Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday. Puppy Playdate!?

junebug & sullivan


  1. Aww! These are great photos, girlie! I think that Sullivan may be one of the cutest dogs that I've ever seen! Aren't puppy play dates fun?!

  2. Awww. Your pup is seriously the cutest. I love how shaggy he is!

  3. I can't get enough of your dog. Seriously. Love him!

  4. i love sheepdogs! they are so cute! i used to work for a guy who had one and took care of him as a puppy. his name was herbie - so sweet!

  5. Who is that darling pug!! And how old, I love that puggy.... so cute, I want thunder to go on playdates too, xxxoo

  6. what cuties! It looks like they had tons of fun!

  7. GREAT pics.... your dog is just so awesome, and that little Pug is pretty darn adorable too!

  8. LOVE those pics - so adorable!!

    Our dog is a short hair dog (a beagle mix) and our neighbors have a sheepdog. Spencer (our dog) LOVES to play with the sheepdog because of all the fur...we think she's jealous!!

  9. do you give sully hugs all of the time? i swear, sheepies just scream "hug me!" sometimes i just look and stella, laugh, and give her a bear hug. it's the ultimate pick-me-up

  10. your babies are so precious! And I love your blog more than carrots :)

  11. awwww sooo cute! We took our puppies on a puppy playdate this weekend as well!!!!! Is the sheepdog yours? we had a sheepdog when I was little and he was the coolest dog ever! His name was ashley and he used to let me ride him around the house like a pony a la labyrinth style!

  12. He is such a cutie! I love how furry he is! Just makes you want to hug him :-)

  13. Those two are tooo cute! How sweet...they look like the best of friends!! ;)

    p.s. Stop by my blog...I've got an award waiting for you!

  14. Way too much cuteness for just one post!!

  15. So presh!!! Seriously, Sully is a doll. My pug would love to play with him. I think my boston terrier might scare Sully though...

  16. That puppy needs a ponytail to get it's hair out of it's eyes :)

  17. sullivan is the cutest dog ever! well, other than my two :)


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