Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday's Truths. Weekend Edition.

1. I may or may not have had six (seven?) glasses of Chardonnay
at the wedding this weekend and passed out in our hotel bed at 11:30pm.
Thank you, Hubs, for capturing that Kodak moment on film.

2. I may or may not have purchased my fabulous MaxandCleo dress that I wore to the wedding using our joint bank account. Obviously we were both going to benefit from this purchase, right?

3. Hubs may or may not (okay, fine, he definitely may have) bought me not one, but two cameras for my birthday. I am now the proud owner of a Nikon Coolpix point-and-shoot and most importantly, this beauty, the Canon Rebel T1i. I truly have the best Hubs ever in the whole wide world and am one lucky birthday girl!

4. I may or may not have told Hubs that I would bring my delicious Tiramisu birthday cake leftovers (from a little family birthday party at home this weekend) into work today so that my fat hiney wouldn't scarf down a third of a cake by my lonesome- but secretly kept the cake in the fridge, all for my pretty little self. Delish!

5. And finally, I am SO excited for the brand new season of House which aired last night, that I momentarily contemplated watching it tonight and not waiting for Hubs to come home this weekend, like I had promised, so that we could watch it together. I said momentarily! I won't actually do it! Sheesh!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Your dress was soooo worth it!! It's beautiful... and you looked amazing! And House was aaaaaammmmmmaaaaazing. You will love it!! Love your blog!

  2. you have an award on my blog! :-)


  3. I absolutely love your dress! It is so cute and looks fabulous on you!

  4. LOVE the dress! And tiramisu-- send me some :)

  5. Cuuute dress! Good call on the joint account, he clearly benefits from ALL of your clothing purches. Duh.

  6. cuuute dress! I would definitely say you both benefited from that purchase (=
    oh and that cake looks deeeelicious

  7. Looks like a fun weekend! The black and white dress is FABULOUS!

  8. L.O.V.E. your dress! The cake looks delicious and I don't blame you for keeping it in the fridge! Oh, and House was amazing. It will be worth the extra wait!

  9. That dress is so pretty! I love it and it looks perfect for a wedding!

  10. That dress is gorgeous! I need a dress for an October wedding, I might have to look into that one...

  11. Love your dress and I LOVE Tiramisu. I may or may not have used to sneak into the back of the kitchen when I worked at an Italian restaurant in high school to eat a piece of Tiramisu. Ha!

  12. I love these posts that you do. Hi-larious! And I looove that dress. Oh my gosh, you look stunning!

  13. L.O.V.E. that dress. Kudos on a killer purchase.

  14. I really like the dress - your husband TOTALLY benefitted from that, even if you did pass out :)

  15. Hey Girl!
    I have heard so much about you (all good :) from Aliya, and you seem like a girl after my own heart by breaking cameras, (In 2008 I broke 3 cameras and 2 phones.half drunkenly) your writing is hiliarous and hooooopefully next time you and the Pam/aliya crew get together I can finally meet you

  16. Hey Girl!
    I have heard so much about you (all good :) from Aliya, and you seem like a girl after my own heart by breaking cameras, (In 2008 I broke 3 cameras and 2 phones.half drunkenly) your writing is hiliarous and hooooopefully next time you and the Pam/aliya crew get together I can finally meet you

  17. first, you crack me up. the cake something is so something i would do. second, love the dress!

  18. You're a genius for saving the cake for yourself :) Love it!


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