Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What To Wear....Where?! :: Girl's Night Out

It does appear that if I'm not giving away something {free to you} this week, I'm linking up with some of my favorite blogging mamas. If you'd like to take a minute to remind me that just two weeks ago I stated that I "don't do link ups," I'll kindly place my leopard clad Reva in my mouth while you do. 

No shame in my game, Loyals. No shame at all. 

Due to a lapse in Perfect Parenting last week, I missed the installment of "What To Wear...Where?", Family Photo Shoot Style. I've had some requests to go ahead and blog it any way and perhaps I will, one day when I don't feel completely and utterly overwhelmed by the thought of just waking up in the morning.

In the mean time, I'm linking up with Melissa and Amy this week to share my version of "What To Wear....Where?" Girls Night Out. 

Let it be known that this week's installment should have come with some additional details. Details such as,  where am I going? Am I hopping a friend's private plane to Turks a la Real Housewives and My Big Fat Dreams? Or am I still nursing my giant baby and sneaking away for two hours to attend My Wine Club Has A Book Problem at a local wine bar?

I'm going to go with the latter simply because I just don't have the time to slip off to Turks. Don't my private-plane-owning friends know that Maclane refuses to take a bottle?

So here's what you'd find me wearing for a {casual} girl's night out. What's more, I actually own each of these pieces and have worn this outfit on more than one occasion. It's actually one of my favorite outfits of the Fall season. My new Mom-i-Form, if you will.

As you can see, I'm dress for comfort.  

Casual Girl's Night Out

And yes, I do belong to Team: Leggings As Pants.

So, what would you wear for your Girls Night Out? Be sure to stop by Melissa's and Amy's corner of the internet to link-up and share! 


  1. Oh good I'm glad you subscribe to the leggings as pants. Because I've shied away from it the last few years after hearing all the fuss about "they're not really pants, yada yada yada" but this year, I'm giving "them" the finger. Because leggings are freaking comfortable, and I'm going to leave my house in them. AND WEAR THEM TO WORK. :p

  2. Love the outfit and new design!

    I think I commented on an old old post....no idea how i got there so just ignore it!

  3. Love the new design. I think it's one of Jenn's best yet.

  4. Your commentary cracked me up! ;) And this outfit is so cute!! We're going to have to plan a GNO (you know, just dinner and maaaybe some vino ;)) soon! And I love your new design!

  5. Love the new design. Love leggings as pants. :)

  6. I could have written exactly what Mallory wrote. This year I'm all over the leggings! I just have to find some that are not see thru and don't have weird seams...

    Did I miss a blog re-design? I think I miss the green clothesline but this is cute too.

  7. I wanna come....dressed just a like of course!!!..and I'm sorry but I miss the clothesline..I remember when you added that little onesie..

  8. If you can't contradict yourself on your own blog, where can you? (At least, that's my practice.)

    Love this, of course, and have been scheming how to get that bag in particular - call me, Michael!

    Also, think you're safe from a leggings-as-pants situation because that cute tunic clearly covers the assets.

    Absolutely love your new design, BTW.

  9. Your new design is fabulous!! Looks great my dear! And I see you have the BlogHer ads up too! YAY!

  10. love the new look of the blog! and what a great outfit.

  11. that is one of my favorite Essie colors!

  12. With the recent addition of riding boots to my closet, I do believe I will be joining team leggings as pants this year. Do you have a favorite brand? Also, I'm ready for sweater weather...the one in your set looks so comfy!

  13. I want those Fryes so bad I can taste it.

  14. Have you raided my imaginary closet? I have been coveting some of these very items! The Melissa Button Frye boots are the only I've ever even tried on - of course they looked and fit amazing, even with my skinny calves. And I was just looking at that MK bag, but in Tangerine. Love the classic black though!!

  15. Love that outfit!! So cute and well put together! :)

    LOVE the new blog design!! Looks great!!

  16. very cute outfit! this looks really cool

    xox P

    phiphi's blog


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