Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is It Still Referred to As a Push Present...

If there's no actual "pushing" involved?

Thank you darling husband and precious baby boy..
I am undoubtedly the luckiest Mama in the world.


  1. Hey, you still carried and undoubtedly large baby boy.. you deserve it! Gorgeous piece.

  2. ohh I likey! what a lucky mama you are (=

  3. Hey, giving birth is giving birth - that's all there is to it :) Love the bling!

  4. That's beautiful! And i'd say carrying a baby for 9 months is definitely worth a present (even if there is no pushing involved). :)

  5. GORGEOUS! That is worth whatever discomfort and pain you went through! What a beautiful way to remember this time in your lives.

  6. I am a brand new reader and I love love love your blog! Precious, hilarious, entertaining, wonderful! Congrats on the sweet baby boy, I can't wait to keep reading!

  7. Yes! You should still get a pushing present. It sounds so much better than a cutting present. :)

  8. That's almost exactly what I asked for :)


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