Friday, August 13, 2010

Carter's Newborn Shoot with the Talented Melissa Manzione

Much bigger news to share today, readers. Carter's birth story will have to wait another day.. as will my shower and anything else I had small intentions of accomplishing today! It's almost as if Carter has a sixth sense that includes waking up or turning into Captain Fussypants the minute Momma sits down to do anything! Looks like I'm going to need to read those Moby wrap instructions and start some baby-wearing around here!

Last night we were blessed to welcome Melissa Manzione, lead photographer (and "Auntie" to Carter) of Melissa Manzione Photography, into our home for Carter's newborn photo session.

Although these pictures will absolutely speak for themselves, let me just say, she is phenomenal. There's no wonder about her eye for some of the most darling images every captured on film!

this picture has instantly become one of my absolute favorites

Despite heading to the beach this weekend for a fabulous birthday celebration and spending her Thursday evening whipping up a delicious dinner for Hubs, myself and Baby C, Melissa worked tirelessly to immediately edit a handful of pictures so that the Hubs and I could sneak a peak at Carter's photo shoot.

Head on over to her photog blog to check out more pictures of Carter as well as some of her other amazing work!

We love you BUNCHES, Melis! We hope you have a wonderfully, fabulous birthday weekend!


  1. Oh my gosh, these photos are gorgeous! I just looked at her website too to see more. Absolutely precious!

  2. Aww soo cute! I like them all but the one of Carter looking over your shoulder is my favorite too!

  3. What gorgeous photos AP!! I love the one on Melissa's blog of the three of y'all laying in bed together with your feet being the focal point so adorable. Seriously he is one handsome little guy :)

  4. What a handsome little man!! He's so adorable!

    Congrats again :)

  5. Ohmigosh, those are such great photos!! We just had a photographer come to our house to do my son Alexander's newborn pictures and I cannot wait to get them back!!
    Im new to motherhood and new to blogging, so I love to read other mom's stories!

  6. Love Love Love!!!
    GREAT pics! Keep em coming!

  7. Absolutely fabulous! You will cherish these beautiful shots forever. (What a gorgeous little guy he is!) Congratulations!

  8. As much as I was looking forward to reading the birth story, this will have to do :) They. are. amazing!! Oh, and defintely do the Moby. Check out the Kangaroo Hold. Connor's favorite. I started a Master's class a week after Connor was born. Needless to say, he was Moby'd up for most of the day with me at my computer. He would sleep for hoursssss in it!

  9. those are precious! what a darling little boy!

  10. Awww I love the pics! He's a cutie!

  11. I LOVE those two pictures - the one of him looking over your shoulder is priceless. Heartwarming...and priceless.

  12. I love the one of him asleep over your shoulder!

  13. Oh my gosh! I am speechless. Those pictures could not be any more gorgeous :)

  14. he is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!!! i'm so incredibly happy for you!


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