Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The State Of Weight {Postpartum and Beyond}

I used to be the girl that everyone loved to hate. The one that hardly worked out nor watched what she ate and still managed to fit seamlessly into her size 4 city fit capris. A once-was high school athlete, I was always healthy and fit and I think it's important that be noted but I didn't have to work hard to maintain my shape. 

The summer before I became pregnant with Carter, I was the smallest I'd been since high school. When I became pregnant the first time around, I indulged when I wanted and maintained an active lifestyle that was cohesive with my 40+ hour work week. I gained 49 pounds that pregnancy and assumed it would just "fall off" with breastfeeding like everyone (and their mother) told me. 

36 weeks pregnant and 10 weeks postpartum (still hiding in maternity clothes). 

After birthing a nearly 10lb baby, I walked out of the hospital weighing a mere 18lbs. less than when I walked in. I still looked 6 months pregnant and wondered to myself how this was possible. After all, "this is not what you see in magazines! I'm still wearing maternity pants!" I reminded myself. 

I started a tumultuous breastfeeding journey and waited for the pounds to melt off. And waited and waited. Four whole months and the scale hardly budged. Of course, I would lose a little here and there but for the most part? I was storing more fat than shedding it. It wasn't until Carter had weaned himself and a few more months went by that I started noticing a difference. By the time Carter was a year old, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. That's twelve whole months for those that are counting. 

I think this part bears repeating because no one ever told me this. Just because you are nursing, doesn't mean the weight is going to magically fall off. This may very well be true for most women but for others? Nursing actually tricks your body into storing maternal fat to keep your supply up. I am one of those women. 

Weight, after babies, is a funny thing. You might see a new number on the scale but when you look at your body in the mirror you wonder how in the world that may be. Things look different. Saggier. Bunchier. Maybe a little bit thicker. Even though I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my clothes didn't fit the same and I was actually up a pants size. 

39 weeks pregnant and 16 weeks postpartum (those aren't maternity jeans!)

When I became pregnant the second time around, I was older and wiser. I was also chasing a toddler. I continued to indulge here and there since we all know how intense pregnancy cravings can be but I refused to gain another 49lbs. On the day I delivered Maclane, I had gained 39lbs. a full 10 pounds less than my previous pregnancy. I was proud of myself and although I knew I had a long road ahead of me, I committed myself to working hard to lose the weight. 

And then I came home from the hospital and immediately fell into the chaos that was being a mom to two kids two and under. The first few weeks were a whirlwind of transition and little sleep. I kept putting off having family pictures taken because I didn't want Fat Ashley in the pictures. 

I embarked on another nursing journey, much easier than my first and the pounds continued to stick around. I accepted these extra pounds much easier this time around since I knew they weren't going to magically fall off like everyone assured me the first time. 

Before I knew it, Maclane was three months old and the only family picture we had was taken on someone's cell phone. I needed to get it together. Not only for my kids but for myself and then the holidays were upon us and because I am impervious to holiday desserts, I told myself I would get it together after the holidays. 

New Year's came and I started thinking about my goals for the following year. I also started thinking about a certain milestone birthday that would be on the horizon and started reevaluating where I wanted to be when that day hit. I wanted to be college hot and not knocked up. More so? I wanted to be in pictures with my kids and not cringe every time I saw myself. 

I realized I needed to do something about it. I had gained and lost over 100lbs. in thirty months. I carried two beautiful babies full term and delivered them by C-section. My body wasn't what it once was and I needed to stop and both accept and celebrate that. If I wanted to be happ(ier) in pictures and in my clothes, I needed to be proactive. I needed to do something about it. 

And so I did. I committed myself to eating healthier. 

I'm not one for fad diets or counting calories or even "working out" on a consistent basis. I just don't have the self-discipline in me and I knew that if I was going to make a lifestyle change, I would have to keep it within parameters that I knew I was capable of maintaining. I needed to make small changes that I knew I could keep up with. 

7.5 months postpartum, baby number 2. 

I posted this picture on Instagram over the weekend and I would be lying if I said that each and every one of your comments didn't make me downright giddy. You see, I had been noticing a difference for weeks. My husband had been noticing the difference too (which, if we're being honest, doesn't really help with the "not knocked up" part of my 2013 goal). So when all of you noticed? It made my week. No, year. 

I was finally in a new number set and on my way to being back to the weight I was when I became pregnant with Carter. I was doing something right and a few of you asked what my secret was. It's not really a secret. Just a little bit of a lifestyle change. A change that I could handle, could stick with.

Starting January 1st, I cut out coca-cola. The first few days I thought I was going to die from withdrawal but I knew that if I could push through the week, I would be OK. I toughed out the headaches and would drink a Sprite or a seltzer when I didn't think I could forge on. Baby steps! Before I knew it, I had made it a whole month without one of those red cans. 

I had dropped nearly 10lbs. in six weeks and it felt good. Really, really good, especially after feeling stuck in a dead-end weight loss plateau. I also cut down on processed foods and refined sugars. Everything I put into my body, for the most part, was fresh. Lean proteins and since I'm a dairy fiend, yogurt and cheese in moderation. 

Pants that I had purchased just a few weeks earlier were suddenly loose. 

Nothing is more encouraging than progress. And heck, all of the awesome compliments from you. So thank you for those.

Because I know you're wondering, for what it's worth, I'm 5'7" and 139lbs. in that picture but it has to be said that clothes still fit differently. I have hips where I didn't have hips before. On any given day, I could be wearing one of three different size jeans, each of which fit perfectly. 

I still have a long way to go and need to really focus on tightening some things up. That sagging I mentioned earlier? Oh boy. There's a reason I don't share photos of my midsection. One day maybe. But that day is not today, my friends. It would give you nightmares. 

It gives me nightmares. 

In the four years I've been writing here, I've never once written about weight. So why now? To hold myself accountable. To be able to look back on and realize that work does pay off. To let other women know that our bodies should be celebrated for growing tiny humans, birthing them and continuing to sustain them for however long possible. To share that not all bodies are created equal and what works for one may not always work for the other. 

My advice? Choose attainable goals. Start small. Celebrate little victories. Stick to it. Surround yourself with encouraging people. Need a cheerleader? Send me an email. I'll cheer your tush right back to pre-baby weight no matter how long it takes. 

Be patient but make a choice and go for it. For me? Wanting to be in more pictures with my kids and not cringe every time I saw my face was motivation enough. Find something that makes you want to work harder than you've ever worked. 

Here's to be college hot and not knocked up in 2013. 


  1. I loved this post. I'm 4 1/2 months postpartum with my second little boy and I'm definitely not happy with the number on the scale or the body in the mirror.

    So I too am looking to start taking out processed foods, cutting out soda again and moving more. The nursing hasn't helped much in the weight loss department for me either. Time to get it together. Ha!

    You look great! Keep up the good work!

  2. You look great. I'm also one of those women that doesn't lose weight while breastfeeding! Liars!

  3. So happy you wrote about this. You rock for being open and honest about your weight and weight loss journey. It is so true about your body changing after baby. The woman's body is an amazing thing, creating life and then bouncing back the way it does or can do:)

  4. My gosh - you're already college hot! :-) I need a cheerleader!

  5. Found you through Kerry's blog. I'm 8 weeks post partum and now getting serious about getting the weight off.
    Even though I gained only 27lbs I'm 5'4" and 5 pounds looks like a LOT on me!
    I've got 10 to lose and am determined to do it in the next 4 weeks before going back to work.
    My big thing will be cutting out wine during the week.
    I cut out sodas 12 years ago and, like you, dropped tons of weight.
    I'm your newest follower! :)

  6. You are smokin'! Congrats on your weight loss. I am downright mad that since I stopped breastfeeding 6 weeks ago, I've only lost 10 pounds. And let's just say I am NOT 139. LOL. :) I'm doing WW now, and attempting to be more cautious but let me be honest, it is SO HARD to prepare wonderfully fresh meals every night when you get home at 5:30 and your toddler demands dinner at 5:32. :( We're working on it...I have 2 vacations this summer, so I need to step things up.

    But you look fab!! :)

  7. You look amazing! I can totally relate to the breastfeeding weight. Not much melting went on over here and nothing made we want to knock someone upside the head more than to hear how easily they lost the weight.

    Can you share some breakfast and lunch ideas?

  8. Girl- you are doing moms a big favor with this post. So appreciate your transparency. On another note, we are the exact same height and weight which I always suspected based on your pictures :)

  9. Thank.You.For.This. You are doing moms a big favor with this post. I so appreciate your transparency and honesty. On another note, we are the exact same height and weight which I always suspected based on your pictures :)

  10. Thanks for sharing this post today - I appreciate your honesty SO much! I am currently almost 6 months pregnant and trying hard to stay on 35-40 lb total weight gain by not caving to cravings, trying to eat healthy and continue exercising. I know that things won't be quite the same after baby as they were before, and it means a lot to be able to read someone else's honest experience and have a better idea of what to expect - so many women in Hollywood make it look so easy to just pop out a baby and go back to a size 2! It's enough to make us regular women feel defeated and depressed before we even begin the journey!

  11. It's so tough to try to not eat.all.the.things. Especially when you're always on the go and doing something and chasing babies!! I think you are HAWT and am so proud of you mama!!!

  12. You look great in all of the pics! It is so frustrating getting to pre-preg weight but still feeling fat! I guess I will have to get 10 lbs under for my clothes to fit again. Just got back on the WW train to drop some more and hopefully get college hot again!

  13. This is hitting home for me at 34 weeks pregnant. I just saw pictures from my baby shower this weekend & didn't recognize the fat lady that is actually me. Thank you for sharing your journey with both pregnancies. You look fantastic & have for a LONG time!

  14. My body kept every single pound until my daughter weaned from breastfeeding. So I definitely warn friends now that think nursing will make them "omgskinny" that while I hope they're that lucky...sometimes you aren't, and that is normal!! I thought there was something wrong with me until I found out there were others in the same situation. Dang mommy myths!

  15. My mom was always in shock when breastfeeding helped me take pounds off after peapod was born because she told me that breastfeeding actually put pounds on for her! she couldn't lose ANYTHING until she stopped.
    I gained over 40lbs with P....and I'm already on my way to the same fate with this one...part of me is thinking, it'll be fine, I'll work hard afterwards and take them off, but a part of me is starting to freak out about the weight gain.

    And the whole thing about things just being.. different afterwards. UGH it's so frustrating. working twice as hard as pre-baby and seeing half the results. Blah. Here's to growing tiny little humans.

  16. I am 5 weeks postpartum (c-section too) and needed this post for motivation! Thank you!

  17. WOW! You look skinny! Good for you!!!!! Thank you for writing this post. It will hopefully inspire me to lose more weight. I fit into the same category, I stored the fat during breastfeeding instead of loosing it :( (And until recently I never heard that some people stored it.) But I really need to lose the weight! My daughter is 9 months and I still wear some maternity pants, because they are more comfortable and I refuse to buy anything that fits me now, because I will fit into my old clothes some day. I need to get into a swimsuit by Sept, so that is my motivation. Plus I hate my picture taken, and I want more mommy & daughter pics, that I don't hate. I gained more weight after having my preemie, due to the stress. So I was at my heaviest even after delivering my sweet baby. I also never had to worry about my weight before, and it kills me now, I have to work for it.

  18. Oh, AP. how do you do it!? How do you know exactly what I need to hear? I'm 15 weeks postpartum now, and most definitely am no where close to where I'd like to be. My weight has given me fits for the majority of my adulthood. I promised myself I will not get obsessed with the scale, and I'm determined not to.
    I gained 50 with my pregnancy and was 30-40 over my ideal to begin with. Gosh, that's the first I've figured that out....scary!
    I did my first workout yesterday. It wasnt as bad as I thought it might be, but I'm a long way from that half marathon from a couple years back!
    I have 15 lbs to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, and then I'm tackling the bulge that was already there. :/
    I haven't felt like nursing (or pumping in my case) has done much for weight loss either. I too was told it would.
    Anyway, you've just made me that much more excited about today's workout, and a little more motivated to cut out the sweets. (Oh, my sweet tooth!).
    You look amazing. I'm 5'7" too and would faint from sheer joy if I had your figure! Way to go, girlie!

  19. First of all you look GREAT!

    Second of all I can TOTALLY relate to this. I was like you, petite, could eat anything and never gain weight. I'm 5'0 and gained 37 pounds when pregnant which is A LOT on a shorty like me. I walked out of the hospital only 10 pounds lighter and still looking 8 months pregnant (thank you swelling!) It took me about 7 months to get back to my pre-preg weight. Breastfeeding didn't help much since it just made me hungrier and want to eat MORE. A year later and I'm back to my wedding weight (which is actually a bit thinner than I would like) but I still have a belly pooch that won't seem to go away no matter how many crunches I do. Damn you C-section!

  20. How inspiring! I'm so happy for you that you're well on your way to feeling good about yourself again! Just so you know, you are at my dream weight right now! I'm 5'7" as well and my baby girl just turned 5 months on Sunday, and I FINALLY squeezed (literally) into my pre-pregnancy jeans over the weekend. I still have a whole bunch of work to do, and a long ways to go, especially seeing that I wanted to lose about 30 lbs BEFORE I found out I was pregnant. Ugh! This weight loss thing is such a beeyotch. Anyway.. good for you! And thank you for sharing that it's NOT easy! Keep up the good work :)

  21. You look great! I'm 20 weeks pregnant with #2 and I've realized that I am never in pictures with Sawyer because I hate how I look. And now everything is getting bigger on me but I don't want to look back and have no pictures of us together. After this baby comes, I want to get serious about eating healthier and making time to work out!

  22. You look fantastic! I will most definitely need your motivation to get my booty back into shape after baby comes!

  23. love this post. i am one of the "lucky" ones who's 30lb pregnancy weight gain disappeared w/in 2 weeks, thanks to breastfeeding. so i continued to eat like i was pregnant. umm, now 3 months post-breastfeeding (and still eating like a preggo - oops)? about ten pesky lbs have crept back. i hate pictures b/c of how i look. this is great motivation to kick butt into gear!

  24. You look amazing! I gained 65lbs with boy and had the hardest time getting the weight off until I got serious about eating better and exercising.

    Making a complete "lifestyle" change is necessary for me and cutting out the bad stuff (which I indulged in alot).I'm sometimes embarrassed to admit my food/diet habits before I got serious...complete gluttony.

    But 100lbs down and still maintaining it...I feel the best I have my whole life, and at 30, the smallest I've ever been.

    Setting realistic goals with dates/deadlines are key!

  25. with my first, I gained 25lbs. 6 weeks post partum, I lost 50lbs! I thought that was amazing. but oddly, with my second, I gained 25lbs again, and have held on to that and am now 11 weeks pregnant with number three. both were c sections. after numbr 3, I have much work to do. hopefully, having three under three will keep me active!

  26. You are looking fabulous! Congrats!!!

    I'm currently just 7 weeks post partum and trying very hard to remember that this crap takes time to come off (and firm up). Like you I don't have the discipline to work out. I try but fail every time. It's just not my thing. I have to go the eating better route too. If you find a good ab routine let me know. I'm ready to get this tummy pulled back in ASAP :) I tried the Shred but cardio is just not my thing...at all.

  27. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this. I feel like I could have written this post. I am also another "lucky" mom to not lose weight until I wean my kids. With Ellie, I am still holding on to the weight, but lose a good majority of it MUCH faster than with Charlotte. It's so hard when you see all of your friends on facebook stick thin with a 4 week old baby. Ugh. So thank you for being real and telling the other side of postpartum weight loss!!! You look amazing!

  28. I guess I'm weird, but I thought you looked GORGEOUS in all of those photos! I can soooo relate! I was 5'2", 110 pounds when I got pregnant with my son, by the end of the pregnancy I was 170 pounds. That is A LOT of weight on someone who is barely 5 feet tall! I then gained and lost nonstop for the next 3 years, and now I can't even drop 5 pounds. Oh and I am 20, so I don't want to hear any of those, "It's harder to lose weight as you get older!" lines, because it should be a piece of cake right now. *sigh*

  29. I'll be a cheerleader too. As simple as it sounds...if you really want it...it's attainable. Celebrating accomplished goals is great too....this is definitely a saved post!

  30. I felt like you were speaking to my heart, AP! I'm nearly 14 weeks postpartum and I just clocked in at 140 lbs. I'm also 5'7". I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, but it's difficult! This old body, it ain't what is used to be...

    But you look Ah-MAZ-ing!!!!!!!!! You go girl!

  31. You go, AP!!!!! That's awesome. I know how hard giving up a soda addiction can be. Good for you! You look amazzzziiiinnnggg

  32. I am the complete opposite. With my first I ate fast food maybe a handful of times, never drank caffeine, etc. but still gained 45 lbs and I delivered at exactly 37 weeks. I delivered via CS due to "big baby scare tactics" and now I"m trying for a VBAC hoping not to cut my muscles again for the sake of "bouncing back." This time, ahhh.. since I too am chasing a toddler, I am worn out so much more therefore = horrible eating. I've eaten fast food more then I'd like to know and my "cravings" are cherry coke and snickers. Lovely. I am 33 weeks and I've gained 34 lbs. I was comfortable with my postpartum weight after about a year (I didn't work on it)but this time around I'm determined to loose it more quickly and actually exercise! Thanks for sharing your story, its nice to know I"m not alone!

  33. What a great post! I gave up caffeine but I don't think I could totally give up soda. I don't drink much (maybe about 1 a week?) but I love me some caffeine free diet coke! (My husband says it's pointless if I drink caffeine free diet, haha!)
    I'm also like you and I'm not motivated to dedicate myself to a crazy workout regimen. I've been trying to eat healthier but I'm currently eating a bowl of lucky charms b/c my son wouldn't allow me to make anything that took more than 2 seconds. Ha!

  34. Not only do you look fantastic but you are inspiring, thank you for this post!

  35. I love your honesty in this post. I didn't get back to my pre-pregnancy weight for a full year after my daughter was born. I didn't even start trying to lose weight for 6 months after her birth. My body just didn't "work" the same way it did before. It took me that long to feel like everything was working together. I would like to drop a few more pounds and be the healthiest mom I can be for her, a good role model. I try to focus on that more than weight. Thanks for sharing your story.

  36. Awh, I love this post. I needed to read this post. Being pregnant with my first, I am in more than a little bit of denial. I know that I am going to gain weight and that is isn't going to just fall off, but I will be okay. Okay, and after I write this comment I need to read the other comments here so that I can get an even better idea of what I am in for. I so appreciate you being real about this. AND, you look great! Before, after, while you were pregnant! :)
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  37. You look AMAZING!!It really give me hope.. I have 1 child - but c sections KILL your body... my stomach is so sad. I am working toward the goal and actually how to be 'knocked up'by end of 2013... only after our trip in August.

  38. Way to rock it, momma! You look great!
    I, too, have an addiction with coca cola. It's my coffee everyday. But you're right, if you want to see results, you must be willing to let go of things that are not good for you. Thank you for your motivation!

  39. Thank you do much for your honesty. And you look great, you really do!!!! I've always thought you've looked fit in all the posts I've read over the past few years. Keep it up lady!!

  40. You're so inspiring. Seriously. What a motivating post. Makes me want to stop eating this candy that's on my desk, but I probably won't. Small steps. My goal will be next week, I'll stop eating this candy on my desk but by then it will probably be gone.

    Anyway, you seriously look great. Really really good! And that number on your scale is great! Seriously... amazing.

    My lifetime goal with my weight is to be in the 140s again and to not have my legs touch so much when I walk (as they do now). It's doable, but it's going to take time.

    Thanks for the post on your weight. It's good to know that after two kids, close together and c-sections, that it's possible to get back to "normal" pre-pregnancy weight.

    Go you!

  41. Oh and BTW, can you ride my hinney until I'm in my 140s? Thank you.

  42. ironically i blogged about this same topic from a different perspective! http://www.discoverystreet.net/2013/02/postpartum-weight-loss-5-months.html

    i think you look amazing! I'm the same height and have a good 15 pounds on ya! lol

  43. I fully expected to leave the hospital wearing my size 4 clothes. Isn't it funny how critical we can be of ourselves? I think you look glowing in all of your photos- regardless of the weight...and isn't that what really matters? It's nice to see it through the eyes of other women.

  44. You. Look. Great! And while nursing did work for me (I gained 40 lbs and lost 43 so far in 3.5 months, I have a LOT of toning to do. I mean, a 40# weight flux in almost 4 months? So not good for the skin. Hopefully I will gain the confidence someday to share before and after pics.. but first I need to be happy with the after. :/

  45. This post is great! I had twins a year ago and even though I am at my pre baby weight I was telling my Hubby just last night that my body is far from being what it was. Much looser skin especially on my stomach! I hate it but am trying to accept that it is what it is :) having babies is no easy thing on your body that's for sure! Glad to hear I am not alone!


  46. You are my goal weight and I'm two YEARS postpartum. I think you're already college hot :)

  47. Great post, AP! I love when women choose attainable goals rather than crash diets and such. I love that you know what you are willing to commit and you did it! I am trying to be on that road but it is hard knowing that I am hoping to be pregnant again this year. But, it never hurts to have healthy eating habits and exercise here and there so that's where I'm at. You are looking amazing, lady!

  48. Thank you for writing this! You look fantastic! I'm 8 months postpartum and still about 12 lbs from my pre-baby weight, but my goal is to be hotter than college hot (I unfortunately gained the dreaded Freshman 15 so college was not my hottest point in life) so I have about 35 more lbs to lose. Thanks for inspiring me to keep going!

  49. Thank you for writing this! You look fantastic! I'm 8 months postpartum and still about 12 lbs from my pre-baby weight, but my goal is to be hotter than college hot (I unfortunately gained the dreaded Freshman 15 so college was not my hottest point in life) so I have about 35 more lbs to lose. Thanks for inspiring me to keep going!

  50. Thank you for writing this! You look fantastic! I'm 8 months postpartum and still about 12 lbs from my pre-baby weight, but my goal is to be hotter than college hot (I unfortunately gained the dreaded Freshman 15 so college was not my hottest point in life) so I have about 35 more lbs to lose. Thanks for inspiring me to keep going!

  51. Yes, you have to celebrate those little victories! I started on the weight loss path 1.5 years ago when I knew we were going to start having kids soon and I wanted to be in shape so that after-baby weight thing might be easier.

    I'm so impressed with how you're doing and yup, I think you're hot! Nice job!!!

  52. You look so hawt, girlfriend. Good for you!

    I'm a tad jealous of your weight though... I'm 5'8 and not close to 139 lbs. Hopefully soon though ;)

    And I totally get what you're saying. After carrying 3 monster babies myself (all over 9lbs born early) my stomach will NEVER look the same again no matter what the number on the scale is.

    Mommy makeover? Perhaps. Ahem.

  53. Love this post, AP! And you are already hot! And encouraging. I needed to read this today, so thank you for that!!!

  54. Thanks for this post! I always love what you write and how you say it, but this post really hit home. Thanks for sharing what is generally such a personal subject. You look great!

    I've been following your blog for over a year now, and this is my first time commenting (so sorry!! I just never knew what to say or how to say it!). I forgot to go back and introduce myself on your recent post asking for new people to finally step out...sorry! Briefly, I'm a mom of a 2yo daughter. Since having her your blogs have become an inspiration in being a mommy of crazy baby-turned toddler and photographer. Photography has become a new passion of mine, and I love the photos of your boys!

  55. Great post! I love that your sharing the truth instead of the sugar coating that some mama's do. Thank you for the honesty. You really do look great! Keep up the hard work! :)

  56. Thank you for posting this AP! It's something most, if not all, women will face postpartum and needs to be talked about so that we don't consistently feel bad about ourselves.

    You really do look great & I love what you said about celebrating small victories and plan to carry that on as I embark this new body after pregnancy.

  57. you know I think you were gorgeous in ALL stages-pregnancy and after! But THANK YOU for the HONESTY! You look terrific friend!

  58. Well. I think you've looked fabulous pre-during-post baby...but it's really most important how YOU feel about YOU! I'm so glad you're feeling so good and I'm so proud of your healhty choices! If I could stop Dr. Pepper and Sweet Tea I might loose a few myself...but the jiggle, that's gonna take some cardio. Ugh. HA! But you look great! Always have in my book!!! xoxoxox

  59. Great post and congratulations! I am 19 months out from having my son, and I have been my pre-preg weight for a little while, but it is not the same. I made the decision to cut out diet coke because I wanted to stay away from the faux sugar. I also have been trying to eat less processed food and less sugar. I agree that life style changes are the only things that really work!

    Thanks for sharing the truth behind baby weight because I was not prepared to leave the hospital still looking pregnant. You are doing a service!

  60. Well hot damn mama! Way to go!!! Make yourself feel good and do your body right. It helps that the hubs likes it too! I'll be happy to continue to send you encouraging emails, texts, IGs, etc. Keep up the good work!!!

  61. Thabk you so much for checking out my guest post today. I just found your blog today through that. I love this post. You are incredible and you look great. I've been trying to do the same thing and its the only thing that works for me. Cut out processed foods and refined sugars. Cut down on diary and try to eat more natural unprocessed protein, fruits and veggies. Congratulations on the loss. : )

  62. "You used to be that girl everyone loved to hate" used to? Um, you look fabulous as ever and you have two super cute kids! I kinda want to hate you, but you're too funny and I love your blog. ;)

  63. you look absolutely amazing, girl!

  64. You look great! You are so very right that not all women drop pounds while breastfeeding. I am blessed and lost weight quickly from breastfeeding but no two people are the same. It took me longer to lose the baby weight with my last one. I had my tubes tied when I delivered him since I was a c-section and 3 babies was all that I wanted to have. The recovery was much more difficult with the tubal ligation so it took me longer to begin working out again.

    I am so glad that you found me. I think that we have a lot in common, besides having Carter's! Ha! Look forward to getting to know you better!

  65. You look great! You are so very right that not all women drop pounds while breastfeeding. I am blessed and lost weight quickly from breastfeeding but no two people are the same. It took me longer to lose the baby weight with my last one. I had my tubes tied when I delivered him since I was a c-section and 3 babies was all that I wanted to have. The recovery was much more difficult with the tubal ligation so it took me longer to begin working out again.

    I am so glad that you found me. I think that we have a lot in common, besides having Carter's! Ha! Look forward to getting to know you better!

  66. Thank You, AP for posting this!! No joke, I had said that exact statement last night to my husband ("seeing a new number on the scale, but in the mirror it's a whole different thing.."). So when I saw your blog post on FB, it was crazy but definitely made me feel a little better. You look fabulous..Keep up the great work!

  67. Thank You, AP for posting this!! No joke, that exact statement was said by me last night to my husband ("seeing a new number on the scale but when looking in the mirror it's a whole different thing"). When I saw you blog post on FB I couldn't help but think how crazy that was to see but also helped me feel a little better. You look fabulous...keep it up!

  68. Thank you for posting this, loved it!! You look fabulous and you totally achieved your goal of "college hot" :) you go girl! :)

  69. Thank you for sharing this! I am a mom to three kids (oldest is 4, youngest is almost 10 months). I think my weight story is fairly similar to yours. Until I was done nursing I could never kick the last few pounds and three c-sections made getting back in shape a longer journery than for some new moms.
    I think it's important for other women to know that baby weight might not just fall off, even with breastfeeding.
    You're absolutely right that we should celebrate the amazing things our bodies can do and create!
    Great post!

  70. Thanks for the post, inspiring. I am 9 mos postpartum with baby #2 and the other is a defiantly-pottty training 2.5. It took me 15mos to get back to preprego weight first time around and well this time I just can't seem to find the willpower to get on the wagon. Dieting and exercise are hard for me to choose, but starting a new plan for this -- getting rid of the processed foods, soda and eating out.
    You look so great, and thanks for making me feel better about retaining that weight. Everyone always says it will just fall off and I felt ashamed when it didn't for me either time even when I was being good on my diet! Love your post and blog!

  71. Seriously you look fabulous! I love the gym and it helps with all but the last 10. Unfortunately that means the last 10 from baby 2 and baby 3 who just turned 1. I think you might have given me enough inspiration to try and ditch my addition to the little red coke can... at least until I ditch some weight for swimsuit season.

  72. So, so glad you posted this. I am in the exact same place - breastfeeding and still having trouble dropping those last 10-15 lbs. I gained about 45 lbs and feel like I look almost back to normal, but I'm just not quite there yet. I am back on the Weight Watchers train - I did it once before and it truly works!!!
    Thank you for always having a knack for putting into words what I always seem to be thinking!

  73. Um, you're looking pretty dang good for having 2 kids!

    I'm just now getting back to my starting weight with pregnancy #1. I sure hope if I have a pregnancy #2 that it's nicer to me. I'd like to lose another 10 but that ain't gonna happen any time soon.

  74. Great post. And congratulations on losing the weight- you look awesome! I know you love your cheese (who doesn't!), but I will say- when I had to give up dairy while I was breastfeeding, it was the skinniest I've ever been. And it came off in weird/amazing places like my thighs. I'm back on the cheese wagon now, but I tell myself if I ever really need to shed some LBs, I have to pass on the pepper jack!

  75. Great post - like you, I'm on the "after-baby-weight-loss-journey". And everything about it is so not fun. It's harder because like you said so much about my body has just...changed. Besides the number on the scale. It's a process for sure. But I'm confident it will happen as long as I keep reading inspiring stories like yours!


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