Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday's Truths.. Condensed.

1. I may or may not have eaten lasagna for breakfast yesterday morning. Say, what? Lazy? You betchya. Having recently run out of cereal, eggs and enough granola to outlast a nuclear disaster, I was without appropriate breakfast food and therefore had to settle for delicious lasagna leftovers. At 8 o' clock in the morning.

2. I completely overspent my stipend this past week. And most likely the week before that and next week, too. I can't help it that we're on the brink of my most favorite season of the entire year and I needed a haircut, color and blowout, new boots, a few necessities from JCREW, some iPhone apps, a mani and a pedi, these really great flats from Nordie's that would go great with last year's skinny jeans.. this list could go on and on...

3. While at the beach this month, I made my yearly pre-birthday-present-to-myself purchase from the Coach outlet. A beautiful burnt sienna oversized tote with matching wallet, of course. Hubs said I couldn't use it until my birthday. Somebody once told me, "patience is a virtue." I must've missed out on that one. Because the bag already made it's debut. I did think about wrapping it back up and waiting another 14 days, but it's just too darn cute.

4. Hubs, I used your toothbrush this weekend. Mine must've run away.

5. The clothes that are currently sitting in the dryer have been run through that dryer three times now. Why? Because I keep forgetting to go downstairs, retrieve them and fold them when they are ready. Instead, I forget about them and they just sit in there getting really really wrinkled and the only way to unwrinkle them is to re-fluff them. Over and over and over again.

happy tuesday!


  1. oh my goodness, i can completely relate to all of your truths!!! done them all and have no shame! and i'm pretty sure my electricity bill is the amount it is 'cause of my dryer running over and over again...when will i ever learn?

  2. I too have a load in the dryer that is roughly on tumnble number 4, and I am sure there will be a tumble number 5!!

  3. The dryer thing is a NORMAL occurrence in our home ;)

    I am SO jealous of your coach bag. I need a new one!

  4. Leftover lasagna for breakfast is so the best. And...I eat mine cold :)

  5. I am a regular when it comes to #1 and #5...except that I actually LIKE leftovers for breakfast!

  6. I have had ice cream for breakfast for about a week now. At least your lasagna had some nutriotnal value! And I am sooo guilty of the last one. Sometimes I think my dryer is on wrinkle release more often than the regular cycle. Oops!

  7. i totally understand - what's a girl on a budget to do when fall just so happens to be the season jcrew puts out their best stuff? and hair is a must. my husband complains about a lot of my frivolities but that's one he knows to leave alone :)

  8. i always eat weird things for breakfast too.

    and i also do the dryer thing.

  9. I don't even bother to run the dryer again - ha! I just fold it when I get to it.

  10. funny - and you sound like me...lol


  11. Hi I saw that you became a follower of me and I wanted to come over and say hi. I've become a follower of you as well.

  12. Girl, I am the QUEEN of re-fluffing clothes. I've even been known to have to rewash because I left them in the dryer too long. I seriously don't think that was cut out to be a little wifey! And I'm right there with ya on the overspending...but fall clothes are just sooooo cute! And I absolutely needed that cardigan! You know...so I wouldn't get cold! ;)

  13. lasagna for breakfast hahaha i love it
    had desert before dinner night. I figured i was going to eat it anyway so what order it matter that i ate it in :)

  14. i found your blog through miss kriss and read it and love it! i can totally relate to the dryer thing! {looks like more people do too : )} cant wait to read more from you

  15. My husband has been eating Angel Food Cake for breakfast since we ran out of real breakfast food. And I totally do the dryer thing. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one :)

    PS - Happy bday to your brother!

  16. I'm ridiculously guilty of the dryer cycle thing. We have a stackable that takes at least two cycles to actually dry clothes & then I turn them on three times a day with all intentions of taking them out.. and don't.


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