Friday, June 10, 2011

We're Back! Albeit Slightly Crispy and Less Snarky. But Home Nonetheless.

After a week long retreat to The Beach House, we're home and de-beaching. And by "de-beaching," I mean we've piled all of the laundry at the top of the cellar stairs, pulled whatever junk food we can from the pantry and plopped ourselves down on the couch to catch up on a week's worth of DVR'd good-ness. A little Housewives, a lot of crazy, a little SYTYCD and a dash of The Secret Life of the American Teenager. No judgies.

Don't worry. We'll be back to reality in no time. 
Have a great weekend, Loyals. 

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  1. I've been really snacky lately and HAVE been watching lots of reality tv. Coincidence? Hmmm.. perhaps I will have to conduct an extensive study!

  2. I am so glad another adult watches Secret Life!!!

  3. Very cute pic! Have a great weekend! :)

  4. I'll return to your blog now that you're home and not making me green with envy anymore ;)

  5. New reader here. Love your blog, its adorable and your son is so cute. Excited to keep reading.

  6. Lovely pic! Glad to hear you guys had a good time. We basically snack on junk food and watch DVR programs all the time. So no judgies :)

  7. Welcome home! Let the summer begin!!!

  8. Welcome back! Loved your twitter updates/pics at the beach. I hope reality doesn't hit too hard tomorrow =)

  9. One week countdown to my beach vacation. This post just got me super-excited for Block Island!


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