Wednesday, July 15, 2009

THE Book. And Marital Musings.

After reading my previous post, many of you darling bloggers wanted to know what book it is that Hubs has been diligently reading every night before bed.. Well, wonder no more ladies! Here it is:

For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women
Written by Shaunti Feldhahn

Just let the men in your life read the first sentence and I promise you, they will be hooked.
"Like some guys I know, you might be tempted to skip this introduction and jump right to the sex chapter."

This book is written exactly how the men in our lives think. And I know I can't speak on behalf of all the Hubs' out there, but I know my Hubs really appreciates and enjoys it. (I know, I'm a little shocked, too!) But in all honesty, why wouldn't the men in our lives who love us so much want to understand us a little more?

If nothing else, this book is a great conversation starter.

As is it's counterpart:
For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men
Which I plan to begin as soon as I finish up the current three reads I have going on my Kindle.

In other news, we're waiting to find out the whereabouts of Hubs' next project. There's a few different options on the table, unfortunately none of which require him to work in the same state as his darling wife. It's okay though. It's nothing we haven't worked through before and I do admit it's been nice the last 18 months while Hubs worked in our state's capital. It seems I've been a little spoiled in that respect.

Let me set the stage for the following bit of Marital Musings. Hubs and I are on G-Chat (or G-Mail's version of Instant Messenger) while winding down our respective workdays:

Mike: i am going to leave and start walking over there now. I got another offer to join in CLT.
Me: Ok! I'll be getting off soon. Wait, what? CLT?
Mike: Charlotte.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not all up on my consultant-lingo. I'm not "in the biz."
Mike: That is the airport code, silly.
Mike: "CLT" as in Char International
Me: Dork.
Me: As in you are a huge dork.
Me: Dork. Dork. Dork.
Mike: Ok im leaving 'STAT' nurse
Mike: As in give me an IV STAT

He's so silly sometimes..


  1. Those books look great. I wonder how I can sneak it onto Husby's night stand...

  2. Hmm those books seem interesting... thanks!! xxooo

  3. Very interesting books! Thanks for the recommendation :)

  4. I didn't know they had a men's book! I have the woman's one and it's awesome!

  5. Those books look really interesting! I might have to pick them up...

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am so glad you found me! Love your blog! It is so cute!

  7. I love this book!! Both my husband and I read them. Great recommendation!

  8. I need to look into getting those books for hubby and I. They sound fun and insightful!

  9. "For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men"

    Honey, don't waste the cash. It is, at best a pamphlet.
    Let me give you the Cliff's Notes:
    and Repeat.
    ad infinitum

  10. oh haven't read these yet, but will have to add them to my to-read list. thanks for linking your review on "the middle place" now i can't wait to sit down and start it. love your blog!

  11. Thanks for stopping by! I'm excited to start reading your blog too!

  12. So I have to know....did your husband voluntarily decide to read this book, or did you suggest it?

    If he picked it up on his own, I am IMPRESSED! Mine would probably read it if I asked...but he would never come up with the idea on his own.

  13. omg, me and my girlfriends just got finished reading this. We read it cus a few months ago we read "For Women Only" and felt that she was trying to turn us into stepford wives, so we wanted to see what the men were being told.
    i liked this book -- until the end.

  14. Wonder if there's any way I can get the hubs to take a peek at this book....

  15. Thanks for following my blog! It's nice to "meet" you!

    My husband and I read these books and loved them!

  16. PS- I just tagged you @ my blog!


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