Friday, September 23, 2011

So, What HAVE I Been Doing In New Jersey All This Time?

Well, now that I got that off my shoulders, I feel like a brand new woman! Some of you Loyals touched on this, but I just wanted to clarify, by no means was that meant as a "woe is me, don't stop blogging" post. It was actually supposed to be much less woe and much more "you'd better check yo'self, before you wreck yo'self" post. In either case, immense thanks for all of your love, kind words and "i'd cut a bitch for you" emails. Even the one or two of them that made me cry like a big, fat ol' baby. You truly rock my world and once again, it's that genuine niceness and honesty that keeps me coming back for more.  So? Many thanks. 

In other news, I'm still in New Jersey and Poor Lonely Husband did mail me my computer. However, he forgot to include the power cord. It's the thought that counts, right? Rather, I'm beginning to think he did it because he needed just one tiny additional excuse to come back to Jersey to see us. As if C and I taking up minor residence here wasn't enough. 

So, there's that. 

What have I been doing while home this long, you ask? Visiting with my family that flew out to visit from California. They're 1,000 kinds of awesome and with distance being what it is, we don't get to see them nearly as often as we'd like. I wanted to make sure I could spend as much time with them as humanly possibly while they were here- Unfortunately, as you're reading this, they're on their way to the airport to head back west. 

In doing so, I spent some time in New York City at the Feast of San Gennaro. It's an Italian Festival that attracts nearly every person in the tri-state area and crams them into a four block radius. And there's wine and great food and cannoli. Was it worth my sprained ankle and absentmindedly leaving behind a brand new Maclaren stroller we just purchased? 


But? It sure did make for an interesting excursion. Including the crazy hippie protest against Wall Street we were privy to. The one that called for thirty policemen on every corner, billy clubs and lot's of yelling and screaming and the like.

There was also a lot of sushi involved, some shopping and laughing until someone peed their pants. On more than one occasion

Carter learned to stay "stop" and "down" mostly due in thanks to my parent's crazy, neurotic dog and his crazy, neurotic ways as well as figuring out where his "nose" is. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen me tweet a video of C pointing to his nose and then very quickly shoving his finger up his nostril. Boys will be boys, I guess. 

The next few days holds a lot of relaxation, recuperation and a few sessions with little joys. And then Loyals, it'll be back to Home Sweet Home Maryland in no time.  A bit well-rested and of course, a whole lot more homesick. 

Happy Friday, Loyals! C and I hope you have a fantastic weekend!



  1. I love the aggressiveness...makes me love you even more than I already do (if that's possible!)

    Did you really lose your Maclaren stroller? I hope not!!

  2. sounds like loads of fun..... except for the sprained ankle part... and whoever peed their pants part. no good, no good.

    p.s. just read your post below... i would NEVER EVER think that ANYONE could ever talk bad about you. honest truth. that is actually one of the biggest shockers to me. just a bunch of haters than... jealous haters.

  3. Sucks about the stroller. But, at least you left it empty and not filled with Carter. See? There's always a bright side! Ha!

  4. I'm totally jealous:

    A) You are getting Fall. Here -- mid 90s. WTF?
    B) I want wine and sangria-- who cares if it's not noon yet!
    C) Time with family! Love it. W and I are headed to see ours late October and I can't wait for that down time!

  5. So glad you're enjoying family time with your parents and extended fam!

    Ugh on the power cord.

    I was cracking up at your tweets about the parentals and sangria!

    Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  6. LOL about forgetting to send you the power cord...sounds like something I would totally do! I brought my small DVD player the last time I visited my family because my Mom and I were staying in a hotel with the dogs and had a couple movies we wanted to watch. Too bad I left the remote at home :(

  7. Forgetting the power cord is such a husband thing to do haha. At least you'll be home to your computer soon...and your husband but you important things first :) Hope you and C have a good weekend recuperating from that insane trip into the city! Hope your ankle gets to feelin better!

  8. sounds like you're having a blast!

  9. "I'd cut a bitch" e-mails are the best! Great to know when your girls have your back! What a day to sprain the ankle and leave the new stroller-that is a tragedy! Hope you're on the mend.

    Guess Sheepie will be hearing some new words when y'all return :)

  10. Sprain an ankle and lose a stroller...I'd be heated but atleast you had some fun times with your fam! :)

    I also love that you got some 'I'll cut a bitch' messages...aren't blog friends the best :) lol

  11. I'm clearly behind on my blog reading. Just read your "check yo'self" post. Um, seriously? Cannot believe people are hating on you! Obviously, I don't know exactly what was said, but I'd guess that these people probably lead pretty uninteresting lives, and are a little jealous.
    I haven't seen much of the cattiness, but then again, I don't spend alot of time on twitter, I just pop in from time to time.
    Hang in there, girlie! Don't forget you're awesome and that we love you! :)

  12. Family in California??? Don't you think it's time you pay them a visit? Come on out friend!


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