Monday, July 11, 2011

Link Up Your Ink at ILYMTC

If you were to pass by me on the street, you would think without a shadow of a doubt, "I bet she's not a 'tattoo-kind-of-girl.'" And it's true. I guess you could say that my outward appearance doesn't necessarily scream "Ink Me!" However, I guess what I need to ask then is, "What do "tattoo-kind-of-people" look like?" Because I'm pretty sure I look like one now

Can I let you in on a little secret? After watching these two girls perform on American Idol over the last few years, I've always dreamt of rocking a half-sleeve of my own. Seriously.

You can read here all about my brand new and very first tattoo. It's has a ridiculously special, tear-inducing meaning behind it and I have a sinking feeling it certainly won't be my last. Here's what I didn't write about...

The night before my appointment, I drove to the studio with my Dad and baby. Yes, you read that correctly. The studio asked that I drop off a small deposit as well as the art I was planning on getting. Easy enough. As soon as I opened the door to the dimly lit storefront, I definitely thought to myself, "oh hell, what am I doing?"

"Rawr, Rawr, kill your mother, Screaming, Screaming, Wipe her blood all over the floor" music, or so my Dad likes to call it, was blaring through the speakers hanging haphazardly from the ceiling. Surrounded by ultraviolet lights, black walls and people wearing only black and some variation of black, I'm fairly certain I stood out like a sore thumb in my JCrew paisley print top and pink shorts. 

And you know, toting my Dad and child in tow didn't scream, "Tattoo Virgin" either.

Five minutes later we were back in the car and on our way home. My appointment was confirmed for 12pm the following day and you damn well know I went to bed feeling like a little kid on Christmas Eve. 

Waking up that morning it was all I could think about. I literally counted down the hours until it was time to leave at 11:30. The Husband quickly volunteered to stay behind with C and so off I went with my Dad and brother for moral support. 

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't this-close-to-vomiting nauseous. But I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't ridiculously excited. Before leaving the house, my mother insisted I bring with me and towel and an ice pack. You know, just in case. Thanks, Mom.

I never stopped talking. From the moment I sat down with Dan, the artist, I nervous-talked my way through the entire process. The shaving of my wrist, the sanitizing, the stenciling. Even the application of "numbing cream." I use quotes there because let's just say there was nothing numbing about the cream. 

Dan reassured me it was as if he was "just writing with a pencil," and that he would "start with the first line" so that I could get an idea of how it would feel. He promised the whole thing would be over in less than 15 minutes. He also reminded me not to hold my breath, keep breathing and request a break if necessary.

Okay, I was in for a five-letter tattoo. I'm not that much of a sissy. There would be no break-taking.

I can still hear the warm buzz of the needle. If I think hard enough I can still feel it as it wrote along my wrist. It kind of felt like 1,000 tiny little bee stings. It was more annoying than anything else. A feeling you wish you could just stop. 

Yes, it was painful. The most painful parts occurred when Dan would tattoo over the tendons in my wrist. I could feel a little "crunch" and a tingle would stretch it's way from my elbow back down to my wrist. 

My Dad cracked jokes and my brother stood by with the camera. At nineteen years old, he already has a drawing mocked up for his first tattoo. When all was said and done, he asked for a quote. I'll admit, it's a pretty sweet tattoo...

As promised, I was all done in less than fifteen minutes. From the moment I saw it, I was hooked. It was as perfect as I had imagined. I snapped a few more pictures before Dan smeared it with antibiotic ointment and covered it with a bad-ass black bandage. 

He rattled off a list of Care Instructions but I was barely listening. I couldn't wait to get home and show everyone. On the way back we stopped for Dial Soap and Aquaphor. The Dial Soap reminded me of when I had my belly button pierced back in college and the Aquaphor, well, reminded me of C's tushie. 

I've ruined two pairs of JCrew chino shorts with that damn Aquaphor. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about- I've had to smear that greasy, thick ointment on my ink for the last week. Thankfully, I've now graduated to smearing on simple body lotion. Much less detrimental to clothes. 

Well, Loyals. There you have it! Now, share your ink and the story behind it! We'd love to see pictures! Happy Monday!  


  1. Wow, AP. Was your wrist really so hairy he had to SHAVE it??? ;)

    Love the story, though...I enjoy living vicariously though as you someone who could never pull of a tattoo - or even feather extensions!

  2. My post is an oldie, but a goodie! Love sharing my ink and can't wait for the next one! You're brave for going with the wrist....I don't know why, but I don't think I could do it. Seems like it would be a very tender area!!

  3. I love tattoos! I dream of rocking a half sleeve too, but i'm definitely not awesome enough to pull it off. For now, I just have a heart tattooed on my hip. Hubs isn't a big fan of it so it may be my one and only! :(

  4. I love it. I've been really wanting one on my wrist lately. I'm linking an old post, hope that's ok!

  5. I'd totally link up if I had a tat, which I don't. :) I have always talked about it but can never come up with something meaningful or cool or whatever would drive me to get one. Love yours!

  6. I love your tattoo and the meaning behind it... its beautiful!
    AND I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to rock a 1/4 or 3/4 sleeve!!!!

  7. I'm loving this post and link up! I have a tat, so therefore am a member of the #CMTC, but I'm being too lazy to write a post and link it up right now. Maybe tonight....

  8. So what did your dad say when you told him that you wanted the tat?

  9. hey girl :) yeah i def would love to link up to you and let you know about my tat! :) xo

  10. Love your tattoo! I really want tomget our wedding anniversary in roman numerals on my wrist, but Mr. doesn't want me to. Love that your dad and brother went too. Totally fabulous. Did you drink lots of wine after? You better have.

  11. how did I not find this and link up???? I love tattoos! I have seven and counting! UGH! So pissed I missed it.


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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