Friday, July 10, 2009

Back, Relaxed and Better Than Ever...

We're back!

Much to our dismay, there were no chemotherapy clinics in need of a registered nurse or any large financial firms in need of financial advising. Therefore, we settled on our regularly scheduled return flight to Philadelphia.

If you ever have the opportunity to visit the islands of Turks and Caicos, do not, I repeat DO NOT hesitate for a single second.. Hop right on that plane!! Having been to a few other islands in the Caribbean, the islands of Turks and Caicos are among the most breathtaking I have ever seen!

This weekend Hubs and I will be basking in the memories of our romantical and adventure-filled vacation, tackling the insurmountable loads of laundry that seemed to have accrued effortlessly in our house and driving to Hometown, New Jersey to pick Sully up from Camp Grammaw and Grampaw's.

I can't wait to catch up on my blog-reading and promise to share some pictures later this weekend! Happy Weekend!


  1. I'm so glad you two had a great vacay! Can't wait to see pics!

  2. Gotta love vacations. Glad you had a fabulous time! Cannot wait to see pictures.

  3. welcome home!! can't wait to see pictures!!

  4. So glad you're back! Hope you had a great time!

  5. glad you had so much fun!!!!!! i've heard it is BEAUTIFUL. we're going to florida in a few weeks, which doesn't even remotely compare, but i'm still excited!

    can't wait to see pictures!


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