Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Death Of The Toddler Nap

I knew this day would come. I just didn't think it would be so soon. I should have known better. I thought I had a few more good years and by "a few more" I was thinking at least seven. 

Talk about wishful thinking.

My oldest was never a sleeper. From the day we brought him home from the hospital, he spent much of his waking hours doing exactly that; being awake. Our pediatrician, much to my dismay, exclaimed "some babies just don't need that much sleep!" and as much as I wanted to punch him in the face and exclaim, "BUT I DO!" I smiled and went with it. Exhausted but surviving. 

By six months old, he was down to only one nap per day and at best it would last maybe an hour and a half. I learned very quickly to do whatever I could during that time which at most was watch two DVR'd episodes of Real Housewives and cycle the dryer one or two more times. Okay, I kid. Mostly. But do you know how fast that time flies when you're trying to be productive? 

Clearly I shouldn't have kicked the proverbial napping gift horse in the mouth because at 27 months old, my toddler has decided he is done with napping. 

We're going on day four with no naps and it's nothing short of a miracle that I'm still standing let alone sober.  It was hard enough finding activities to entertain him during his twelve waking hours of the day. What the hell am I supposed to do for that extra hour? 

I know what you're going to say. "What about quiet time?" Believe me. I know all about quiet time. Quiet time in this house quickly turns into "let's empty every single canvas bin of books in my room and use them to scale the dresser" time. Or "I know my mom spent hours painstakingly organizing my closet by color! Didn't she know I'm more of a free spirit and prefer my closet to look like an episode of Hoarders?" time.

I know this is all part of growing up and blah, blah, blah but my toddler needs that nap! 

Or is it me who needs that nap?

Regardless, I'll be uncorking a bottle of wine tonight and pouring just a little bit out for the homies Toddler Nap, suburban mom-style of course. 


  1. no nap at 27 months?! I refuse to face any fact that might say this is ok because i liiiiiive for naptimes and I don't even have my own kid 5/7 days!

  2. My four year old tried to do this at the exact same age: 27 months. I continued to put her down for her nap anyway and she went back to napping after a week or so. I was pregnant with my twins and there was no way in Hell that I was letting her give that nap up! She napped for another year plus. I say keep trying!

  3. Oh my. I would die if this happened at our house. Thankfully, my Carter is going strong at 2-2.5 hour naps most days (more on the 2.5 at daycare, of course).

    I feel so bad for you. Drink up.

  4. Hadley does that sometimes. She'll go a few days without a nap and the she will resume them again. Don't give up hope yet.

  5. I feel your pain. My daughter Emma stopped taking naps when we put her in her "big girl" bed last year at 28 months I believe? She's never been the greatest sleeper anyway but at least before we were able to rely on the crib to keep her there so she had no other choice ha Once that was gone, so were the naps! I kept trying to get her to nap for the next couple months and finally just said screw it! I would fight her for 2 hours about it and by then, it was too late to even be taking a nap! Wasn't worth it. We still struggle with getting her to stay in her bed at night. Think I could use a glass of bubbly over here myself! ;)

  6. WHAAAAT??? Girlfriend! Strap him down. Buy a tent. I kid, I kid. But, WHEW! I sympathize with you, because I don't know what I'd do. (I lie. I would turn on movies and dare him to move while giving him the evil eye. And then I'd do my thang while acting like he was asleep.) Maybe he'll start napping again? Here's to that miracle this Christmas ;)

  7. I dread the day Landon decides to drop his nap. He's only 18 months, so I think I have some time, but I will cry when he stops napping. I NEED some down time

  8. Not much to say except for that royally sucks. Sorry, mama.

  9. Lizzy is the same way with "quiet time".

    I now make her lay on the couch with me every afternoon and watch at LEAST one TV show of my choosing. And if I play my cards right and put on Food Network, she falls asleep a few times a week...and sometimes I can shimmy out from under her, and she'll nap on the couch for a bit. It's not ideal, but better than nothing!

  10. Our daughter is almost 3 (January) and half the time she won't nap. She is also a holy terror by 4pm if she does not nap and we all want to pull our hair out.

    If she doesn't take a nap we are totally laying on the couch watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Caillou.

  11. Oh bless your soul. I am terrified of the day Bennett gives up his nap. I think that time is coming, soon.

  12. Oh no! That doesn't sound like fun at all. Here's to hoping he gets tired soon and needs a nap anyway! ;)

  13. I am not looking forward to the day my son no longer wanted to nap. At 14 months he is already trying to get away from his morning nap and believe me he still needs that nap even if it is only for 30 minutes. Good luck and enjoy the wine tonight!

  14. My older son dropped his nap at the same age. He was always one of those kids who didn't need much sleep either. He did really well with the nap being gone. I missed it, though. Until number 2 came along. I'm so busy with them both, and the baby takes all his naps on me in the wrap. I don't even notice that the older one doesn't nap.

    I also still go to bed at the same time as the kids, at this point, so I have NO alone time anymore... except when I'm lying awake in the middle of the night. Which happens a lot, unfortunately.

  15. Thankfully my son takes after my husband in the sleep department. I won't even tell you how long he naps 1. Because I'm a believer in the internet jinx and I'm not risking that shit and 2. I don't want you to punch me in the face.

  16. Bless your heart.
    I'm not a mommma but I can only imagine your pain :)

  17. Can I tell you that this post terrifies me? My son is just 16 months, but he dropped down to one nap super early, and he's basically on the move, non-stop during his waking hours. I hope you at least get an earlier bedtime out of this!

  18. Oh no. This is so scary. G hates sleeping too and "doesn't need much sleep." L, at 5 and 1/2, STILL takes a nap every once in a while. G's going to give it up any day now. I just know it. *shudders*

  19. We've come to this time with Chloe too. She hasn't napped for us in well over a month....probably closer to 2. But she naps for at least an hour and a half at day care! OH well. We've accepted it. We just get bed time earlier on the weekends. Which is nice! So in the end, it works out for the best. :-) You'll make it....sober or not, you will!

  20. I am right there with you. LIterally, we are on day 4 of no naps and I told the husband I didn't think it was safe for me to drive I'm so tired (& I only have one kid). I don't think this is the end of Noah's naps, maybe I'm naive, but we've gone longer than 4 days in a row before. Just as jet lag left us, naps left us too. I'm CONVINCED it's something else... I hope it is for you to. Just keep trying! I'll be trying with you!

  21. I got lucky and both kids have always been good sleepers. My oldest gave up naps at 2 and it was a sad sad day...but when 7:00 rolls around...both kids go to bed and there is no fights...I can deal w/ a 7pm bedtime.

  22. Oh I dread the day the naps stop, after reading this, I will never waste another nap on housechores again... I mean watching tv again!

  23. Good lord. My sympathies. Atrocious. Naptime is the best time of day. And it never lasts long enough - I'm lucky to get an hour. And lately, he seems to be creeping towards one nap a day.

    We're currently in the sleepy throes of transition-to-the-crib. With a child that has really only slept longer than 3-5 hours, oh, fewer than 10 times (it's definitely a can't-fall-asleep problem vs. a cosleeping problem, so don't be scared! ;-) ). It's actually going better than I expected, but what a pain in the ass. At least if he's in bed with us, I just need to roll over and get him back to sleep (I mean, stuff a boob in his face). Now? Get up. Stumble down the hallway. Stand in an awkward, over-the-crib embrace. Rub back. Repeat. Back to bed.

    Seriously, how in heavens name are you managing this?!?! Mimosas, I hope. I think I'd legit go batshit crazy. I hope for your sake that he really loves independent play and doesn't get grouchy in place of the nap. Sending mental prayers and wine.

  24. I think it's God's humor. My brother (a hellion) slept only 5 hours a night (still does), while my sister (the good one) sleeps 12+ hours a night. And if my future kiddos take after their dad, I know I'll have some of this coming in the future!


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