Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wee One Wednesday :: BabyLegs and Dipes.


Because only the cool kids rock out in BabyLegs and a dipe.

When left to our own devices, what else is there to do than pull out the camera and throw down an impromptu photo sesh? I'd be lying if I said this didn't happen daily. I fear for future child #2 as I'm fairly certain they won't be 1/100th photographed the way C is. I can't believe how much less baby my son is looking and how he's taking on much more of a boyish appearance. Pretty soon he'll no longer be Baby C, but Little Boy C! And oh, did I mention those eyes? Double swoon...

Happy Wednesday, Loyals!
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  1. Look how he is modeling for you mommy! He's giving you his "blue steel" :)

  2. He is majorly losing his "baby"ness. He looks so toddleresque here.

  3. I love baby legs!!! B is just big enough to wear his.

  4. Love! He is starting to look so grown now!!! Presh as usual though

  5. Oh my this is too much cuteness!!
    You have to get this photo put on a canvas as well! It's too cute not to

  6. Good gracious he is precious! Those eyes just make me melt. Loooove love! Happy Wednesday, sweet girl! Hope you've been doing great...I've been a terrible commenter, but I'm always reading, promise! And you never fail to crack me up :)

  7. that face! those lips!!! heart.breaker!

  8. He is seriously so cute, I said aww out loud when I saw his picture! And you are right, he is getting to be a big boy!! :)

  9. I just upped my little guy from Baby to Little. No denying they keep growing.

    C is such a cutie!

  10. OMG, that is so stinking cute! Coolest little dude ever!

  11. He looks so grown up! How time flies.. :)

  12. LOVE the BabyLegs! He's too precious.

  13. OK. He's too damn handsome. Also? I see so much less "babyness". hmph.

  14. he does look like a little boy!!! how do you make that stop?!?!?

  15. Such a little man! Love the babylegs!

  16. He is adorable!! And I love babies in their diapers and baby legs!!


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