Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Family. Picture. Love.

I'm a very lucky girl.
Not only has marriage blessed me with a wonderful, loving, passionate, and patient husband but it has also blessed me with two awesome brothers-in-law. And with them, two fabulous fellow North Jersey girlfriends.
Don't even get me started about how three couldn't-get-more-Maryland-if-they-tried boys fell in love with three couldn't-get-more-North-Jersey-if-they-tried girls. Wait, who am I kidding? We North Jersey girls are just plain ol' awesome! No wonder these boys love us so much! What's even crazier is that each of us girls comes from a town located within ten to fifteen minutes of each other. Two of us even went to the same all-girls high school! Very early on we admitted to each other that we should have been friends loooong before tbe M boys came into our lives!
This past weekend was spent with two of my favorite "brothers" (seriously, they're so awesome that I'm not even angry in the least that I didn't get a sister out of the whole marriage deal, considering I already have one awesome brother of my own) breaking in their newly purchased home. Music playing in the background, beer pong tournaments in the newly constructed garage (don't worry they thought about rolling out extra vinyl flooring to protect the floor) and a pick-up game of speed quarters taking over the brand new island in the kitchen.
We couldn't have had more fun if we tried.
Maryland, April 2009

Joe and Krista, Hubs and I, B and Pam
(you might recognize this blogging lady as Pam from over at A Girl, Inspired)
and just to show that some things never change...
Fenwick Island, DE
Summer of 2008
obviously, our signature *group photo* pose
(check out those blonde locks! they are surely a thing of the past, as evidenced by the previous photo!)
Happy Wednesday!


  1. Awe, cute post! And the pictures are adorable :)

  2. Just wanted to say that I love your blog and this post is so cute! What a small world that you girls are from North Jersey and the boys are all from MD. The pictures are so cute and I think it's great that everyone gets along so well.

    Have a great night :)

  3. You guys look amazing! Such bright and vivid colors... pretty! xxoo

  4. FUN! My brother married my best girlfriend and I married his best guy I can definitely relate to your blessed-ness :-) What a cute fam!

  5. I love the pics. Very cute. I'm glad you all get along :)

  6. So cute!! That's awesome that you love your in-laws so much!!

  7. those pictures are almost identical - how funny! and how neat that you are all from the same area......makes such a difference when you get a long w/ your brother/brother-in-laws spouses or girlfriends.

    y'all are adorable!

  8. It's so nice that you all get along so well! Cute pics :)

  9. How fun! It sounds like you married into the right family!! :)

  10. What a cute familly!So glad you get along so well.Cute pics

  11. Both brunette and blond looks good on you! :)

    It sounds like a great time! And you're so blessed to have such a great family. J (my bf) has a small family and only one sister who is younger than me, not to mention shy. Only after 7 years is she starting to habe full conversations with me.

  12. Hi,just dropping by again to say that you have been tagged at

  13. Umm, the fact that we are in the EXACT same pose as the beach pic kinda scares me, haha! I heart our group photo opps!

  14. Hi there! I enjoyed my visit to your blog and viewing the pictures. You gals are beautiful!


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