Monday, July 27, 2009

Tuesday's Truths or Rather, I Confess...

the idea for this post came to me this past weekend on our drive home from Maryland. Hubs said he couldn't wait to get home and mow the lawn. Of course, he was being sarcastic and of course, I laughed. He then proposed that I mow the lawn. And again, I just laughed...

I confess:

1. I've never mowed the lawn. And truth be told, I don't think I ever will. It's a man's job and don't think for a second I wouldn't mow all sorts of crazy, crooked lines into the lawn. Because I would. So it's probably just better that I. Don't. Mow.

2. I hate to cook. I cook out of necessity. I cook because my husband needs to eat.

3. I could eat (and have eaten) cereal for every meal of the day.

4. I've gone shopping before and left the evidence in the car overnight so that Hubs would be unawares. This means that I've even woken up early the next morning to un-bag and put away said evidence. Does this mean I need to join Shopper's Anonymous? Hello, My name is Ashley Paige and I...

5. I happily threw out Hub's favorite button down shirt. He loved this shirt and it was the most gosh-awful shade of blue you could ever imagine. Shame on you, Lands Ends, for ever creating such a hideous oxford. In my defense, Hubs and I talked it over first. I just very forcefully coerced him into letting me throw it away.

6. I let Sully sleep in our bed. I can't help it. If it allows me an extra hour of sleep in the morning, I'll do anything. He doesn't sleep in our bed the entire night, but after waking up at 5am and pawing at my head incessantly, I lean over, hoist him into bed and it's 60 additional minutes of glorious shut-eye.

To be continued..


  1. I've never mown the lawn either. I've never even touched a lawn mower.

  2. I laughed so hard reading this! I also do 1, 3, and 4. Especially 4! I thought I was the only one. ha! :)

  3. I completely agree that mowing a lawn is a man's ob. I don't ask Skip to do anything around the house besides mow the lawn. Somethings we ladies just shouldn't have to do!

  4. Definitely guilty of number 6 with our new puppy. She slept in her crate all of two nights before we realized how much more sleep we could get if she slept in the bed with us. She was waking us up about 3 times every night in the crate... and only once a night when she sleeps in our bed. Totally worth it!

  5. Haha I'm with you on the cereal thing!

  6. I confess I could pizza all day everyday!! xxxooo

  7. I have never mowed a lawn either, nor do I ever want to!

    I like to cook but don't have the time so therefore don't like to cook, if that makes sense.

    Our dog is the opposite - when she wakes me up in the morning IN the bed (becuase she has been keeping me company all night this summer), I put her in her kennel and then we get more sleep. :)

  8. I've never mowed either :) Could even begin to know how :)

  9. i also have never mowed...hate to cook...BUT love to to eat...and my daughter (does that still count?) comes into our room at 6 am and we snuggle until 7 am...

  10. When we move, Husby might..cough cough...lose some of his shirts too.

    Thankfully, I get home before Husby so I have enough time to hide any evidence from shopping.

  11. I'm so with you. I love it! I'll have to think of my own list!

  12. I refuse to mow. If we ever are in a situations where hubs isn't around to do it, I will gladly hire a lawn service. And I definitely let my dogs sleep in bed with me so that they don't get in trouble or wake me up!!

  13. uh.. are we the same person?! i also refuse to mow the lawn. it turns your shoes green and that pisses me off royally. i do not cook. fortunately the hubs does or we would, quite simply, starve. and i almost always hide my purchases in the car. then i bring them in one by one spread out over time!! i don't think he buys it!!

  14. i have never mowed either! and i am guilty of leaving bags in the car overnight : )

  15. Love this! I actually have mowed the lawn (once, maybe twice) and it's a pretty great workout, but it's not something I would do on a reg basis. I have also bought something secretly put it away so I don't get the "budget" talk. And cereal is my love! I could eat it every day all day....

  16. Is it bad that it's never even occurred to me to mow the lawn? Ah ha. And my cats hog our bed every night.

  17. perfect post...I had just left you an award on my blog (the Honest Scrap Award)

    Looks like you were one step ahead...we just need 1 more truth tho. =P

  18. I've never mowed the lawn either!!


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