Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Maclane Allen :: Month Six

Dear Mac-Attack,

It feels like just yesterday I was writing your three month update and just the day before that, your birth story. Our days are so full that they are flying by at an alarmingly fast pace. You are growing, changing and learning new things right before our eyes. Literally, I could blink and miss something.

Weight: 21lbs.
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Green/Hazel
Diapers: Size 4
Clothes: 12 month sleepers
6-12 month GAP onesies and miniBoden

I would will time to slow if I could but at the same time, it's so exciting watching you discover new things.

You have no time nor tolerance to be idle, sweet boy. You love to be on the floor and on the move, rolling all over the place. You've mastered "sitting up" although with your chubby belly, it's more "resting your belly on your thighs" than actual sitting. But you love it and you'll play that way for a few minutes before rolling over onto your side and then all across the room. 

You are full of noises this month. In addition to your "Ma-ma-ma's" you've started with your "Ga-ga-ga's" and you'll chatter away to yourself and anyone else who will listen. You especially love talking to your brother. 

Speaking of your brother, you continue to be absolutely enamored by him. The minute he walks into the room it's all eyes on him and no matter what time of day, he can always get you to belly laugh. You think he is just the funniest little boy. You also love to pull his hair. He, however, is not so fond. 

You celebrated your first Family Christmas with Daddy's side of the family and as we gear up to celebrate your first Christmas in New Jersey, I can't help but get excited at the prospect of you and your brother joining in cahoots later on in life digging through our house searching for Santa's secret hiding spot. 

Everyone keeps saying how you're just the most mellow baby and it's true. You hardly cry and very rarely fuss. When you do, you shut your eyes real right and "complain" often refusing to look at us until you get what you want. 

After successfully trying oatmeal cereal a couple times last month, I thought it might be time to get to the good stuff and so I whipped up a batch of pears for you. You hated them. You pursed your little lips and staunchly refused to eat them. What baby doesn't like pears? Since then, we've been a little slow to introduce more solids but come 2013? Oh, little boy. Prepare yourself. Solid city. 

Your Daddy and I have given up on trying to get you to take both the pacifier and the bottle. Despite trying just about every brand and every nipple known to man, you just. won't. take. it. Perhaps that's the little overachiever in you. It looks like we'll be moving right to sippy cups!

No teeth have made their appearance yet although they've got to be right around the corner with the amount of drool you're producing. Your fingers, toes and toys are always in your mouth! Thankfully it hasn't affected your sleep just yet but I know those nights are coming. 

You're still sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bed although with 2013 just around the corner, those nights are numbered. Part of me is hoping Daddy forgets this "rule" and we get to sneak in a few more weeks of co-sleeping. There's just something to be said for not having to wake up in the middle of the night and fumble my way down to the nursery to feed you! 

You're waking 1-2 times over night to eat and eating roughly every four hours during the day with a couple of quick little "snacks" thrown in for good measure. It's no secret that you love your food, sweet boy!

You have the best personality, Maclane and are an absolutely light to anyone and everyone who meets you. Within seconds you bring a smile to their face with your bubbly personality, bright green eyes and dashing little smile. Don't ever lose that, sweet boy of mine.

Happy Six Months, Mac Allen. We love you more than carrots. Love, Mommy, Daddy and Carterito.


  1. What a cutie!! You can see how much personality he has in the photos you chose. Love it. :)

  2. he is adorable. I cant believe he's 6 months already

  3. What a sweet, happy and oh so adorable baby! I WISH I could get my, uh stuff, together to do monthly updates on baby girl! One day, soonish!

    I love to see the sibling pictures - the adoration seems mutual :)

  4. Good Lord, that's one good looking kid.

  5. How is he 6 months already...holy moly slow down kiddo!!

  6. what a cutie! love him! can't believe he's 6 moths old already!

  7. I could squeeze those chubber thighs. Yum! :)

  8. How can you not eat him up?! He is adorable.

  9. Seriously?! Mac is so cute!!! I absolutely love that first pic of him "flying" on his belly. Happy 6 Months, sweet boy!

  10. It can't be!!! 6 months?! He is adorable!!!!

  11. 6 months! Wow, I feel like you just did his last update. The flying belly pic is adorable!

  12. I can't believe he's six months old already!! I just love his sweet smile.

    Time flies!

  13. Oh my gosh, this post is amazing! It seems like we were waiting last week to see updates on when you would have him. How on earth have 6 months really flown by?

  14. What an adorable little boy. Time does pass by pretty quickly doesn't it? Especially when we have little markers of time before our eyes. I haven't been over here in a while and am so glad that I stopped by..what a lovely platform you have. All the best - Monica


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