Monday, April 13, 2009

Completely Gratuitous Doggie Picture Post

... of the bad boy who slurped down half a roll of Charmin, as if it were spaghetti, while I was sitting here uploading pictures. Why did I think I could take my eyes off of him?

mom likes to call this hairstyle my "Jersey blowout"

yeah, that's right. i eated the toilet paper. and it was good, too.

just hanging out with my dragon buddy here.

you tryin' to come up here? i says no, lady.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading more of yours! Gorgeous doggy... reminds me of the one from the little mermaid... xxxooo

  2. what a cute dog!! how can you get mad at that face? lol...

  3. Oh my gosh.. too cute!!! I love it! You're making me want one!

  4. He is so Adorable!!! Who could be mad at that face?! ;)

  5. hahah.. what an awesome pup! i love how he appears to have no eyes.

  6. AWWWWWWWWWWWW lol really what made you think you could take your eyes off him,once I took mine off mine(my dog i meant) lol there he was chewing on a twenty buck note :D but no one can stay mad at that face...!!

  7. oh my gosh, your dog is so adorable!!! Love all his fluff!

  8. is that a doodle??? ahh he is precious!

  9. whoops just read that it's an english sheep dog! love him!

  10. OMG...your dog is such a sweetie...even if he did eat the Charmin!!

  11. thanks for stopping by my blog! I love to see that you are as in love with your dog as i am - or should I say your child?! haha! That's how i feel anyway!

  12. haha he is TOOOO cute! a role of charmin?? Terrible! :) but adorable.


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