Friday, February 1, 2013

Disconnecting At The Right Times.

I've written a few times in the past year about finding balance and mothering with intent. It's something that I struggle with daily but after making concerted efforts each day to welcome the toddler into my lap and not tell him "just one more second" when he comes walking over to me with two books in hand or responding to his request to "puh-lay choo-choo's" with "mommy just needs to finish this" it gets a little easier. 

Do I fail sometimes? Of course I do. I am human and I have deadlines to meet and contracts to uphold and truth be told, sometimes when I'm in the thick of editing or writing I can't just up and walk away at the drop of a hat and that's usually when I like to think that I'm teaching my children "patience" or something along those lines. 

For the most part, however, I've done exactly what I set out to do almost a year ago when I first wrote about finding balance. My computer time is limited throughout the day and I'll only sit down to write if the boys are in bed or it's been a day that requires a "mandatory quiet hour." I tried to be selfish with the 5am hour that nobody wants and I failed miserably. It's too early and dragging myself from bed at that hour after a night of chopped up sleep wasn't pretty on me. So I've become selfish with the midnight hour that no one wants. When my house is quiet and everyone is asleep, that's when I find my time. For now it works and I don't feel guilty as if I were stealing time away from my kids during the day. 

Coffee helps. A lot of coffee. 

I'm proud of myself. I really am. With the connected-ness that comes so easy to us these days, what with our i-things and our laptops and netbooks, I'm proud of myself that I've managed to disconnect at the right times. 

Because let's face it. Collapsing on the family room floor with my boys after a wild Justin Beiber dance party on a Thursday afternoon trumps anything I could have written that day any way. 


  1. What a cute picture of you guys!!


    I love this picture! I think it needs to go on a canvas!!!!!

  3. I love that you and Carter are sporting the same expression. He may not look like you (as much as Baby Mac) but he sure has your expressions:)

    I love those dance parties - The best moments of the day for sure! Though I can't say as I have actually HEARD anything by Justin Beiber... 90s on 9 is currently rocking in my car and he definately wasnt around then!

  4. I try and limit my internet during the day as well and find at night that I forget what I wanted to do or end up staying up too late and waking up feeling too tired. Any ideas on how to strike a good balance?

  5. What a sweet & honest post. And I love the picture of you & your boys!

  6. Yes! So much truth in this and I need to be better about writing in the evenings instead of over my morning coffee. Feeling convicted but knowing you are oh so right.

  7. I have been doing so much better with balancing things in the past year as well. When we bought out house, my office moved upstairs, along with my computer. So the on,y time I'm ever on my computer is during naptimes or when I'm working in the evenings or on the weekends. And I do my best to put my iPhone up and out of the way for a lot of the day as well. That's more challenging but I'm working on it :)

  8. I'm hoping to find the same balance when our baby is here.

  9. Couldn't have said it better myself mama! That is why I deleted my FB because I realized I wasn't living in the moment with the kiddies like I should and I remember you saying this after blissdom last year and it motivated me so much! So thank you! PS I love the pic!! Too damn cute! xoxoox

  10. Love this AP! I can totally relate since I have kids the same age, yet love to blog and have a Thirty-One business on the side. It's hard to find a balance and to do it all while also getting sleep! Have a great weekend!

  11. I am totally relate. I stay up SO late getting stuff done!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  12. Can totally relate :) Adorable picture!

  13. I love this. You are exactly the kind of mom I want to be some day!

  14. I just recently found your blog and this post really resonates with me. I have been trying to work on disconnecting from my computer, iPhone, etc when my son is letting me know he needs attention. I'm sure we can all do it!

  15. It is really difficult to find a good balance. That's exactly why I stay up way too late every night. I figure that I'll have plenty of time to sleep when my kids are grown!


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