Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wee One Wednesday: My Little {Walking!!} Carb Lover! (Bonus Video!)

Carterito, those blue eyes slay me... 

Not only are you eating table foods and acting all kinds of grown up, but just 2 days shy of your 11 month birthday, you suddenly decided that crawling was for the birds. After taking three and four unassisted steps here and there, last night? You literally stood up and took off running.. You are officially no longer my "Baby C." 

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  1. WOO hoo for Carter! Look at him walking like a big boy...I still can't believe he's actually old enough to be walking! I feel like just yesterday, he was a newborn! SO crazy. He is just the most precious thing I've ever seen :) Happy Wednesday...halfway through the week!

  2. I seriously just teared up watching that... what a beautiful moment!!!! Yay Carter!!!

  3. Yay for walking! Go Carter Go!! Connor takes several steps all the time, but is still a bit unsure of himself. I know I shouldn't rush it since he's ONLY 10 months old, but I can't wait for him to be an official walker! We've been frantically 'fall-proofing' our house!

  4. So exciting! Now the fun begins right? I have a feeling he'll always be your Baby C, walking or not!

  5. Those eyes are TDF! Love them! And that video kills me - he looks like such a little man!

  6. Get out! That is so crazy! He just started taking off?! UGH your little babe is growing up right before your eyes. Go Carter go! Good luck mama. A part of me wants to keep my baby C a baby can I accomplish this??

  7. OMG that is so crazy! Congrats Carter! It makes him look like such a little man now that he is boggles my mind! Where did our little babies go?

  8. How is it possible that he's (they) are this old already? Ah!

  9. so cute! What a magical moment to capture on video.

  10. That is such a great video!! So exciting!

  11. YAAAAAAY! Love that Frankenbaby style :) Kitty's eyes were wide and she was GLUED to the screen...tell Carter he got a standing ovation from his biggest fan in the Midwest!

  12. AWWW! Look at him go! How sweet!!

  13. Oh my goodness!! What a big boy :) Congrats!

  14. Kudos to Sheepie for not knocking over Carter! This was so adorable - brought back memories of when Tommy started walking for us last year - before you know it, Carter will be climbing and jumping on matter what you do to try to prevent it! He looks so proud of himself!!!

  15. Hooray for walking! I can't believe it. He was just a little baby just yesterday!

  16. YAY!!! he's walking! thats awesome :) and those blues? BEAUTIFUL!

  17. Awesome! He's already a pro!

  18. Wow. He looks like such a big boy! I can't even imagine Jamie walking....yesterday he climbed the stairs, that was amazing enough!

  19. YAY Carter...looks like you have a toddler on your hands!!! I also appreciated Sheepie's monitoring of the whole situation in the video - too cute!!!

    Hope ya'll are having a great week:)

  20. Ash-

    Carter's eyes are killer! Loved the pictures.

    Have fun chasing him for the next three years!!

  21. This whole post just makes me smile! He is so stinkin adorable and the walking video is amazing. Go Carter!!

  22. That is such a fun day. And it takes them only about 2 weeks to perfect The Walk. I LOVE that she walks, its so fun! Good for carter!!

  23. OMG! Walking!!?? He is so adorbs!

  24. Gosh dang, he's handsome. Still can't believe he's WALKING. Weren't you just pregnant yesterday?!

  25. Ahh! What an amazing moment! You'll be running after him from now on. :)

  26. He looks sooo proud of himself! I love it. I can not get over how fast all of this goes. Seriously weren't our babies just born yesterday???? Congrats to you proud mama!

  27. What a PRO!!! He's like... I've got this ma, I've got it! ;)

  28. He's so cute - hesitant but so proud of himself! And I love how he gets distracted by trying to touch Sheepie!

  29. So cute! Can't believe he's walking already!

  30. Get ready for lots of spills and a bloody lip here and there! He will have your heart dropping a minimum of 10 times a day. :)

  31. Yay, Carter! How exciting! :)


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