Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are You A First-Time Diapers.Com User? You Should Be. Here's Why And A Discount Code!

If you're anything like me, you stumbled through the first few weeks of your baby's life sleep deprived and half-numbed by your sudden dazzling status as a parental unit. It was weeks before I was introduced to the amazingness that is and I'm writing today in the hopes that I can save at least one of you out there from suffering the same unknowing fate as I. I'm fairly certain that I've raved about this website time and time again and this time is no different. was started by two super smart Dads who were sick and tired of running out in the middle of the night for a pack of diapers because SOMEBODY (::coughcough:: Hubs) used the last diaper in the stack and forgot to tell someone (yours truly, if you're catching my drift) before it hit dark o' clock and the only store open was the seedy 24-hour convenience store/pharmacy located over the river and through the woods.  
Almost out of diapers? Need a new box of teething biscuits? Is Little Johnny bored of his brand new swing and you're in the market for a new jumperoo? Perhaps Little Susie was just invited to the coolest kid on the block's birthday party and she needs a new outfit to wear. Heck, maybe you're pregnant, patiently waiting for your little one to arrive and you need to stock up on fun things like nursing pads and nipple cream and you don't feel like showing your face in public to purchase those items. Well, look no further. It's all available on Along with about 657,897 other items that I've left out.
Did I mention that it's FREE 2-day shipping on orders over $49 dollars? Wait, it gets even better. I'll fill you in on a little secret. If you order something from their affiliate site,, your order ships for free over $25 dollars. We're talking something as small as a bar of soap or a bottle of hairspray. Just add that sucker to your shopping cart with an order totaling $25 and booyah. Free shipping. That's like, pretty freaking awesome if you ask me.
Order Monday before 3pm and it's on your doorstep in the prettiest little cardboard box you've ever seen the following day. I can't tell you guys how many times I've ordered from this place. How many trips to the drugstore, the supermarket, to Babies R Us, this website has saved me. It has truly been a godsend. And you know a box arrives on my doorstep at the beginning (and middle.. and end) of every month.
AND IT GET'S BETTER. You can mail in your Manufacturer Coupons. Yes, you read that correctly. Mail in your coupons for diapers, wipes, formula, etc. and will save it to your account and apply it to your order.  I know, you're thinking it's too good to be true.
But it gets better. I feel like Oprah all of a sudden. (Unfortunately, I'm not giving away cars or trips to Australia. Sorry kids, I'm just not that popular of a blogger yet!) As a member, I have a membership code to share with all of you FIRST-TIME USERS that is good for 15% off of your FIRST order as well as 30% cashback on all diaper orders. Do you know how amazing that is?
For example, I order a $40 jumbo box of diapers on the first of every month. That's $12 dollars that I get back, credited to my account to put towards anything else I may need. In my book? That's like 12 free dollars screaming, "SPEND ME ON FUN THINGS LIKE TOYS AND BOOKS FOR CARTER!" It's amazeballs. And right up this SAHMama's alley.
The discount code is: ILYMTCBlog. Heck, here's a pretty little banner that you can click directly on. If you don't feel like shopping now, you can always refer to my sidebar where you'll find the discount code in a tinier banner, but just as pretty. discounts
use code:ILYMTCBlog
Buy Baby Items at
Baby Items
Not valid for existing, or customers. Some restrictions apply.

I'll still love you even if you don't shop, but I'll love you a billion times more if you do. Take my word for it, have I ever led you astray before? Happy Shopping!
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  1. I LOVE! My latest box arrived on Tuesday. I always take advantage of the free shipping and I get the 30% cash back on diapers right now. It's so awesome! And even without the 30% cash back or mailing in my coupons, I've found their prices to be better than most stores around here. And I LOVE buying in bulk!

  2. yes yes yes yes!! (picture...the herbal essence commercial?)

    I love everything about this site & I'm always raving about it! I'm so glad I found it. I'm even happier to know that you can mail in coupons! I had no idea!

  3. OMG I love and their prices are so reasonable!

  4. Thanks for the heads up! We will definitely be needing this in a few months:-)

  5. I love - where I had my main registry, and they give you $50 for every $500 people spend. Pretty easy to rack up when you get your stroller, car seat, etc all in one place. Amazing!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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