Monday, December 31, 2012

College Hot And Not Knocked Up in 2013

In the last thirty six months I have been pregnant twice, gained and lost over 100 pounds, carried two babies full term, underwent two major abdominal surgeries in the form of planned C-sections and spent the last six months mothering two children two and under.  

As we all know, that last part pretty much means that I've sprouted more gray hairs and forehead wrinkles than I would care to admit at the ripe old age of twenty-nine. 

2012 may as well have been named The Year Of The Kids. I spent the better half of the year pregnant, during which time I was spoiling, preparing and transitioning Carter before the arrival of Maclane in June. I was up two pants sizes with tatas that I could practically button up in the waistband of said pants. Since June my world has happily revolved around cultivating these two little boys, making it a personal goal of mine not to lose my shit before 2pm on any given day.

As much as I loathe the holiday that is New Year's Eve, as is customary around this time of year, I got to thinking about what I would like to accomplish in 2013. I could think of two things. 

1. Do not get pregnant. 
2. Make thirty look good. Like, really good. 

I would love a third baby. I really would. But I would also love to drink on my thirtieth birthday, preferably a stiff umbrella drink (or four) on one of my all-time favorite beaches. Fortunately, this also happens to be one of my husband's goals of 2013, to drink on the beach during my thirtieth birthday and we've begun planning our return trip to one of our favorite vacation spots. 

Do you know what else goes great with a stiff umbrella drink on the beaches of Turks and Caicos? Certainly not this mom-gut I'm rocking which brings me to the second item on my agenda, Make Thirty Look Good. Like, Really Good. 

To help with this I've eagerly jumped on the Join A Gym In The New Year Bandwagon but with a side of personal trainer to kick my admittedly-lazy ass in gear. I want to be a hot mom. I want my husband not to be able to keep his hands off of me. Not because the baby still sleeps in our bed and the frequency with which we do you know isn't near as frequent as it should could be but because I am so hot that he literally cannot keep his hands off of me.

We're talking college hot here, Loyals. College Hot. And I cannot be College Hot while growing a human being for the third time. Unless you're into that sort of thing

Therefore, I have aptly named 2013 "The Year of AP." 

It's time I get my shit together and actually put a little effort into me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little bit excited but I'm writing this out because I need to hold myself accountable.

Happy New Year, Loyals. Here's to being College Hot and Not Knocked Up in 2013. 


  1. You are truly so funny and I am glad I found you from my girl Becky! College hot rocks! I am saying 2013 is my year too! My year to be in Remission drink endless amounts of fruity drinks with little umbrellas, go on our NYC trip we have already saved for in the fall, and be college hot again once off all of these meds! I want to look and feel like Sums again! I even have my picture of what I looked like before on my sidebar and on my FB because I am determined to look like that again and feel better about me and not this steroid chemo bloated marshmallow women this disease has made me into! I have a dear friend who co-owns the Brick House which is a zumba business and she is gonna rock me to my core when the Dr.s give me the ok! I am tickled hot pink because I want Summer back ya know! Hey we can be motivation for each other!

    Yay for a vacay to the tropics with endless supply of booze and hubs time that rocks!

    I love all of this your goals are so fun and I laughed right out loud at your goal of not getting pregnant in 2013, that is one of my best friends goals too she is on baby number 3 now lol!


  2. You can do it!!! You will get there, you are already looking HOT!!! Now, I'm trying to figure out if I want to be hot, or knocked up...LOL!

  3. LOVE this!! You are such an awesome mom and you deserve to be rocking an even more awesome hot 'college body'!! That just cracked me right up. I never understand the whole pregnant body thing, until I sit here 39+weeks prego and cannot wait to sweat. I highly recommend Jillian Michaels as she is hardcore and gets the job done (and her DVDs are perfect for the days where ya just can't leave the house, but have 20 mins to burn!!) Get it AP!!! I'm excited to see you rock your 30th birthday out!

  4. This was my goal before 30 too girlfriend!! I'm like...well over 30 now, but I did kick my ass into shape before the big day and ran my first 5K a month before. I felt fabulous. I felt proud. I felt as close to College Hot as I was gonna get. I'm STILL trying to find balance to work out and take time for me...but it's tough. Looking forward to following along with you and if you ever feel so inclined, I'd love for you to link up with me on Health & Fitness Fridays!!! Good luck mama! It will be a great year!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You're going to be a bad little beezy by the end of the year.. good luck girl :)

  7. You are totally me 3 years ago girlfriend. I was pretty much pregnant and/or nursing for the last two years of my 20s and I had a total of 8 months to get in shape after Blake and be College Hot for my 30th birthday. It wasn't a lot of time, but I did manage to run my first 5K just weeks before the big day and I was as close to college hot as I was going to get. I've since ran 2 half marathons and I've realized that taking time for me is SO freaking important. There are a lot more bow-chicaka-wow-wow moments now and I feel good about myself. This is a fabulous goal and I can tell you first hand that this year will change you. When I take time for me, I feel like a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, etc. KICK SOME ASS girlfriend!! And if you ever feel like joining in on the fun, I'd love for you to link up with my Health & Fitness Friday sometime. Lots of ladies trying to do the same thing as you :-) Happy New Year friend!

  8. You are totally me 3 years ago girlfriend. I was pretty much pregnant and/or nursing for the last two years of my 20s and I had a total of 8 months to get in shape after Blake and be College Hot for my 30th birthday. It wasn't a lot of time, but I did manage to run my first 5K just weeks before the big day and I was as close to college hot as I was going to get. I've since ran 2 half marathons and I've realized that taking time for me is SO freaking important. There are a lot more bow-chicaka-wow-wow moments now and I feel good about myself. This is a fabulous goal and I can tell you first hand that this year will change you. When I take time for me, I feel like a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, etc. KICK SOME ASS girlfriend!! And if you ever feel like joining in on the fun, I'd love for you to link up with my Health & Fitness Friday sometime. Lots of ladies trying to do the same thing as you :-) Happy New Year friend!

  9. I hear ya girlfriend! You and I have two kids the same age, my youngest was born in March and I have had way more than my fair share of cookies this holiday season that my breast feeding enduced weight loss is no longer working. You are already a hot Momma but I get what you are saying, I am right there with you. Keep us posted!

  10. I hear ya! I am hoping to make 2013 the college hot year too! ;)

  11. Great goals! I hope to have some sort of bikini clad bod after birthing our son in April so that my materinity leave I don't spend the entire time at the beach or the river covered up. So here's to hoping he doesn't max me out lol! Happy New Year AP!

  12. Found you awhile back! Love your blog and you sooo crack me up! Happy New Year :))

  13. I think that's a great goal and I'm sure you will kick it's ass. My goal is also to not get pregnant this year, mainly because I think I would lose my mind having two under two right now, but also because I'm not ready to give up my body again to another baby.

  14. i love the shit out of this post. keep in mind that if your hubs can't keep his hands off you, then you may not be able to keep the non-knocked-up goal. ;) yay for BC! LOL LOL LOL.

    You are awesome, girl. XOXO.

  15. It's definitely one of my goals to NOT be pregnant as well. And college hot sounds good too...except that my boobs are WAY bigger now than they were in college, and I'm kinda down with keeping those suckers ;)

  16. I adore these goals of yours! I would like to join you in this endeavor! I also would not like to get pregnant and be smoking by my 31st birthday in September. :)

  17. Amen. Its a little difficult to feel hot with a human kicking you in the hoo-ha. Unless you count the insane hot flashes, of course! Heres hoping you welcome in 30 with washboard abs on a topic beach! Happy 2013!

  18. right there with you girl. this year, the jiggle will be gone for sure. it is happening.

  19. Today is my 30th birthday and I also have been pregnant or breastfeeding since January 2009....damn that seems like a long time, I had to recalculate that but that is infact correct, no wonder why I look like hell! I've gained and lost 110 lbs, boobs have tripled in size and hen deflated and then tripled again. I just spent about $300 on new clothes and I'm ready to be hot again...that may require some surgical enhancement...aside from that I'm going to try. Also, no babies in 2013. I think we are living the same life!

  20. Sounds like a great goal! Mine is the exact opposite. To get pregnant. :) Hopefully we will both get our new year's goals! :)

  21. Sounds like a good goal, and I wouldn't mind the same for me! Ha!

  22. Thumbs up, AP. About mid-year, my goal will be to be College Hot, too. ;) Kinda' gotta have the babe first to get the "back into shape" show on the road.

  23. You and me both sister! Except for the 30 part. Thirty-three...Gah.

  24. You are so cute! Best of luck :)

  25. I'm in the same boat, I want to be back where I was prepregnancy.

    Let's. do this, AP!!

  26. You are adorable! I love it! I am sure you will do just fine with those goals though. I have a goal slightly opposite yours. I want to get good and knocked up next year. I am not sure when, but sometime next year I am praying that God will bless me with another healthy pregnancy. Well, I will look forward to seeing more posts about strides to your "college hottness". I will definitely be interested in your tips for 2014. That's when I will aim for some hotness for myself. LOL!

  27. You are going to be great! I have enjoyed discovering this blog in 2012! cheers to 2013 friend!

  28. God, I love you, AP. SO MUCH I can't even stand it. Happy 2013 girlfriend. Kick some booty and take some names!

  29. Cheers to the year of AP! I love it!!!!!!

  30. I love it when moms focus on themselves! We can be selfish once in a while, right?!? Cheers to you!

  31. Great post - I've designated 2013 MY year, too. While I LOVE focusing on my family and plan to continue that, I deserve time to myself and to let go a little bit. And I intend to take advantage of that, often! Best of luck - can't wait to read along! :)

  32. Haha, I love that your goal is to not get pregnant. You make such cute babes, though!

    Simple Suburbia

  33. I'm on a mission to be hot again too. My baby is now 7 mos old so I can't keep using the "I just had a baby" excuse anymore. We're also beach nuts and are seriously craving some sand between our toes. Hopefully we make that happen in 2013 too.

  34. I love it!! I turn 30 this year also...heere's to making this year about us! ;)

  35. I LOVE THIS. I'm going to jump on your bandwagon and make the same goal. NO BABIES in 2013 over here either. :)

  36. you know, if your hubs cant keep his hands of you because of goal #2, it might be super hard to keep goal #1...

  37. Cheers to the year of AP! You are totally hot! xoxo

  38. I'd like to be college hot, but since I'm hoping to get knocked up I'm not sure that will happen.

  39. I'm turning 30 in June, and I wanna look good for it too! Since I'm single now I (hopefully) won't be pregnant with #3, so no excuses. We can do it!

  40. I read this post while stuffing my face full of Cheddar Bunnies. Needless to say, I'm not eating them anymore. My 30th was on Friday and I'm not anywhere near college hot, but I do want to make 30 the year where I've been in the best shape ever.


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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