Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Eyes

Oh, those baby blues. 

I must've looked through thousands upon thousands of pictures that I've taken of C over this past year and I always keep coming back to this one. So? Here's my entry. 
Love him. 
And I love that he's got his Daddy's eyes. 

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  1. Such a good picture, I can see why you picked it! The ladies are going to be all over those blue eyes

  2. Beautiful eyes your boy has got! Great shot, AP :)

  3. Gorgeous. I so hope for a baby with my blue eyes one day, but happy & healthy matters more!

  4. I love his eyes :).

    I never win either. I have liked up so many times, lol. But it's fun to participate.

  5. So cute! He looks like he is saying, "What?!" hehe
    I have a million eye photos too...

  6. Isn't it hard just to pick ONE?? Such a great shot! :)

  7. So cute!! He has the biggest most beautiful blue eyes :)

  8. Gah I love his baby blues so much!! This picture is so beautiful!!

  9. Lovelovelovelove this picture! Like LOVE. So glad you found my blog! I have been a reader of ILYMTC for a while now :) yay!

  10. love the photo!! Totally makes me smile!


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