Monday, July 20, 2009

I Shouldn't Be This Excited...

about Gmail's new "Tasks" feature. However, my Type-A, must-be-organized, neverending list-making persona is absolutely ecstatic. Logging in last night and seeing that new button, I swear my stomach did little flip-flops of excitement. Gone are the days when I would "compose" a new email, addressed solely to myself and fill it with lists upon lists of things to do, things to buy, things I wanted to accomplish today, tomorrow and yes, even two years from now. And to think of the thrill I am going to get when checking that little box, indicating I've completed said task.. This is just too much for my little slightly OCD self to comprehend! First G-chat and now Tasks? Goody Goody Gumdrops! Thank you, Gmail!

Happy Monday!


  1. I saw that!! I think its a great feature, I use my tasks on outlook all the time, xxxooo

  2. Ooh! Thanks for sharing.. just another reason I LOVE Gmail!

  3. When I saw this, I got really excited and had to check if my gmail had it yet, which it doesn't. They roll these things out in waves, I can't wait to get it.

    To Do Lists are amazing.

  4. Hahaha, you are hilarious

  5. seriously seriously seriously- I KNOW!!!
    We are two peas in a pod and let me first say - THANK GOD I"M NOT ALONE. I'm just going to have to send your post today off to my contact list and say SEE! I'm not alone nor crazy!! :)

    I too did a ho skip and a jump when tasking just got a little bit better!

  6. Haha, awesome!!! I didn't notice it but now I'm on my way to check it out!

  7. I saw that in there today - I haven't tried it yet, but Google is phenomenal. I wouldn't be surprised if they saw customers emailing lists like you described and decided to innovate...they're smart (and creepy) like that!

  8. I love that about gmail, I am excited too!!

  9. Wow I didn't even notice that and I had it up all day!!!! Awesome! Thanks for the tip :)

  10. I love it too. I'm super type A and the queen of list making. This is the best feature.

  11. I haven't seen this yet?!!? Awesome! It would be really, really nice to condense all of my "to lists" and have it accessible online in one place. :)


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