Thursday, April 23, 2009

If I Could Only Remember... The Latte Factor.

Ever heard of the "Latte Factor?"

A term coined by David Bach, money guru and author of "Smart Couples Finish Rich," the "latte factor" refers to the amount of money that many people continually spend on small purchases (like a latte) that adds up to a ridiculously large amount of money over one's lifetime.
Not much of an avid fiction reader like myself, "Smart Couples Finish Rich" is one of Hubs' favorite books. Yes, indeed, a far cry from my current favorite, "Handle With Care" by Jodi Piccoult. But hey, to each their own, right?

In any case, when Hubs let me in on a little secret/flat out told me the hundreds of dollars I could save if I skimped on my daily morning $4 latte, I seriously gave thought to curtailing my caffeinated habit and saving the money for.. well.. other important addictions. Like shoes. And a little Yurman. And a new wardrobe. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

Well, let's say it was a LOT easier said than done. I tried switching to chai tea. I tried using our Krups espresso machine to make my own mocha lattes at home (dis-as-ter!). I even tried going cold turkey. Who was I kidding?

I knew I was going to have to ease myself into cutting back on the coffee. Therefore, I told myself "Lattes on Friday, ONLY!" And it worked.

When I remembered to bring my travel coffee mug with me in the car.

Which happens about 40% of the time.

Hi, My name is Ashley Paige. I am addicted to mocha lattes and I'm a forgetful spaz.


  1. I recently did the same thing to save money I'm now carrying along the travel mug

  2. fridays are my latte splurge days too! rewarding myself for making it through another week:)

    monday-thursday i brew my own coffee at home and add coconut coffee mate creamer....yummy!

  3. Hahaha... well.. I have to admit I am NOT a coffee drinker.... but Im definiately a spaz :) xxoo

  4. haha you're too cute. I save money by depleting the coffee maker @ work! :)

  5. The only thing that cured my latte fix? Making them at home with our Nespresso machine. Instead of spending $4 per latte, we spend 50 cents per latte. Not bad. Besides, I hated carrying around my travel mug - I always left it at the office and then it was too disgusting to use the next day!

  6. I am a total spaz...I have left that damn travel mug everywhere (my porch, hood of my car, at work, on my kitchen counter etc), plus the coffee just tastes better when it costs $4! HA!

  7. I have to set the coffee maker up the night before. I'm talking everything done so all I have to do is press the button before I dry my hair. If you use the funflavored creamers and good coffee grounds, it really does taste qyuit gourmet. I also switched to mainly decaf (which does actually have caf but whatever).

  8. I totally feel your $4 pain...I can't give up my weekly treat!

  9. Since Hubs and I are both fiends, we HAVE to do coffee at home with fun flavored creamers...otherwise we'd spend $50/week on coffee alone (that's $2,600/yr!!!). It's not always FUN, but it is always WORTH IT.

  10. Cute post. I can relate in a caffine sort of way. I am addicted to Dr Pepper. I am trying hard to cut down, I should trade it for water...but it's just too good!! Thanks for sharing.

  11. I've never heard of the term "Latte Factor" before but I totally get it! I've been brewing coffee at home (since I cannot live without it) but it really is such a pain to bring my travel mug. I guess any way to pinch pennies is worth it really does add up!

  12. Ohhh, I feel your pain girlfriend! Starbucks is my worst enemy. And it doesn't help that I have 6 within a 3 mile radius. But my excuse is that I don't smoke, and I don't drink. So my coffee habit isn't 'as bad.' Excuses, I know!

  13. If you really want to save a lot of money,take up cocaine. You will not believe how much money you will be saving when you finally decide to give that up.

  14. This is so true. A few dollars here and there adds up to so much over time. I go through the same thing with eating out at lunch and am trying to be better and pack a lunch.

  15.'ve gotta start somewhere right?? :)

  16. I just started Handle with Care today! I'm 2 pages in & already hooked! AND I registered for an espresso machine just so I could attempt to make my own (my parents used to own a coffee shop, so I'm hoping for success). We'll see!


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