Monday, October 10, 2011

My {I Have A Crazy} Erin Condren Life Planner & Giveaway!!

A few short weeks ago, the blog and twitter-spheres were a total buzz with chatter regarding the Erin Condren Life Planner. Reviews and giveaways were popping up left and right as girls all across the country proclaimed their love for The Life Planner. V-logs were recorded to mark the occasion and "Ooh's and Aah's" could be heard worldwide.

Well, Loyals. I'm no different. A self-proclaimed Type-A first born with a penchant for organization, lists and labels. Needless to say, I have no doubts that the Erin Condren Life Planner was made specifically for me. 

My love for planners goes way back. Roughly ten years, to be exact, when I was given my first "agenda" as we called them back in the day. It was given to me by my all-girls high school and basically imparted to me as the second most important book I will ever read, second to the Bible, of course. 

Well, they were right. I swore by that agenda. I tediously recorded every single little aspect of my life in it in perfectly legible Catholic School Girl penmanship. Yes, including dates and numbers of really cute boys. 

And so began my addiction to all things planner. Even before getting my hands on the Life Planner, I knew I would be smitten and Loyals, it was love at first sight. 

With so many places to write lists, take notes and keep track of my crazy, busy life, I'm just so much in love with this planner. 

I love how it's breaks down the day-to-day into three easy to manage sections. I love the large monthly calendar page that begins each month. I love that I desperately needed to color code my life so that I could keep track of each day's comings and goings on. 

This planner totally forces me to step up my organizational game. With pocketed folders and a super cute clear plastic zippy, it's the perfect place to store all of those coupons I get for the clothes that make this Mama absolutely swoony. 

See those stickers up there? I'm going to make it a priority that I use at least one of them every month. Particularly the "mani/pedi" stickers, "girl's night" and hey, maybe even "Vegas!" A girl can dream right?

Oh.. and well, let's just say that Erin and her team have had a major secret up their sleeves! Pretty soon you'll be able to purchase IPHONE CASES that will MATCH your Erin Condren swag! I'm pretty sure it doesn't get much better.

Well, Loyals. Do we have a treat for you. The kind folks at Erin Condren and the Erin Condren brand have graciously offered each of you the chance to win...

a $25 off coupon!

In addition, Carter would also like to give the lucky winner not one but...
 TWO 10% off coupons!

Just to say how much he LOVES you, of course! Each of these 10% off coupons are good for forever with no expiration date! No pressure, but we think you should put them towards ordering your Erin Condren Holiday cards! 

Here's What You Need To Do:

1. Be a registered follower of ILYMTC via either Google Friend Connect or RSS Subscribe.

2. "Like" the Erin Condren Facebook Page AND on their wall write "AP and C sent me!"

Do both of those things and leave me ONE comment telling me why you want to win this giveaway. 

For extra good juju:

2. Tweet about this giveaway!
3. Enter ANOTHER EC Giveaway over at Jennifer's Blog

If you do either of these things, leave a separate comment letting me know you wanted a bit of extra good juju, wanted to spread the Erin Condren love and totally wanted to pimp me out.

This contest begins today, October 10th and ends promptly at midnight on Saturday, October 15th. The winner will be announced on Monday, October 17th! Good luck and thanks to all those who enter!


  1. I follow! Of course I follow, I love you!

  2. Oh and I already "like" ILYMTC on FB. Oh and I want to win this bc I REALLY want an iPhone cover when they come out, like BAAAAD!

  3. Done and done! As a mom, nurse, and full-time NP student, I don't want one, I NEED one! Here's hoping!

  4. Yes, please - sign me up! I love you, C & Erin Condren! :)

  5. I live a cr-azy planned life (think event planner working 4 nights a week) and the Life planner would be the perfect go to!

  6. I too am super Type A and live for planners and all things organization. I would love to have this planner to help keep me even more organized.

  7. I also wanted a little extra juju so I liked your facebook page to help spread the word. Love your blog.

  8. I'm a follower of you and Liked her page.

    I have been drooling over these planners but can't justify paying that much for a planner. I depend on a planner because I work 4 jobs and need to keep everything organized!

  9. I follow you...duh. :)

  10. I've liked EC on FB since first hearing about the Life Planners!

  11. I did both! Maybe this will be the one I finally win - I've been entering EC contests left and rigtht!

  12. I like your blog on FB. :)

  13. I follow you, duh! And I like EC on FB and told them you & C sent me.

    I wanna win because I'm a sucker for "agendas"! Old school too, sister. Starting in high school, through college and OMG have you seen the lesson plan books for teachers EC has???? Yeah, so what if I'm at home right teacher heart swooned.

    So, I NEED the life planner to organize my life. Google calender isn't cutting it. Different color pens, stickers, spaces...oh my!

    This is supposed to be ONE comment, right? I wanna make sure I have all my entries correctly.

  14. I already like you on facebook!

  15. I tweeted because of course you need more love on your twitter and blog. ;)
    Okie dokie...AP at @LvdMoreThnCrrts is having an @erincondren giveaway!! Enter to win or don't because I COVET this planner. ;)

  16. I entered at Life in the Green House too.

  17. Obvi I follow you! I like EC on FB already :) And I like you on FB! Duh! I NEED a life planner!

  18. Aannnddddd I entered at Jen's:) I NEED an iPhone case!!

  19. We are moving to Nashville at the end of the month and I totally need to be organized for all that craziness!

  20. I tweeted about the giveaway!

    Twitter ID ElizBLindz

  21. I'm a follower and liked her facebook page and told her that you sent me!

  22. I follow you on twitter and loyally read your blog! I liked Erin Condren's page on facebook and yours too! :)

  23. Did the steps! I'd love to win one of these planners because I'm a crazy full-time working mom who needs some organization! :)

  24. I love my EC planner. Just received in the mail. Can't wait to get started with re-organizing my life. Great giveaway. Be sure to stop by my blog today for a giveaway of my own.

  25. I wrote on erin's Facebook and like it! And I entered at the green house!

  26. Can family members enter?! Pretty please? Already like/love you and EC on Facebook :o)

  27. Entered over at Jennifer's blog, too! Thanks <3

  28. im a new follower :)

  29. i liked EC on facebook!

  30. i entered at Jens :)

  31. i just Liked ILYMTC on FB.

  32. AP- this goes without saying...I FOLLOW ILYMTC! If I had FB I'd 'like you' there...but I don' I'll there. That's my 2 entries!!!!!

  33. I love love love my planner and want to spread the love as a gift to my sis. She is more of a planner than I am and would totally be blessed by this. Much love to you Ashley for spreading the love to all of us! Muah!!!

  34. I think I'm covered now. Did most of it...except tweet...I'm not a tweeter!

  35. I.DIE! I have been in lust with the Erin Condren planner since I stumbled across them. Two weeks ago! This is a must for our family with baby h coming in March!

  36. I follow on GFC and I liked EC on Facebook. I am in love with Erin's planners, but I just can't justify spending the money now, so I would LOVE to win!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. My little sister is finally graduating from College and I would love to give her a LIFE PLANNER!!! Miss you Ash hope you and Carter have a Happy Halloween. Can't wait to see him in his costume!! xoxo

  40. I follow, liked and wrote on their wall, and I want to win because I desperately need to get organized!

  41. and, of course I follow ILYMTC on facebook!

  42. I'm a follower and wrote on EC page!

  43. I already 'liked' your FB fanpage, but entered for some extra juju. And told the EC FB page that you sent me (even though I am already a fan there, too). But, one thing I wasn't: a subscriber to this here blog. So, I crossed that off my bucket list. Because I would desperately love to have one of these hot little numbers to carry around and get myself (along with my husband and son) organized. I will be tweeting it, too. (I follow you there! :))

  44. I 'like' EC on FB and commented.

  45. I follow & like EC on FB. I want to win so I can get an iphone cover to match my planner! :)

  46. And I love Green things(woohoo!)

  47. I follow you & let EC know that AP & C sent me on FB ;) I NEED an EC planner because, like you, I have had a love for planners since my high school days. This love continued on into college and still is there today. I need a PRETTY planner though :)

  48. Also, I just liked ILYMTC on FB for some extra juju ;)

  49. I just want a daggum planner!! I already follow you duh

  50. I like EC on FB and wrote on their wall.

  51. I entered at Jennifer's blog too!

  52. I'm a follower. I already "like" EC and I posted on their page.

  53. I entered the other giveaway at Life in the Green House.

  54. I want to win this, because as a new mom, graduate student, wife, and someone who is trying to exercise more, I need this Life Planner to help me plan out my life!

  55. I entered on Jennifer's blog too.

  56. and of course, I like ILYMTC on FB.

  57. okay, I'd love you on FB if I could...and I liked EC on FB today...and why do I want to win this...well, the planner I am using is circa late 90s...DayRunner I think. The initials on it are from my single days, and I was married in 2001. Yeah, embarrassing. I need something new, and I have been trying to decide what I want to order...or have someone order for me for Christmas!

  58. i want to win this giveaway, b/c i HEART ec, but am on a budget. momma needs all the help she can get! ;-)

  59. i tweeted about this giveaway

  60. i entered the giveaway on jennifer's blog, too!

  61. I subscribe to your blog via Google Reader!

  62. I follow you! and am your biggest fan!

  63. and i wanna win because I'm an AGENDA FREAKKKK!!!! just like.. a good IHA graduate. lol

  64. I follow you on fb, twitter and here. I "liked" Erin Condren on fb and I need some organization in my life :)

  65. I entered Jennifer's giveaway too :)

  66. I have subscribed to your blog, liked and posted on the Erin Condren FB page. I hope I win this giveaway so that I can get an iPhone case when they are available.

  67. GFC follower, wrote on EC's FB page, and I want to win this because it would make the life planner more affordable! I missed the Plum District deal, so I've been wanting one ever since!!!

  68. I entered Jennifer's EC giveaway!

  69. I like ILYMTC fan page!

  70. tweet!

  71. I follow you or course and I Left a comment on Erin Condren's Facebook page telling them you sent me!

    I would LOVE to win a planner because I have been struggling to keep my life organized with my daughter. Thank you so much for hosting this!

  72. Hi! I just joined via Google and commented on the EC fb page! I am really hoping to win this because my mom's birthday is in November and I have been planning on getting her the planner- she will love it! :D

  73. I also tweeted, liked your fb page, and entered Jennifer's giveaway. Today must be EC day because another blog on my Google Reader list is also doing one- fingers crossed!

  74. I. Need. This.

    Because I just started the new job and rarely know what day it is. I also believe my coworkers think there's something wrong with me because I can't seem to get my shit together ;). See? I neeeeed one of these organizers, like, yesterday.


  75. Loyal follower and now a fan of ErinCondren on fb!! yayyy :)

  76. Also just found and "liked" you on facebook! :)

  77. You have the best giveaways!! :) Thankgoodness I follow you :)

  78. I already liked EC on Facebook. And may have written on their wall like 80 times today...

  79. ....aaaaaand - I tweeted about your giveaway. :)

    You rock!! (Duh!)

  80. I follow your blog (and love it btw)! Im dying to win this giveaway because I recently moved, and it was an icky move with most of my stuff ending up in a storage crate back in my old city... including my new planner! Im dying to feel organized again, and Im obsessed with Erin Condren, but my budget... not so much! This would make owning one of these legendary planners much easier!

  81. I tweeted!!!! (@luvspink_pearls)

  82. I entered the giveaway on the Greens' blog!!!!

  83. I did all the required stuff. I would like to win because like you, I am super type A and a planner would help get me organized!

  84. I already like the EC FB page.
    The reason I want to win? I neeeeeeed more labels! :)

  85. Of course you know I follow you!

  86. I'm OCD. I'm type A. I'm a new momma. I'm a loyal loyal LOYAL like from the start of your bloggie days loyal reader. We are bloggie sistas from two different mothas. pick me!!
    ps. I also liked erin's fb page :)

  87. I want to win this so I can cross off even more of my EC wish list!!!!

  88. I want one because anything that could help me to be more organized can't hurt...right?!

  89. I want to win this because anything I can use to keep me organized has got to help, right?!

  90. I follow you and like EC on facebook! As a very type A and very BUSY teacher, I think this planner would be fabulous for me!

  91. I follow you! And I like Erin Condren on FB. I would love to win this giveaway so I can order an Erin Condren wedding planning notebook!


  92. I want to win this giveaway because it is AWESOME! I need some organization help stat! I'm a GFC follower :)

  93. I also tweeted about this giveaway. @KLRsouthernlove

  94. I follow your blog and I like Erin Condren on Facebook!

  95. I entered the giveaway on Jennifer's blog too!

  96. I tweeted about this giveaway.
    Thank you!!

  97. I like EC on FB and wrote on their wall

  98. I like ILYMTC on FB and I really want a matching iphone cover

  99. I tweeted!/PerfectlyJenn/status/123520626328748032

  100. Woo hoo, love Erin Condren! I follow you, of course and I "liked" her on Facebook and left comment!

    I've already ordered my Life Planner, but now I've got to get my hands on some holiday stuff. Or sorority stuff...I can't decide!

  101. I tweeted for some juju!!/MagnoliaMom365/status/123537297365925888

  102. I entered Jennifer's giveaway!

  103. i follow your blog and i wrote on ec's fb wall! i need to win because i really neeeeed a planner!

  104. and i entered at jennifer's blog!

  105. I already like Erin Condren (and you, of course!)

    I bought stickers from her way before she was this popular, but I still love her anyway (I usually prefer to find stuff that not everyone has! he he)

  106. OMG I LOVE this contest. I am incredibly type A and love planners more than carrots :) I have never owned an Erin Condren, but MUST!

  107. And I follow on facebook too, of course!!!

  108. I am a follower of your blog and I also "liked" Erin's FB page and left a comment letting her know that AP & C sent me! I would LOVE to win this giveaway because I could use a new organizer and Erin's are absolutely amazing. I'd like for my schedule to look pretty for ONCE! :)

  109. As a military wife, this would come in super handy! Especially during our busy moves and my husbands crazy schedule.

  110. I want to win to bring me back to the IHA days with the agenda... I still have all 4 of mine hahaha :-)

  111. follow you & wrote on the EC fb page

  112. tweeted:

  113. I just entered Jennifer's giveaway too. Today is the best day ever for Erin Condren giveaways. Haha. :)

  114. Because this type A girl has been feeling a little disorganized in her new town, and needs some organization, or maybe I just like the pretty planner, either way I want one!

  115. Because this type A girl has been feeling a little disorganized in her new town, and could use a little organization... Or maybe it's just the cuteness I need!

  116. I follow you and like Erin Condren!

  117. And entered Jennifer's giveaway!

  118. I follow you, and Liked FB page. I would LOVE to win this since I am in need of a NEW planner!

  119. Task complete and I liked the ILYMTC FB page too! We're about to welcome baby #2 so all help in organizing our lives is welcome!

  120. Hi AP! I would REALLY like to win this planner!!!
    I'm a first-time mom-to-be who knows my life is about to take a hectic turn. Just from seeing you and Lindsey (from Love to the Moon & Back) rave about these planners I know that my OCD self needs one too!!! (And I'm actually finding out what we're having on the 17th so winning this would make the day extra special!)

    I liked EC on FB... and ILYMTC as well! :o)

    Happy Tuesday!

  121. I also like EC on fb!

    I would love to have this, especially have 2U2 and one with a lot of doctor appointments.

  122. I entered the giveaway on Jennifers blog! :)

  123. I'm a new follower to your blog and I already like Erin Condren on Facebook!

    My life consists of multiple daily to-do lists, post-it notes on the mirror and forgotten appointments! I need this life planner in my life!

  124. I entered Jennifer's giveaway ovet at Life in the Green House!

  125. I follow you! and I like EC on FB, I really need to get organized!

  126. I've already liked ED on facebook but I left a comment that I was sent from this blog!

  127. I also liked your blog on facebook!

  128. DANG! This is a popular post! I already follow your blog! I also am friends on google connect and left a comment on the EC facebook page and liked her page! Hope I win so I can get an EC iphone cover! RAD


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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