everything off the floor and go about our lives. :) I'm glad we went house shopping in the pouring rain though! We saw some catastrophes with 4" standing water!

    PS-those cookies look AMAZING!!!!!

  8. Such a great idea... hope it floods more often!! (Well, not actually, but I do love what you do when it floods...)

  9. don't blame you one smidge. We would all be better off if we started off an icky situation by de-stressing first!

  10. those cookies look super yummy!

  11. heyii though we are from separate parts of the globe,i went through recently what you faced last year in August. As i read it, i had tears in my eyes cuz i never had the courage to write about it.

    my prayers and wishes for you and hubby,cuz beleive me God has something better planned for us,whatever it might be as long as we have a shoulder to lean on next to us.

  12. PS: Is'nt it absolutely fun to be in love and experience it :)

  13. Seems like the perfect thing to do when there is nothing you can do to stop all that water!


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