Sunday, June 28, 2009

Personal Space, Much?

I'm a nurse. I've accepted the fact that there are more than a bajillion germs lurking on just about every square inch of public surface. I carry a bottle of hand sanitizer in just about every purse/tote/clutch that I own. I wash my hands constantly- so much that "dry, winter skin" is a year-round issue for my hands. I also understand that I don't live in a bubble and I cannot expect everyone on earth to be as thoughtful and antiseptic as I am. Bummer.

Enter: The germy, cough-y, sneezy petri dish of a gentleman who stood behind me in line at CVS this weekend. Who clearly didn't have a clue as to the meaning of "personal space." Much less how to respect someone else's.

Not only could I feel the spittle landing on the back of my neck with each warm, snotty, phlegmy breath he took, but I swear I could almost feel the itchy fibers of his wool sweater vest on the backs of my bare arms.

Have I totally creeped you out? Apologies. But seriously, what was this guy thinking? What did I do? I simply stepped out of line and turned my "I just have to run into CVS for some Tums" trip into a "I'll take those Tums and let's just take a gander down the pretty hair product aisle because you know I'm a huge sucker for fancy packaging and the newest spray/moose/gel/creme product that's come out onto the market" trip. You know, with a side of "Do you happen to carry any Haz-Mat suits in a size 2?"


  1. Eeeek, poor you. I've come to realize that chronic dry hands is one of the bad things that comes with being a nurse. I've yet to find a good hand cream that will cure this problem.

  2. Yuck yuck yuck! I agree with the dry-hands comment - it's just part of being a nurse. I'm really glad that our hospital switched to the foam cleanser with aloe; I swear it's made a huge difference!

  3. I kind of feel like I need a shower after reading this... Gross.

  4. EEEEww I can totally picture this icky man in my head and I am so sorry you had to run into him!! ICK! Don't you just want to hand people a mask and a little (BIG) bottle of purell when that happens?

  5. How was the Kenny concert?! He put on a great show in Ohio earlier this year!

  6. Ugh. I hate people like that...

  7. Just stumbled across your blog and love it! Sorry about your hands. Happy week to you!

  8. ...I'm going to immediately go home and take a bath in bleach. Thanks for that. :)

  9. Check out my new blog post...I've sent you an award!!

  10. I'm a RN too.. I always carry hand sanitizers with me too.


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