Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Final Product.

Remember all of my earlier posts where I shared obscure photographs of a DIY weekend project that Hubs and I had been tirelessly working on? (Guess What We're Building?) Well, we finally shellacked (gosh, i love that word) the last of the boards and have a final product to share! Here's a couple of photos of the completed Cornhole/Bagg-O boards:

After much, much, much discussion as to what we should paint on the boards (Hubs lobbied for the Maryland flag, a crab or two, and numerous beer labels, while I was rooting more for the Vineyard Vines Whale, a JCREW critter board or some type of Lilly-esque paisley pattern) we agreed to disagree on a smattering of the Villanova colors. Corona in hand while braving the sweltering heat, Hubs and I set to laying out our own personal painter's tape creation. I painted the predominantly navy board, while Hubs went for a more streamlined less-is-more theme on the white board. All in all, I think they turned out pretty great. Don't worry, we gave ourselves plenty of pats on the back for our teamwork! Now if only we had the bags to play a game with...


  1. Those look great girl! You two did a wonderful job :)

  2. I LOVE that game!!!!! I played for the first time last year and got hooked!!

    You did a fab job on the boards - they look awesome!!! :)

  3. I love the final product! They look great. You will definitely have a lot of fun playing this summer :)

  4. Very cute! We played Cornhole all day yesterday.

  5. ohh, so nautical. love. love. LOVE.

  6. Love what you did with them! Such a fun game!


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