Friday, May 29, 2009

Flashback Friday. Did You Think I'd Forgotten?

Flashback Friday is back and better than ever. Okay, I won't go that far, being that it's tough to top some of my previous Flashback Fridays, but seriously, this one's pretty good. Read on!

Today, I thought I would start out with a flashback boardgame style.
So, do you remember any of these oldies but goodies?

As much as I hated the tedious set-up of this game, what with all of the pressing of the cardboard store fronts into their appropriate plastic slots and whatnot, I loved this game. No really. Like, when you were in fourth grade and you'd say to your friend, "If you love it so much, why don't you marry it?" It was that kind of love. My own little plastic credit card? Cha-ching! Remember how excited you would get if one of your items went on clearance? I bet I could shop 'til I dropped AND beat you back to my color-coded parking lot anyday! Let's just say.. And so began my addiction to all things shopping. I blame you, Mall Madness.

This game was a sleepover staple. Obviously, you didn't want your face covered in those ridiculous plastic zits, so you either took the dare or upped the ante and told the truth. A few of the crazy things I can remember doing include: licking water out of a bowl like a dog, walking around the room clucking like a chicken, eating a handful of dog food covered in some sort of ketchup/mustard condiment medley, as well as a more-than-healthy-dose of prank calling.. neighbors, grade school crushes, you name 'em, i called 'em.

And just when it couldn't get any worse- After a full day of shopping, followed by the 90's version of Truth or Dare, why not dial up a bunch of hotties to find out who secretly admires you? Funny how ALL of the telephone numbers began with "555." Anyone remember the winning phrase, "You're right! I really like you!" I can almost hear it now...

What would a flashback be without one of my favorite outdoor games? Obviously, I had to include a Skip-It. Growing up, my nextdoor neighboor and I would hold contests to see who would score a higher number on their Skip-it. This resulted in numerous trips to the nearest Toys R' Us to buy brand new replacement Skip-It(s) after we would break ours with the repeated smacking of the counter into the asphalt driveway. Pink, blue, yellow.. I had them all.

Although I never owned a pair of these, and truth be told, don't recall ever trying them on and bouncing around in them, I do recall said nextdoor neighbor owning a pair of these moonshoes and my being slightly jealous that summer when she busted them out. It's okay though. Shortly thereafter my parents gifted me with a pogostick. Same difference, right?

Speaking of pogosticks, who remembers "Pogo Ball?" Unfortunately, I do not have much to report on this either, as I spent most of my time pogostick-ing, but I will admit that these silly little pogo balls somehow incorporated themselves into my grade school phys-ed classes. Yes, that's right. Pogo Ball relays. Potato sack, what? That's old school. If you didn't Pogo Ball, you were a loser.

That's all for this week's Flashback Friday. I had almost forgotten how much fun these are to put together! Don't EVER let me go for more than two weeks without posting one! Shame on you, fellow bloggers! Just kidding. I'll be back to blogging once this weekend is over. Hubs and I will be returning to Hometown, New Jersey for a little R&R as well as my baby cousin's Christening. Pictures to follow!

Happy Friday!


  1. OMG I love these!!!

    Dream Phone- I know who it is, but I'm not telling... HA HA! (I hated that guy)

    I sucked at skip it and the moon bounce thing!!

    My roommate had mall madness, we played in college all the time lol!

  2. Okay...I had every single one of those board games. My very favorite was Dream Phone and we actually still have it. I made my husband play with me when we were home at my parent's house one day...AND HE BEAT ME!!! Can you believe it! He beat me at Dream Phone! Punk...

    My favorite one was Matt who I thought was a total hunk at the time (and then I married a Matt...coincidence?? I think not!)

    I totally forgot about Girl Talk...that game was awesome!

    And...I was just talking about Skip-it the other day. I was awesome at that game...we used to have competitions! I had the pink one :)

  3. omg!! I had all of those board games... I played girl talk and mall madness at all my bday parties and sleepovers, such amazing games!! and I loved my skip-it so freaking much I think I broke it, thanks for this post!! xxoo

  4. I loved the Skip it. Great exercise!!

  5. I could just cry I miss these things so much!

  6. AHHH!! I had all of these except for the moon shoes!

    I LOVED mall madness and girl talk so much!!

    I want to go get a skip it right now - it would be good exercise right?!?

    Oh also I was thinking of you - my cousin and I were talking about "beauty" products of the 80's (we were pretty young too) but remember besides lipsmackers (clearly) did you ever use Salon Selectives!? I used to BEG my mom for that shampoo - I loved the way it smelled!

  7. I love your Flashback Friday's!!! I loved my pogo ball! I never had the moon shoes either, but now I kind of want to ask my parents why!? How fun do they look!

  8. This totally reminded me of sleepovers and birthday parties!!! Haha, true story--my husband grew up with two older sisters so consequently his favorite game growing up was Mall Madness. He will never live that one down!!

  9. This absolutely, without a doubt, made my Friday!

  10. great post! brought back some good memories!

  11. Ummmm, Dream Phone was my ABSOLUTE faveeee .. I still remember the thnings that the phone would say, Like "He looks good in whatever he wears!" Man, I am a loser! <3

  12. I never had moon shoes either, but I had the rest of it! I loved the commerical for "Skip It, Skip It." Maybe it's because I am not home during the day any more like I was at age 4, but toy commercials aren't the same these days!

    Please tell me you also had a Magic Copier. If you can find a picture of that online (I searched one day high and low to show my work colleagues what I was talking about), you will be my best friend forever.

  13. Definitly loved girl talk and my pogo ball!!

  14. How fun!!! I loved almost all of those things. Add in the movie Girls Just Want to Have Fun, and you have my Friday nights!

  15. Ahhh, I love your flashback Friday posts! I remember Girl Talk very well and it was a slumber party staple. We did the calls to your crush too and it was always so embarrassing.

    I loved the pogo ball and remember bouncing all over the place on it. I also remember when scooters were all the rage. I got sick of mine very fast.

  16. BEst flast back Friday yet!
    I totally forgot about dream mall!!!

    ps I tagged you over on my blog!

  17. Sadly I never owned any of these wonderfully '90s items but luckily my BFF did! I can't help but thinking is this REALLY how I spent my childhood? Yep, it is.

    Thanks for bringing it back!

  18. I still have my Girl Talk game, I will never part with it! I had a blue skip-it, until my dad ran it over with the car, lol...then I had a purple one!

  19. I am embarassed to say that I still have my mall madness and girl talk games in my parents basement :o)

  20. OMG this was a GREAT flash back friday!!!! So many memories!!!

  21. I love these! 80s board games were the best!! I had a Skip It and my sister had the pogo ball. I couldn't pogo and she couldn't skip it.

  22. Mall Madness, Dream Phone, and Skip Its were staples in my house growing up! Awesome. :)

  23. I LOVE this post. My sister and I still like to say "oooo a long line. Try again later!" when we are at the mall, a la Mall Madness. And I can just hear the guy on Dream Phone declaring that he likes me. We had some pretty fun games growing up :)

  24. Oooh I had (and loved!) all of those things except pogo ball. I wonder how I missed out on that one...

  25. Is it crazy that my mom, sister and me all still quote Mall Madness and use the same voice that the game had? We will randomly pop out things like, "There's a sale in the chi-chen shop." I don't know why it stuck us so funny that it said "kitchen" like that, but we still laugh about it almost two decades later!


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