Friday, September 30, 2011

Carterito, Your Mommy Dropped The Ball...

On your 13 and 14 month posts. Better late than never, right? Similar to this idea found here!

Happy Friday, Loyals! Have a great weekend!


  1. Seriously... Just take that boy to Hollywood and you and hubs can sit back and cash in! ;) He's so handsome. I'm also slightly obsessed with sheepie.

  2. I love this idea! I saw it on Pinterest too and think it is a great idea...especially when they get a little older. What program did you use?

    ....and he is so cute! You are going to have to bat off the girls in a few years!

  3. I love these and totally plan on stealing this idea! :)

  4. LOVE this - I saw something similiar on Pinterest and was thinking of changing over to this once Addie gets past the 12 month mark...what program did you use?? Those pics of Carter are absolutely perfect - he has the most amazing blue eyes - hes going to be a heartbreaker:)

    Hope you guys had a great week...happy friday!!

  5. Ok. So I know after yesterday, you will appreciate this:

    Carter looks just like you in the second picture.. His face. His eyes and smile.. OMG!

    I think we are going to have to roadtrip it so Carter and Timothy can hang out.. between the blonde hair, blue eyes and a full set of teeth between the two of them-- the little girls wont stand a chance!

  6. Such a cute idea, and he's adorable in these photos. Love it. Happy Friday!

  7. sweet update. I need to change it up now that evalyn has passed the one year milestone. wah wah.

  8. These are adorable AP! I love them - I too have dropped the ball - I have been writing random things in my planner so I don't forget but I need to get them all in one place and stat!

    I hope you and sweet C have a fabulous weekend!!!

  9. We are soul sisters. I was too lazy to write a 13 month post too and am combining posts! That is so awesome he can say down! Love the idea!

  10. I love these!! I love him! I may be encouraging E to become a "cougar" for this little cutie ;-)

  11. He is such a handsome little man :)


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