Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What's The First Thing You Do After That Second Pink Line?

Okay, first off, if you're anything like me, you don't mess around. You skip the line-over-analyzing and cheap pee sticks and you immediately spend a week's worth of grocery budget on those overpriced digital suckers. I mean, you can't mistake "Pregnant" for being too faint, too light, too dashy, etc. And it wasn't like I hadn't already blown a week's worth of grocery money in the past on something ridiculous like a Christmas Mickey, so in this kind of situation, that kind of lacking-frugality is necessary.  

Once you've done your peeing (on your 6th stick, mind you, justtobesure) it's time to figure out how to tell your husband. Sure, Pinterest and Blogs present you with approximately 4,972 insanely adorable ways to do so but when time is of the essence, you don't necessarily have the time or means (after all, you just spent $50 on pee sticks) to be Creative with a capital "C." So? In this case, we got Kreative with a capital "K" for "Kohls," because where else would one turn for a sibling shirt at 11am on a Monday morning? 

Can we first talk about the lack of sibling shirts out there? I mean, this is something that Carter's and Jumping Beans needs to readily address. I must've asked 8 salesladies if they'd come across any stock with the words "Big Brother" printed on it and the most each of them could do was give me "The Look" and giggle. 

"Little Brother?" Oh, quite bountiful if you must know. However, not appropro for the situation at hand. Don't be surprised, Loyals, the thought of slapping duct tape over the "little" and Sharpie-ing "Big" on it certainly crossed my mind. 

Finally, after much duress and scrambling around Kohls like a crazy lady, I found it. "The Shirt." 

Oh, I should probably mention here, speaking of t-shirts, that as soon as I found out about Baby #2, I immediately messaged my sweet friend Jennifer and owner of adorable custom shop Braylabees and requested that she make an adorable "Big Brother" t-shirt for a little boy named Carter. Ahem, before I told The Husband. Priorities here, Loyals! So although this wasn't "The Shirt" and it wasn't nearly as cute as the one I would soon be receiving from Jennifer, it would suffice for the day's events. 

Here's Carter's first impression of the news and his impending role as Big Brother.. 

Well, just color him thrilled, why don'tchya? It's okay though. As soon as the initial shock wore off and I promised him a pony and his very own castle, he quickly became rather excited about the news. 

Loyals, do you know difficult it is to wait for your Husband to return home from work when shouldering the weight of such exciting news and simultaneously feeling as if you're going to hurl at any moment? I'm here to tell you it's ridiculously difficult. And as we did laps up and down the sidewalk out front, wearing our new shirt, I silently prayed to God that this wouldn't be the moment that C biffed it and landed himself in the ER for stitches. 

After what felt like hours, The Husband finally pulled into the driveway and stepped out from his car to a barrage of "Did you see C's new shirt? Can you see it? C, show Daddy your new shirt." And so he looked... 

And he looked... 

Quite a difficult thing to do when all The Toddler does it this... 

But then? Finally? He got it... 

And I'm so happy to have been able to capture that smile on film... 

And in case you were wondering Loyals, that's what a 3 week pregnant AP looks like.. exhausted and ready to dry heave at any give moment! Thanks SO much for your sweet words and hundreds of congratulations! We are BEYOND excited and cannot wait to share this ridiculously incredibly (and equally exhausting) journey with you! 

Happy Wednesday!


  1. What an adorable way to tell your husband!!! I wish I had gotten my husbands reaction on film!

    Congratulations again!


  2. I love how you broke the news to your husband..!!!!


  3. What sweet pictures! Congrats!

    I tried videotaping when my son and I broke the news to my husband. Ha! Like he didn't know what was going on:)

  4. I really don't have words for how HAPPY I am for you! But you? Can consider this idea STOLEN. And since we've no plans for Kitty 2.0 yet, I have plenty of time to find just the right shirt ;)

  5. I can't believe you were even able to wait all day! I remember having this whole thing planned on how I would tell the hubs but then In the actual moment I'm pretty sure I just shoved the pee stick in his face at 5am muttering "2 lines! 2 lines!". Hopefully for the next I can be more creative!

    Congrats again! C is going to be a great big brother!

  6. I love it!!!! We did the same thing with Julianna!! (does that surprise you considering all of our other similarities? Ha!) it's sooo cute! An C wears it so well!! :)

  7. Ahhhh this post is so stinking adorable! Good for you for finding the shirt AND having the camera handy :)

  8. So sweet I love it!!

  9. Oh my gosh. That is the most absolute SWEETEST idea to tell the news to your husband!!!! I love the photo you captured of him! He looks so handsome and full of joy :)

  10. Oh my word...I totally missed the bottom of your last post. A lesson learned. Read all the way through or some exciting news will surely be missed.

    Congrats! I'll be right there with you with two under two. I'm kind of scared. Not sure how I'm going to handle that. Like sleep? How the heck are we suppose to sleep?

  11. So adorsble!!! Omg I love that you got it on camera! Perfect!

  12. I love that you were able to capture it on camera! So excited for you!

  13. The fact that you got this all on camera is adorable! So sweet. Thanks for sharing! Such a cute story :)

  14. I’ve been waiting for this news since your mysterious “Please send good vibes at around 2:20 p.m.” tweet! I thought, “Hmm … 2:20 sure sounds like a doctor’s appointment!” Then, I crossed my fingers for you! And now … yay!!!

    BEYOND excited for you, The Husband and The World’s Greatest Brother! AP, you have quickly become one of my absolute favorite bloggers for your honesty, your wit, and the fact that you are just downright relatable. Since I wasn’t a reader when you were pregnant with C, I am so excited to follow this journey! Thanks for inviting us along!

    p.s. These pictures are absolutely priceless! I love them!

  15. i love this post! what a great way to share the news with your husband (and that C got to 'participate' ... even if he didnt know it)!

  16. Love it! So awesome that you caught it on camera. He looks so happy!!!

    Can't wait for baby number two. Then I will get twice the cute on here.

  17. So cute...and I agree, when you are looking for a particular item you can never find it! I've been trying to find a monkey hat that actually fits Tommy since his was getting too small from last year (and it sort of got misplaced!)...congrats again!!!

  18. Congratulations again! So thrilled for you all. I am impressed that you could wait all day!

  19. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! Love that big smile on m's face! PERFECT!!!!!! You're going to be a wonderful mother of 2!


  20. I love that you were able to capture those moments! So great. :)

  21. Love it. You know, the Big Sister shirt issue needs to be addresses as well. I searched and searched and the smallest I could find was a friggin' 4T!!! Apparently I'm only THREE years too early on this adventure ...

  22. So sweet AP! What a precious moment to catch with the camera!

  23. Ohh these pictures are so precious!! So glad you caught it all on film :) Love how you shared the news- I'll definitely keep that one stored in the back of my mind just in case :) I am so happy for you guys!

  24. What a great way to hell hubby! I'm so doing this when I get pregnant...hopefully in a couple of months! I already bought Braden a "big brother" shirt on sale at!!

  25. I love that you captured this moment. So sweet! :)

  26. Yay!! I love it and love the smile on his face! I'm so excited to walk this journey with you guys and read all about it! Congrats again!

  27. Congrats!!! The shirt is adorable and the look on your husband's face is priceless:)

  28. Omigosh, JUST ADORABLE. Thanks for sharing :-)

  29. SO awesome that you catch his reaction! Those pictures will be so priceless to show the new baby when he/she is older :)

  30. Congrats! I didn't tell my hubs in a cute way with either pregnancy and I completely regret it!

  31. So sweet! Love that you got such great pictures of sharing the news!

  32. Congrats!! I love the pictures!!

  33. What a sweet way to tell the hubby. Congrats!

  34. I just caught up reading your last few posts and I wanted to say Congratulations!! Very happy for you and your family!

  35. so sweet! way to capture it :)))) I'm excited to hear all the stories ahead!!! and C-Baby is precious!!

    ps, I still feel special you told me a lil ahead of the game!!!! whoo hooo!!

  36. Omgsh! This post is just adorable! Love that you got his reaction on film! Congratulations!!

  37. SO excited for you!! I just had my second and my oldest is a two year old boy. Its crazy but wonderful.

  38. Congratulations!
    This is funny because I just bought a 'big brother' shirt from Carters (yes, they have them!) even though I am not pregnant.. lol.. I am preparing for #2!
    So excited for you though.. I am curious as to what some of these other ideas on pinterest were? What did you type in the pinterest search thinggo?


    Congratulations, friend!!! I am so, so stinkin' happy for you! Life changes fast, doesn't it? Sending hugs, prayers and as much rest as possible your way!!

    EKKKK!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!! Wow! Okay - can you tell this is big news to me? ha!!

  40. Oh goodness, the look on your husband's face was awesome; so lucky that you were able to capture it on camera!!!

  41. I'm way late on commenting - but Congratulations!! And can I just say that I had to find a big brother shirt in a size 6 MONTHS! Try that one... I had to get it made for sure! We had Tyler's newborn photo session in his little brother shirt and James wearing his 6m sized Big Brother shirt! GAH!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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