Monday, May 25, 2009

there are few things in life i truly enjoy more than the kind of life contemplatin,' patio-grillin,' front porch-sittin,' days' a wastin,' sunset-watchin,' margarita-drinkin,' sundress-wearin' extra-long weekend Hubs and I shared these last four days.

m a r t h a s v i n e y a r d, j u n e 2 O O 8


  1. hands down my favorite kind of weekend too =) glad you had a good one!

  2. aww we sat on that swing too!

  3. we had a wonderful weekend too.....ours was filled with picnics in our backyard (with lots of yummy margaritas)! how i love three day weekends!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. i agree! what a perfect weekend! :)

  5. Definitely the best kind of days ever!! I love long weekends in the summer with the hubby!! :)

  6. Sounds awesome! Hope you had better weather than we did :)


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