Monday, September 14, 2009

i wish i could come home to this every day.

My annual Birthday Basket
Love, Mom Dad and Woobs

My IV-tini
So perfect for a nurse, like me!

Just a few of my favorite things,
chocolate, cookies and
chocolate covered pretzels!

and Beautiful birthday flowers

from my favorite Aunt and Uncle

so, what did Hubs
give me for my
26th Birthday?

aside from being sneaky Hubs
and hiding my birthday card
in my Kindle, your guess
is as good as mine!
it will hopefully be making
an appearance within
the next few weeks!

A big, giant heartfelt thank you
for all of the wonderful and fabulous
birthday wishes, texts and comments.
You all truly made the beginning
of my 26th year that much

Stay tuned for a picture of the darling Cupcake
necklace giveaway that I won AND a fun little Me-Me!


  1. That basket looks amazing! I am totally jealous :)

    Happy birthday!!! And 26 is still your mid-20s. 28, like me, however, is not :(

  2. yum & yay!!

    I collect those glasses! :)

    Have a good night!! Happy Bday again!!

  3. wishing you a happy, happy birthday from me and dogs in dallas! sounds like you've had a wonderful day!

  4. Love the IV-Tini! Happy Birthday!

  5. I'm a little late, but at least it's after 8:42 pm! Happy B Day!

  6. what an awesome gift! you have a really nice family :)

  7. happy belated birthday!!

    I'm in nursing school... nice to meet someone who has made it through already!

  8. That basket is awesome!

    Glad you had a great birthday!

  9. That basket looks absolutely incredible!! What a fun tradition!! :) Happy Birthday, girlie!!

  10. What a great gift basket! How sweet :)


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