Monday, June 24, 2013

Revenge, Monday-Haters, eBay Addicts And More...

I used to love Mondays. I used to love the promise of a new week- it was like being granted a Do Over day that allowed you to determine the kind of turn your week would take. And then I would step out of bed and remember how much Mondays suck. Especially if the Sunday before was particularly wonderful and summery.

Do any of you watch Revenge? I understand I’m way late to jump on this scandalous bandwagon but good lord, I cannot stop watching. I finished season 1 in a little over one week which says a lot about how much I neglected my children in exchange for a little extra free time to stream.
I’m kidding, mostly, but I will say that in this last week those M boys sure learned to settle disputes between themselves.

Back to Revenge, OHMYGOD I AM OBSESSED. The kind of obsessed that stays awake until 1 and 2 in the morning just to squeeze in an extra episode or three. I can’t hang anymore. My children have sucked any ounce of cool “let’s stay up until 2am and hang”-ness out of me so the sole fact that I stayed up this last for multiple nights on end says a lot. As does the four cups of coffee that I am averaging per day.

As for Emily Thorne and Victoria Greyson’s wardrobe? I would like it all. Tomorrow.

I am addicted to eBay. I tend to go through these spurts when I’m all, “ew, I would never buy something on eBay” and then I come across a fantastic deal on overpriced children’s shoes, a handbag or perhaps even a pair of vintage women’s shorts and I’m all “eBay me all the things!”

Speaking of shopping, I swear I unsubscribe from at least 8-10 email listings per day and I still manage to wake up to sale emails tempting me. This would explain the packages that tend to arrive on our porch as I’m left scratching my head as to how they got here. Sleep-shopping is a real thing, friends. A real and dangerous thing.

I need to write a post filled with all of the hilarious things Carter is saying. He leaves me in stitches multiple times throughout the day whether it’s a funny way of pronouncing a word or one of his true “Carter-isms” and I know by next week he will correct his pronunciation and the words will never sound like that again so I need to write them down now because he’s growing up too fast and before I know it he’ll be off to college and too cool to say things on command like, “I want to wide my moco-cicle all the lib long day.”

I’ve been in New Jersey these past few days and I swear it gets harder and harder to leave the longer I stay. Thankfully my boss doesn’t mind my temporary leave of absence from Maryland but I’m thinking of starting a petition to grant us a move back to Pennsylvania. Something about the four and a half hour ride home that makes me want to gauge my eyes out with Lego and if we just moved back to Pennsylvania we’d be half of the way closer. And let’s face it, Pennsylvania is > than Maryland any day.  

Did you have a good weekend? Are you already counting down the minutes until Friday like I am? If you need me, I’ll be drowning myself in my third mug of coffee and duct taping the boys to the floor so that I can begin season 2 of Revenge. Points for honesty?

Happy Sucky Day After Sunday, friends.  

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  1. OMG! Yes! I start counting down till Friday the minute I wake up on Monday! LOL

    and re: the sale emails- have you noticed the new gmail where they separate the emails so that promotions/sale emails are in a separate tab? BRILLIANT!!!

  2. We were like that when we started Revenge. We watched the whole first season on a rainy weekend until 3 am each morning lol! And if you think Revenge is good, catch up on Scandal!!!!

  3. Just finished the last episode of the second season yesterday, and now I have no clue what to do with myself. Withdrawals.

  4. I looove Revenge and Emily's wardrobe.

    You need to watch Scandal also. That's my other obsession.

  5. Yeahhh, I like Revenge as well (I even got hubby into it!). Is season 2 on Netflix yet?

    I do want to give Scandal a try too!

  6. OMG I love Revenge! Joe watched with me for awhile, but I think it got too 'soap/opera' for him. I need to see the last few episodes from this season though!! I adore all of her clothes and Victoria's house/decor. LOVE. Enjoy your week mama!

  7. Mondays especially suck if you wasted all of Sunday on the couch with a sinus infection from hell that has lasted almost 2 weeks. SO yeah...mondays do SUCK.

  8. Revenge Season 1 was great, I have to worn you that Season 2 kind of blows, at least until the Finale which was awesome.

  9. I've been on a shopping spree latley too including Ebay. I've told myself no more for a few months. Shelby has so many clothes that she still needs to wear!

  10. I love Revenge! I've only seen season 1 so far. I'm anxiously awaiting season 2 to be on Netflix.

  11. Pennsylvania IS better than Maryland. ;)

  12. Hi AP! Love your blog, LOVE "Revenge", but as a MD native and unfortunate PA resident, I have to heartily disagree with your assertion that PA>MD (it hurt just typing that). MD is the and always will be. I appreciate your desire to be closer to NJ, but come on....MD=crabs and OCMD, how can anything compete with those?!?!

  13. totally wanted to start revenge but netflix only has 1 season! and the thought of having to wait after i finish drives me nuts! ah!

  14. Revenge is my new favorite show!! I started watching it on Netflix at work (shh!) and I could not stop watching until I caught up last season! So good!! I have heard about Red Widow that follows it and have been told I should watch it. Have you seen that one?

    And I definitely know what you mean about online sale emails! I had to unsubscribe because it's been getting out of hand lately. I have been really good this month and only bought a mustard cardigan I've been wanting at a thrift store and some jewelry. There are tons of things still on my list but those sales emails never end well!

    Exploring My Style

  15. i love Revenge as well! this past season was ok but I feel like it's just going to get better! have you seen "scandal"? if you haven't? consider it your newest obsession. LOVE.

  16. I'm crawling through season 2.. Screw PA.. I need y'all to move to KY.. So carter can say things like "what's at hillbilly doin? He's walkin down the road.. Nekked as a jaybird"
    Yep.. Recent car convo.

  17. Coincidentally I started Revenge the same time as you! I manage to squeeze an episode or two in every day. You'll LOVE Scandal too if you havne't seen that. Gosh I haven't shopped eBay in a long time...but I hear ya on that!

  18. So stinking funny. Really.

    I started and caught up on Revenge last summer I believe. I am so hooked. And yes, their wardrobe's are AH-mazing. Let's go raid the set, ok?

  19. My sister just got my hooked on Revenge. My husband and I watched season 1 on Netflicks in a week and Season 2 on Hulu in another week. We are addicted and cannot wait for fall!!!!

  20. The eBay thing? That's me, for sure!!
    I'm all like "Eww, someone else sweat in those yoga pants", and a week later, "What? Lululemon for half the price, I have to buy every pair in my size on the whole site"

  21. I'm late to this but just wanted to say how much I love Revenge too! Have you caught up to the finale for Season 2? It gets GOOD, despite going a bit downhill earlier in the season! Can't wait for the next season to start!


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