Monday, January 10, 2011

A Tweak and A Lift... A Bloglift, That Is!

If you're reading I Love You More Than Carrots in Google Reader, please exit immediately and check out my way, way, way overdue facelift. I know it's annoying to open a new browser on your iPhone or open a new tab if you're using a computer, but I promise you, it's well worth it. You like?
Be honest. Is it easy to navigate? Is it overwhelming? You see those tabbity tabs up there? Yeah, well I learned that they're not really called tabbity tabs and they actually have a real name like "navigation items." But nonethless, click through them! Remind me how I'm such an awful mother that I forgot to upload C's 1 month photo into the "babylove" tab. At this rate, if it's anything like the Emissions Testing on my car, I won't get around to doing it for about a month or so! Shhh, don't tell anyone.
May-jah props to my sweet friend Aliya, over at Aliya Rinaldi Designs, for pimping out my blog. Not only did she take my navy, grey and yellow palette and run with it, she listened to my inner OCD as I pretty much nit-picked the size and placement of, oh, everything. Seriously, she's a saint and super fabulous to work with. If you're in the market for a little upgrade, heck, even an overhaul, please get in touch with her. She works wonders with HTML. 
Happy Monday, readers! Stay tuned for some delish recipies this week, darling photos of Baby C and hopefully a good laugh, or two!    
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  1. I love it!!! So pretty and fun but classy at the same time!

  2. Love it! I blog lifted too! New Year, New Do! I need to get my little tab thingys centered like you. It drives me crazy that they are off center. Please share if you know how. HTML confuses the crap out of me!

  3. Very cute! One of these days I need to do something with my blog, lol...someday....when I have time to brush my teeth and shower all within the same hour ;)

  4. ps: your links in your posts are the same color as your regular you can only tell they're links if you scroll over them. Maybe thats how you wanted it. --just wanted you to be aware--as your loyal blog readers might pick up on that and email you anyway. [had someone do it to me which is why I'm telling you. oh and feel free to delete this comment after its moderated :)]

  5. Love it! Very classy and easy to navigate. I like the tabs at the top too, though I don't think I will ever understand how you are actually excited to turn 30! haha

  6. i love it!! looks great and very easy to read & navigate!

  7. looks great! must be time for new designs because i just had mine done too :)

  8. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Serious blog envy right now! ;) I decided on new years that my design was putting my feet to sleep, so a new one is in the works right now!

    I think it looks awesome - modern, fresh, fun...easy to navigate.

    I love the sub-header tabs at the top (hoping to add that to mine too)! Congrats on the new look....somehow makes blogging a little more fun and appealing huh?

  9. I kind of like tibbity tabs better! HA! Looks good!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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