Thursday, January 6, 2011

We Missed the Boat- Er.. Plane? Er.. Bandwagon?

Long story short, Hubs and I were laying on the couch Monday night flipping mindlessly through sucky nighttime television programming. None of our staple faves were on so we thought we'd peruse Net.flix to see if we could find any "instant queues" worth watching. That's when I spotted it and jokingly asked my husband, "hey, do you think we should start watching LOST now that the six seasons are over and we never hopped on that cultbandwagon?" And when I say never, I mean we've never, ever seen a single episode.

Long story short, the answer was a resounding "yes." And we didn't watch just one episode. Or two episodes. Or even three episodes. We drank a bottle of wine, stayed up far too late beyond our bedtime and watched four episodes back to back.

Long story short? I'm so addicted it's not even funny. Looks like I know what we'll be doing this weekend over the next few weeks.

For all you Losties out there, here's a chuckle from the one and only huband when Kate, Locke and Michael decide they're going into the jungle to hunt boar:

Hubs: Oh my god. Do you KNOW how hard it is to hunt wild boar? Have you seen Old Yeller?


  1. I am SOOO jealous that you just started wacthing and have all the seasons to get through. What a great show. I miss it!! You guys are in for more than a few more long nights!

  2. Ha I thought we were the only ones who never watched it

  3. This is so funny, because I have never seen an episode either, until I was on maternity leave. We got Netflix then and I would watch Lost while nursing. Well, I was addicted, until season 3 which is really long and I found boring, so I took a 3 month hiatus, and just started it up again a few weeks ago. And, well, I was just off for 2 weeks for the holidays and I'm only slightly embarassed to admit that I finished 3 seasons in those weeks, haha! My husband would often ask when he would get his wife back! It's definitely addicting and I loved every minute of it! I'm afraid to start anything else for fear that it might become life-consuming as well.

  4. We haven't seen it either, and I've been tempted to get it on Netflix... Hmm. You might have just sealed the deal!
    Glad you're enjoying it!

  5. I never started watching Lost. However, over Christmas break we hooked the Wii up to our Netflix. While home with Connor over break I got addicted to Dexter. I am now in season 2 and Adam jokingly asks how many episodes are you going to watch tonight? I am not joking when I respond with 2 or 3! I am so looking forward to getting into season 3 this weekend and watching it ALL DAY LONG!

  6. I have never seen one episode?! Maybe I should start watching from the beginning!! xxoo

  7. HA! We watched the first two season but by the 3rd we were "Lost" it became werid and hard to keep up, so we stopped watching. We wanted to watch the last season to see where they actually where but we were to far behind to.

  8. I started this last summer.. let me just say that your life is now going to disappear... all you care about is LOST. Enjoy!!! Once you get to the last episode, please oh please tell me what you thought!

  9. Prepare for the rest of your forseable future to revolve around Lost. It sucks you in like nothing else. Seriously.

    But, it's so, so, so good. Pure genius.

  10. You will fall deeper and deeper in love.

    I did the same - watched ALL the episodes right before the final season came out. Barely slept for weeks. Worth EVERY lost hour of sleep though.

    And his joke... hilarious. :)

  11. Hubby and I watched the first 2 seasons and then halfway through the 3rd I gave up. It no longer held my interest left me feeling "lost" also like Channa had said. But I know there is a big group of people that absolutely loved the whole series.

  12. We did the EXACT same thing last year and got so addicted and would be up until 1 and 2am...and then I lost (pun intended) interest somewhere around season 4 where it just gets weird (in my opinion). But the first few seasons are addicting!

  13. Oh, man. We just finished watching Lost a couple days ago... but while we were in Sweden, one Saturday we watched it for seven hours straight. Dangerous stuff.


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