Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can You Keep A Secret?

While folding the laundry last night and catching up on a myriad of DVR'd programming, I may or may not have hijacked the seven dollars I found in the pocket of Hub's jeans. And then used it to buy my pretty little self a mocha latte and blueberry muffin this morning.


  1. confession... I've done the same thing.
    Twins? I think maybe. :)

    I agree about the pay it forward... and don't worry I'll totally be sending you a lovely thank you gifting back. Cause I'm just like that haha
    I love our blogging circle. :)

  2. Ha! That is hysterical and I think I would have done the same thing. He'll never miss it ;)

  3. finders keepers! thats the motto in my house. plus i do all the laundry anyway...i figure i should get paid.

  4. Hahahaha awesome!!! I totally would have done that too!! Clearly you needed it more than he did ;)

  5. I promise to not tell your secret....but you shouldn't feel bad. I always say, "Whatever ever you find in the laundry (if you're the one doing it) is yours to keep!!"

  6. When my husband leaves a couple bucks in his pants I think it is a tip for doing the laundry and totally fair game for me to use to buy coffee in the morning :)

  7. Finder's keepers...that is my motto! Plus, you deserve a reward for doing the laundry!

  8. oh. you are a smart girl.

    i do this all the time. i consider it my payment for doing his stinky laundry =)

  9. oh my gosh...I just realized I wrote the same comment as Lisa Cheney - I sware I read it after I typed mine! lol...great minds think alike :)

  10. Hahaha this cracked me up! But, I agree, it is your tip for doing his laundry! :)

  11. What's his is yours and whats yours is yours. Ha. The hubs hijacks my toll money all the time.

  12. Scandelous! I hope you make it up to him. :)

  13. I love you! I do it all the time. I've been lucky enough to find 2 $20's!!

  14. That's PERFECT!
    That's exactly how you get around the Latte Factor Budget Crisis.

  15. Bahaha.. I do the same thing! The rule is: if he doesn't clean out his pockets, any $$ I find is my tip for doing the laundry!!

  16. Good for you! That is a rule in my house: If you leave it in your pockets, its fair game! Either that or he does his own laundry!


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