Thursday, February 23, 2012

So, You're At Blissdom Too? Well, Come Find Me!

i wife, i mom, i write. 
i D.I.Y, i photograph, i used to save lives. 
{not necessarily in that order}

the readers of 
I Love You More Than Carrots
think i'm pretty funny, 
although after three plus years, 
i still don't see it. 
but that may just be my 
dry sense of humor talking. 

so, what i do here?
i snark and i sass and i write
about the many {mis}adventures of motherhood.

one spilled sippy cup of milk
one 19 month old toddler
and a baby on the way

one day at a time. 

if you're reading this from 
the beautiful Opryland hotel in Nashville, 
come find me. 

i'll be the 6 months pregnant gal
likely wearing electric blue skinny jeans
and bright orange nail polish, 
laughing just a bit too loud and occasionally
casting side ward glances that scream ...

"does my mom-i-form look OK?"




  1. have so much fun :)

  2. Have so much fun!!!!!!!!!
    Totally jealous of all those meeting you :)

  3. Hope y'all have fun this weekend! Can't wait to meet you & the other girls on Sunday!

  4. You're going to do fine! Everyone is going to LOVE YOU! I just know it!'re going to have the BEST time ever!!!!!! SO EXCITED TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT! Have fun girl!

  5. enjoy Nashville! it's my hometown...and my husband is the pro just over at the golf course at opryland! love your sense of humor on your say what we all think!

  6. Wish I was there...maybe someday. Have fun!

  7. have a great time! bring back some great tips for those of us who didn't go!

  8. Wishing I was with you! Have SO MUCH FUN!!!

  9. So so jealous! Have an amazing time!!

  10. I'm completely jealous that you're in Nasvhille! I'm from Tennessee and have a super big soft spot for Nashville! :)

  11. I'm jealous. I wish I was at Blissdom! Have a great time!

  12. So jealous of all the ladies who get to meet you! Wish I were there.

  13. Have the time of your life mama!!! You've earned a mom-cation! I'm sure many of us will be living vicariously through you! Xo

  14. you made it!! have fun! can't wait to hear all about it :)


  15. I hope you have so much fun!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  16. I'm sure you look fabulous! Sorry I'm not getting to meet you! Have a blast!

  17. Totally jealous! Have fun!

  18. I so, so wish I was there. I think you look fab in that picture...and am I the only gutter brain that loved the

    "f me" ?


  19. I feel like I missed several opportunities to meet you! That's totally my fault - I tend to be socially awkward in certain situations, and I didn't meet as many new people as I would have liked. Regardless, I hope you had an awesome weekend!

  20. It was so good to meet you this weekend! Can't wait to keep up with you and your adorable family!!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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