Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sullivan and I Speak...

You know how you sometimes have those preconceived notions surrounding what a certain blogger might sound like, if you met her in real life? Maybe that's just me- but I get such a kick out of hearing bloggers actual voices after reading their words for so long! I truly sometimes think, "Oh, I bet i know exactly what they sound like!" and then upon hearing them, I get totally tossed for a loop!

Well, it's your turn. Here's a silly video of Sullivan and I thatI took last night only minutes after walking in the door. We're getting ready to go for a walk and I thought maybe he'd want to show off some his tricks.

Yep, that's my DogBaby voice. Stop laughing!

Enjoy my first (of many, no doubt) Vlogs!


  1. Sullivan is seriously one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen! :) Loved this video!

  2. I am like this with the way people look. Like you have heard them talk or seen them write for a long time and you expect them to look a certain way in your head...does this make sense?

  3. Sullivan is adorable! I'm looking forward to more vlogs!

  4. Sullivan is SO cute!
    And don't worry, my dog voice is way worse, I promise. :)

  5. Your dog is TOO CUTE!!!! Love this video. Keep them coming!

  6. This is exactly how I talk to our dog, Bear! And he does the same thing with the head tilts and happy faces :-) Thanks for sharing!

  7. How precious! What a sweet little guy.

  8. I love him!! Uh, and you should hear my dog voice, its ridiculous :)

  9. ok.. you totally win the contest for owning the cutest dog! He is sooo adorable!

  10. haha... love the dog baby talk!!! sullivan is adorable!!

  11. Love the vlog...can't get enough of Sullivan....WOOF!

  12. hahaha i totally have the same conversations with my dog!

  13. Your dog is awesome! And I talk to my pups the same way!!

  14. I just love when dogs move their heads back and forth like they are incredibly interested!!! I posted the cutest video of a random dog on my blog today!!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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