Thursday, August 12, 2010

Milk Breath.

Definitely one of the sweetest smells ever, on the face of this earth. I could (and probably do) spend countless hours, each day, with my nose pressed close to my sweet baby's lips.. inhaling that warm, sweet baby milk breath of his.

Go ahead. Call me crazy, but it's an addiction. I love every single little thing about him and I just can't get enough.

in honor of Carter's 2 week birthday tomorrow I promise to try and get his birth story together!


  1. I definitely agree with you. I have had to supplement with formula for the last few days and bleh! Disgusting. I want that sweet breath back.. stat!

  2. He is so precious! What a blessing it is to have our bodies produce milk. God is so good!

    ENJOY! They grow up fast!

  3. soooooooooooo adorable!! xxxxoo congrats!!!

  4. awww milk breath how cute! hope all is well!:)

  5. I was just saying yesterday that if you could bottle that newborn smell- the milk breath, the skin, the hair, everything; I would buy every bottle. Oh it makes my heart sing.. Enjoy this time girl...

  6. Ok seriously, SERIOUSLY with you on this. I ALWAYS tell my husband I could bottle that smell up and keep it forever. He thinks I'm nuts. But oh my word, I love baby breath.


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