Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Meet Mandy And Win A $50 Amazon Giftcard!

 It's a magical thing when worlds collide and you get to squeeze the neck of a friend that only previously existed in her little (or in this case kind of big and really fashionable) slice of the internet deep inside your computer. 

Last February when I flew down to Nashville to attend Blissdom I finally got to throw my arms around fellow Boy Mom and ridiculously adorable Mandy from House of Rose Blog. Mandy is one of my absolute favorite blog reads for a variety of reasons and today I'm going tell you not only how much you need to love her also (no really, you need to love her) but I'm going to share a FANTASTIC giveaway that Mandy is offering all ILYMTC Loyals as well.

Mandy is fun, fashionable, brilliant and inspires me to be a better Mom. 
Three of my favorite recent posts written by Mandy include:

That Moment When You Swear You'll Never Take Your Kids In Public Again

What To Wear To A Blogging Conference

The Lessons On Peeing {Mixed Signals}

Without further ado (or adieu, depending in your style)... Meet Mandy!

House of Rose Blog

I'm a boy mom, fountain coke lover, diy wannabe who loves to decorate! Lucky for me I have a dad who can make any Pinterest project a reality! For the last 2 years we've been doing project after project. Feel free to check out our home tour to see some of the amazing Pinterest projects brought to life {thank you dad}. We are currently adopting our 4th child from the Philippines and I quit my full time job to blog. You can read more about how I did that on a site that my husband and I have called Dollars and Roses.

To follow along with Mandy and her crazy boys, finance-savvy husband, fabulous fashion finds and beautifully decorated home, check her out here: House of Rose on Twitter, Pinterest, sign up for the RSS feed and of course....

follow House of Rose on Facebook

Want to enter for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card from the fantastic and fabulous Mandy? Entry is easy, all you have to do is click below! Good luck!


  1. Mandy is one of my favorite reads too. LOOOOVE her and her heart. Boy moms unite!

  2. Awww, thank you diane!! You are so sweet!

  3. Oh wow! Please tell me more details and such offers…
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Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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